

第一章 Environmental Security,Green Chemistry Environmental Security,Green Chemistry

1、 The impact of environmental change on , which may emerge from situations of resource and overuse of resources. (food shortage /conflict formation)
答案: conflict formation

2、 Tensions can also arise out of a context of contested , such as oil production, mining.(money /resource wealth)
答案: resource wealth

3、 There is now growing recognition of the important inter-connections between . (resourse shortage and economic development / environment security and sustainable development)
答案: environment security and sustainable development

4、 (Reduce pollution and zero emission / Reduce pollution and decrease emission) are two important thoughts in the concept of green chemistry.
答案: Reduce pollution and zero emission

5、 Chemistry is a process of constantly creating .(new crystal, production and materials / new molecules, substances and materials)
答案: new molecules, substances and materials

6、 The topic of 9th World Engineering Education Forum 2019 is Disruptive Engineer Education for . (Environmental security / Sustainable Development)
答案: Sustainable Development

7、 The benefits of reducing the waste food are saving money, reducing emissions and conserving energy and resources. (ethylene / methane)
答案: methane

8、 (April 24th /April 22ed) is the Earth Day every year?
答案: April 22ed

9、 The purpose of establishment of the Earth Day is to enhance and cultivate citizens’ .(self-protection / environmental awareness)
答案: environmental awareness

10、 The time of the World Environment Day is at every year. (June 5th / July 5th)
答案: June 5th

11、 Another activities of cultivating citizens’ environmental awareness is the . (World Ocean Day / World Environment Day)
答案: World Ocean Day

12、 The topic of the World Environment Day in 2018 is . (Water Pollution / Plastic Pollution)
答案: Plastic Pollution

第二章 Smog,Photochemical Smog,Global Warming Smog,Photochemical Smog,Global Warming

1、 90% of the atmosphere is located in . (Stratosphere / Troposphere)
答案: Troposphere

2、 The percent by volume larger than the average value in the atmosphere is called . (wastes / pollutions)
答案: pollutions

3、 refers to the return of 84% of the energy radiated from the surface of the earth.(Green Chemistry / Global Greenhouse Effect)
答案: Global Greenhouse Effect

4、 , such as ash, soot, metal oxides and even sea salts, play a major role in air pollution.(Solid particles / Liquid particles)
答案: Solid particles

5、 Generally, smog exists at the , where industrial and human activities.(urban areas / village areas)
答案: urban areas

6、 Aerosols are usually solids, though some are tiny .(droplets of liquid / aerosol of liquid)
答案: droplets of liquid

7、 According to the cause of formation, smog can be divided into industrial smog and smog.(photophysical / photochemical)
答案: photochemical

8、 In aerosols, sunlight splits NO2 into .(NO and atomic oxygen / oxygen and atomic N)
答案: NO and atomic oxygen

9、 and oxygenates are two kinds of VOCs. (Hydrocarbons / Carbo-nitrides)
答案: Hydrocarbons

10、 The main substances destroying the ozone layer are .(Chlorobromocarbons / Chlorofluorocarbons)
答案: Chlorofluorocarbons

11、 The wavelength range of UV-B is .(280 nm-320 nm / 320 nm-360 nm)
答案: 280 nm-320 nm

12、 Although ozone is a pollutant in the , it is very necessary for the health of atmosphere of the earth in the stratosphere. (troposphere / stratosphere)
答案: troposphere

13、 The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of earth contains .(List 3 kinds)
答案: carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone

14、 The reason of global warming is the earth’s has been changed.(energy balance / ecological balance)
答案: energy balance

15、 Generally, the pH value of normal rain is 5-6. However, the pH value of acid rain is .(1-3 / 3-5)
答案: 3-5

16、 The method to solve the acid rain problem is the threat of acid rain. (avoiding / neutralizing)
答案: neutralizing

17、 Generally, the acid rain can damage stone statues, trees and forests. It can corrode as well.(plastics / metals)
答案: metals

18、 In order to reduce SO2 emission, the most effective way is of the coals. (desulfurization / burning)
答案: desulfurization

19、 The three kinds of coal desulfurization process are oxidative desulfurization, reduction desulfurization and . (physical desulfurization / biological desulfurization)
答案: biological desulfurization

20、 In the process of burning, we use the method for the desulfurization of the coals. (biological / chemical)
答案: chemical

第三章 The Structure and properties of Water, Water Pollution The Structure and properties of Water, Wa

1、 The name of the website for the water environment problem established by United Nations is . (www.unwater.org / www.water.org)
答案: www.unwater.org

2、 The most obvious type of water pollution is water pollution. (surface / deep)
答案: surface

3、 Pure drinking water contains some , not only H2O. (heavy metals / mineral)
答案: mineral

4、 The specific heat capacity of water is J/(g×℃). (6.814 / 4.184)
答案: 4.184

5、 of water is almost the largest among all the liquids (except mercurg). (Surface tension / Density)
答案: Surface tension

6、 Geometry of the basic unit of the extended hydrogen bonding structures in ice is . (tetrahedron / octahedron)
答案: tetrahedron

7、 Meteorological conditions, geographical conditions and are the three factors affecting water cycles. (human activities / chemicophysical conditions)
答案: human activities

8、 The development of agriculture or deforestation can lead to changes in , infiltration, runoff etc. (solidification / water evaporation)
答案: water evaporation

9、 The expression of 4 types of concentration in water solution are percentage, , parts per billion and molarity. (parts per thousand / parts per million)
答案: parts per million

10、 The main types of water pollution are two kinds, which are point source and pollution. (general sourse / nonpoint source)
答案: nonpoint source

11、 Atmospheric deposition industrial waste water, sewage and solid waste disposal sites are the main sources of pollution. (water / soil)
答案: water

12、 affects people immediate environments and leads to water related illnesses.(Sewage disposal / Processing waste gases)
答案: Sewage disposal

13、 Another kind of toxic pollution comes from , such as lead cadmium and mercury. (light metals / heavy metals)
答案: heavy metals

14、 Most plastics are not they don’t break down naturally in the environment. (chemdegradable / biodegradable)
答案: biodegradable

第四章 Urbanization, Soil Erosion,Solid Waster Urbanization, Soil Erosion,Solid Waster

1、 Which of the following option is not the land pollution ?

A: Solid waste
B:Waste disposal
C:Food waste
答案: Food waste

2、 Normally, urbanization is directly associated with innovation, industrialization and the

答案: sociological

3、 Global urban population is growing to the rate of at 2020.

答案: 40%

4、 What is the average foresting rate of the world in 2011 with respect to 1990?

答案: ~90%

5、 The opencast diamond ores also will lead to the pollution except land pollution.






















