

第一课 Unit 8 Employment Messages 第八章 求职类文书 第一课测验(原Unit 8)

1、 Begin the job search by studying the job market and

A:identifying your interests, goals, and qualifications.
B:specifying your target job, ideal supervisor, and perfect working conditions.
C:developing a short-range career plan to present at interviews.
D:searching Web sites for job openings.
答案: identifying your interests, goals, and qualifications.

2、 Which of the following statements is most accurate?

A:You can expect to have two or three employers over the course of your career.
B:Because you are likely to change jobs often, do not train now for a specific career.
C:You make better career decisions if you match your interests to specific career requirements.
D:The Web provides all the career data you need to gather.
答案: You make better career decisions if you match your interests to specific career requirements.

3、 Kendra is searching for a job and wants to use electronic sources. Which of the following will probably be her best source of online job listings?

A:Big job boards or Web sites
B:Specific company Web sites
C:Her college Web site or job board
D:Social networking sites
答案: Specific company Web sites

4、 Because job competition is stiff, you must have a customized résumé. Having a customized résumé means that you

A:prepare a special résumé for every position you want.
B:create résumés for each of the job categories to which you plan to apply.
C:hire a professional résumé preparation company to review and refine your basic résumé and then “dress it up”.
D:include your photo, add color, or place other graphics on the résumé.
答案: prepare a special résumé for every position you want.

5、 The primary way to make a résumé persuasive is to

A:limit it to one page.
B:customize it to fit each company and position.
C:use a good laser printer to print it on high-quality bond paper.
D:put a copy of it on the Web.
答案: customize it to fit each company and position.

6、 You are just graduating from college and have little employment experience, yet you want to put together a persuasive résumé. What would be the best résumé style to use?

A:Chronological résumé
B:Scannable résumé
C:Functional résumé
D:Online résumé
答案: Functional résumé

7、 Which of the following is the best advice about résumé length?

A:Because recruiters are busy, keep it to one page.
B:Because recruiters and hiring managers want to know your skills, make it as long as needed to sell yourself.
C:Because recruiters interview applicants with two-page résumés, make it two pages.
D:Because experts are divided between one- or two-page résumé length, make your résumé a page and a half.
答案: Because recruiters and hiring managers want to know your skills, make it as long as needed to sell yourself.

8、 Which of these is the best tip for arranging the parts of a persuasive résumé?

A:Always include a Career Objective to show your commitment.
B:Use as many headings as needed to cover your background essentials.
C:List Education before Work Experience.
D:Always begin your résumé with your name and contact information.
答案: Always begin your résumé with your name and contact information.

9、 Which of the following is the best Career Objective for a résumé?

A:An entry-level position in the marketing area with a possibility of promotion
B:A challenging job at an organization that raises the bar in data security
C:Serving as a team player in a company where independent thinking is Job #1
D:An accounting position in which 10 years’ experience and a license as a CPA will allow me to assist the company with payroll, employee benefits, and governmental tax and records reporting
答案: An accounting position in which 10 years’ experience and a license as a CPA will allow me to assist the company with payroll, employee benefits, and governmental tax and records reporting

10、 What statement best describes the Summary of Qualifications portion of a résumé?

A:Recruiters and hiring managers dislike the Summary of Qualifications section because it adds reading time.
B:The Summary of Qualifications usually appears at the end of a résumé to provide a strong closing.
C:Smart job seekers add a summary of their most impressive qualifications to their résumés to save the time of recruiters and hiring managers.
D:The Summary of Qualifications section is typically one or two concise paragraphs.
答案: Smart job seekers add a summary of their most impressive qualifications to their résumés to save the time of recruiters and hiring managers.

11、 Which of the following statements describing employment achievements would be most effective on a résumé?

A:Directed work flow and scheduling for emergency room personnel
B:Performed preventative maintenance on production equipment
C:Achieved 125 percent of production goal for three consecutive quarters
D:Knowledgeable in a variety of production processes and Just-in-Time theories
答案: Achieved 125 percent of production goal for three consecutive quarters

12、 When writing your job application letter, avoid the biggest error most applicants make, which is

A:misspelling the receiver’s name or the company’s name.
B:forgetting to enclose their résumé.
C:making the letter too generic.
D:not asking for the interview.
答案: making the letter too generic.

13、 A job opening has been announced. Which of these answer choices will be the best opening sentence in an application letter?

