

第一章 气体 第一章 单元测验

1、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第1张The above is a useful mnemonic ( easy to memorize) for the laws associated to the ideal gas equation. Which law states that “when the pressure on a sample of a dry gas is held constant, the absolute temperature and the volume will be in direct proportion”.

A:Avogadro’s Law;
B:Gay-Lussac’s Law;
C:Charles’ Law;
D:Boyle’s Law
答案: Charles’ Law;

2、 Under which of the following sets of conditions does a real gas behave most like an ideal gas.

A:high pressure, small volume;
B:high temperature, low pressure;
C:low temperature, high pressure;
D:None the above
答案: high temperature, low pressure;

3、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第2张In accordance to Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, the “most probable rate” of gas molecules (vp) can be calculated by:

A:Equation 1;
B:Equation 2;
C:Equation 3;
D:None the above
答案: Equation 1;

4、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第3张The observed Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution shift corresponds to the following difference in temperatures.

B:T1 D:I don’t understand the question
答案: T1

5、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第4张The distribution of speeds of oxygen molecules at 300 K is shown in the figure. The correct ordering for speed is:

A:u < va < vm
B:va < vm < u
C:vm < u < va
D:I don’t understand the question
答案: u < va < vm

第二章 热力学第一定律 quiz-2

1、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第5张The type of thermodynamic system shown in the figure is:

A:isolated system;
B:closed system;
C:open system;
D:a combination of systems
答案: open system;

2、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第6张Among the following examples of quasi-static processes which takes place at constant volume?

A:adiabatic process
B:isobaric process
C:isochoric process
D:isothermal process
答案: isochoric process

3、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第7张In accordance with the above figure, work (W) done by a system is a state function:

A:True. It depends on the initial and final states and on the path.
B: True. It doesn’t depend on the initial and final states nor on the path
C:False. It depends on the initial and final states and on the path.
D:False. It doesn’t depend on the initial and final states nor on the path
答案: False. It depends on the initial and final states and on the path.

4、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第8张Using the ideal gas law, we can demonstrate Mayer’s relation:

A:Cp – Cv = nR
B:Cp Cv= nR
C:Cp + Cv = nR
D:None the above
答案: Cp – Cv = nR

5、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第9张An adiabat depicts the variation of pressure with volume when a gas expands adiabatically. Note that pressure declines more steeply for an adiabat than it does for an isotherm because:

A:temperature is constant
B:temperature increases in the adiabat
C:temperature decreases in the adiabat
D:pressure is variable
答案: temperature decreases in the adiabat

第二章 热力学第一定律 quiz-3

1、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第10张The label that better fits to the process indicated by is:

A:Endothermic ;
答案: Endothermic ;

2、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第11张This schematic makes sense if:

A: is solid and is liquid
B: is gas and is liquid
C: is gas and is solid
D: is liquid and is solid
答案: is gas and is liquid

3、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第12张The enthalpy change offor mation for the above reaction in kJmol-1 is:

A:-150 kJ mol-1
B:+150 kJ mol-1
C:+15 kJ mol-1
D:-15 kJ mol-1
答案: +15 kJ mol-1

4、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第13张Ionic solids tend to be very stable compounds. The enthalpies of formation of the ionic molecules cannot alone account for this stability. These compounds have an additional stability due to the lattice energy of the solid structure. However, lattice energy cannot be directly measured. The Born-Haber cycle allows us to understand and determine the lattice energies of ionic solids. The Born-Haber Cycle is essentially Hess’s Law applied to an ionic solid. Hess’s Law states that:

A:The dissociation of a compound is always an endothermic process.
B:the heat of formation of a compound may be positive or negative,
C:The overall change in energy of a process can be determined by breaking the process down into steps, then adding the changes in energy of each step.
D:Sublimation energy, the energy required to cause a change of phase from solid to gas, by passing the liquid phase. has always a positive value
答案: The overall change in energy of a process can be determined by breaking the process down into steps, then adding the changes in energy of each step.

5、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第14张The Joule-Thomson coefficient (µJT)is a measure of the change in temperature with pressure during a constant enthalpy process. Mathematically stated:20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第15张All real gases have an inversion point at which the value of µJT changes sign. For a gas with a temperature below the inversion point, a positive value of µJT means that after expansion:

A:Gas temperature increases
B:Gas temperature remains constant
C:Gas temperature decreases.
D:None the above
答案: Gas temperature decreases.

第三章 热力学第二定律 quiz-4

1、 At this point of our understanding, Gibbs free energy is a thermodynamic potential that can be used to calculate the maximum of reversible work that may be performed by a thermodynamic system at:

A:A constant temperature and pressure.
B:A variable temperature and pressure
C:A constant temperature but variable pressure
D:All the above
答案: A constant temperature and pressure.

2、 Helmholtz free energy is a thermodynamic potential that measures the useful work obtainable from a closed thermodynamic system at:

A:A constant temperature and pressure
B:A constant temperature and volume
C:A variable pressure and variable temperature
D:None the above
答案: A constant temperature and volume

3、 In accordance to Boltzmann, the change in entropy for a given process can be calculated using20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第16张Here, Ω1 indicates:

A:The final number of microstates.
B:The initial number of microstates.
C:The number of microstates in equilibrium.
D:The total number of microstates.
答案: The initial number of microstates.

4、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第17张If in the p-V plot the curves indicate isothermic processes (T1 to T3), in the T-S plot, and for three different conditions, the curves indicate:

A:Endothermic processes;
B:Exothermic processes
C:Isobaric processes
D:Isochoric processes
答案: Isobaric processes

5、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第18张From the definition of Helmholtz free energy (A) is not difficult to demonstrate that: dA = -SdT + pdV. The plot shows the temperature dependence of A for an isochoric process. What data can be calculated from this slope:

B:Change of entropy
D:Change of Enthalpy
答案: Entropy

第三章 热力学第二定律 quiz-5

1、 The fundamental equation is a combination of the First and Second Laws. It shows the change in internal energy that accompanies changes in the volume and entropy of a system.20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第19张Why the following equation can be considered the fundamental equation of chemical thermodynamics?20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第20张

A:Because G may be best regarded as a function of p and T.
B:Because p and T are usually the variables under our control in chemistry.
C:Because G combines the First and Second Laws in a convenient way for chemical applications.
D:All the above
答案: Because G combines the First and Second Laws in a convenient way for chemical applications.

2、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第21张What is the meaning of the negative value in the above calculation?

A:It shows entropy is increased.
B:It shows the conversion of a liquid into a more disordered gases.
C:It shows the conversion of two gases into a more ordered liquid.
D:None the above
答案: It shows the conversion of two gases into a more ordered liquid.

3、 20春-物理化学(二)(上)-Manuel-1(苏州大学)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第22张Nernst heat theorem allow us to:

A:Establish the Third Law of thermodynamics
B:Define absolute entropies of substances
C:Define the standard entropy of a reaction.
D:All the above
答案: All the above





