A:You seek a master Web engineer, and I need a job; we are perfect for each other!
B:Dr. Matthew Wang, IT director at Qinghua University, told me that you have an opening for a Web engineer with experience in networking, data management, and innovations.
C:Please consider this letter my application for your opening in the IT Department.
D:Do you need a Web engineer with over three years of experience?
答案: Dr. Matthew Wang, IT director at Qinghua University, told me that you have an opening for a Web engineer with experience in networking, data management, and innovations.

14、 Which of these statements about the body of a cover letter is most accurate?

A:Discuss the company’s qualifications as your potential employer in the body.
B:Explain what courses you took in college and what duties you performed in previous jobs to give hiring officers a complete picture of your background.
C:Stress writer benefits because hiring officers want to know what appeals to you about this particular company.
D:Share your experiences demonstrating your initiative and ability to learn easily because employers seek employees with these qualities.
答案: Share your experiences demonstrating your initiative and ability to learn easily because employers seek employees with these qualities.

15、 Choose the best closing sentence for a cover letter.

A:You should schedule my interview on Tuesday, September 7, at 10 a.m.
B:Please feel free to call me at your earliest convenience.
C:I hope you contact me soon to set up an interview for the systems analyst position.
D:To add to your team an experienced systems analyst with proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, call me at (555) 555-4321 to arrange an interview.
答案: To add to your team an experienced systems analyst with proven analytical and troubleshooting skills, call me at (555) 555-4321 to arrange an interview.

16、 Which of the following is the best tip for creating a successful cover letter?

A:Use different paper colors and paper types for your résumé and cover letter to create a strong visual impact.
B:Make activities and outcomes, not yourself, the subject of sentences to reduce overuse of “I.”
C:Use a creative letter style to surprise the reader and make a big impact.
D:Keep the focus on your skills and traits through frequent use of “I” statements.
答案: Make activities and outcomes, not yourself, the subject of sentences to reduce overuse of “I.”

17、 Choose the best sentence to present an applicant’s skills in an application letter.

A:I took classes in business at the local college, and I learned the skills needed to perform well in any business setting.
B:I really enjoy and excel at teamwork, but I work well independently too.
C:Helping customers has been a pleasure in previous jobs, and serving your customers would be equally rewarding.
D:If I didn’t know better, I would swear this job had been written precisely for me because the description exactly matches my skills and experiences.
答案: Helping customers has been a pleasure in previous jobs, and serving your customers would be equally rewarding.

18、 Which of these is the best statement to present a job candidate’s information in the body of a cover letter?

A:I am a qualified and fully licensed pediatric nurse.
B:Your posting description closely matches my experiences assisting dysfunctional families in crisis, and recently I’ve taken seminars in family dynamics to develop the additional skills that your ad indicates are essential.
C:You need a licensed, registered nurse, and I meet those qualifications.
D:Having graduated summa cum laude from Southwest College, I am well-prepared and eager to apply my knowledge in nursing.
答案: Your posting description closely matches my experiences assisting dysfunctional families in crisis, and recently I’ve taken seminars in family dynamics to develop the additional skills that your ad indicates are essential.

19、 In writing a letter of reference, you should do the following except

A:Say yes even when you don’t know that person very well
B:Get all the needed information
C:Focus on the job description and connect the person to the applied job
D:Share your contact information
答案: Say yes even when you don’t know that person very well

20、 Which part of the writing plan for the personal statement is inaccurate?

A:Grab your reader’s attention from the very beginning
B:Tell your personal compelling story. Bragging is allowed and necessary.
C:Tactfully explain challenges you encountered and how you have overcome them.
D:Conclude with what you intend to do upon your graduation.
答案: Tell your personal compelling story. Bragging is allowed and necessary.

21、 Your primary purpose in preparing a persuasive résumé is to obtain an interview.

答案: 正确
分析:The purpose of a résumé is winning an interview.

22、 The résumé format most popular with recruiters and hiring managers is the functional résumé because it focuses on the job applicant’s skills and abilities related to the position sought.

答案: 错误
分析:The most popular résumé format with recruiters and hiring managers is the chronological résumé, which lists work history job by job, starting with the most recent position.

23、 It is unethical to present your grade point average (GPA) as a calculation based on the grades in your major courses only.

答案: 错误
分析:As long as you clearly indicate that you are displaying the GPA for the courses in your major area courses only, it is ethical to present your GPA this way when your overall GPA may be less impressive.

24、 Because they expect you to showcase your strengths and hide your weaknesses, employers say it is acceptable to self-promote and distort facts on your résumé.





















