Traditional Chinese Medical Exercise(Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Theory Part Traditional Chinese Medical Exercise Theory Part

1、 Which one do not belong to the efficacy of traditional chinese medical exercise ( )?

A:prevent some occupational diseases
B:prevent some occupational diseases
C:Improve treatment efficacy
D:enhance appetite
答案: enhance appetite

2、 The three adjustments of traditional Chinese medical exercise is( )

A:Body adjustment,breath adjustment,mind adjustment
B:Qi adjustmen,breath adjustment, mind adjustment
C:Body adjustmen,Qi adjustment, mind adjustment
D:Body adjustmen,Qi adjustment, breath adjustment
答案: Body adjustment,breath adjustment,mind adjustment

3、 Which one do not belong to the six prohibitions of traditional Chinese medical exercise ( )

A:Sweat when facing wind
B:Exercise regularly
C:Exercise when tired
答案: Sweat when facing wind

4、 Which one do not belong to the characteristics of Shaolin Neigong? ( )

A:Employing anchoring power
B:Guiding qi by strength
C:Focus on breath
D:loose outside an tight inside
答案: loose outside an tight inside

5、 The twelve postures of Yijinjing require that the upper and lower limbs and body are fully flexed, extended, adducted, and turned, so that the skeleton and joints of the whole body can be exercised in all directions on the basis of fixed-position movements, that is, So-called ( )

A:Guiding qi by strength
B:Guiding qi by movements
C:Stretch tendons and bones
D:Practice both body and mind
答案: Stretch tendons and bones

6、 When we are exercising, we must practice our breathing as usual ( )

C: even
答案: deep;

7、 he following are the four main points of four musts in traditional Chinese medicine exercises ( )

A:Fresh air
B:suitable temperature
C:Exercise regularly
D:Relax the whole body
答案: Fresh air;
suitable temperature;
Exercise regularly ;
Relax the whole body

8、 Shaolin Neigong is a compulsory and vigorous exercise method, which can effectively improve muscle strength and endurance. When exercising, the practitioner shall keep the lower part steady and the upper part empty. The key is to employ anchoring power from the waist and legs, as well as the internal strength of the upper limbs. The practitioner should () use full strength with toes pointing inwards, rest heels firmly on the ground, and grasp the ground with toes

A:keep the torso upright(stand upright)
B:relax the whole body
C:relax the chest and straighten up the low back
D:use full strength with toes pointing inwards
答案: keep the torso upright(stand upright) ;
relax the whole body ;
use full strength with toes pointing inwards

9、 The warm ups of traditional Chinese medical exercise include ( )

A:Neck exercise
B:Shoulder exercise
C:Knees exercise
D:Wrist and ankle exercise
答案: Neck exercise;
Shoulder exercise ;
Knees exercise;
Wrist and ankle exercise

10、 The efficacy of Yijinjing include ( )

A:increase strength of waist, arms and fingers
B:stretch sinews and bones, change sinews and bones, strengthen sinews and bones
C:improve the efficacy of Tuina
D: improve clinical efficacy
答案: increase strength of waist, arms and fingers;
stretch sinews and bones, change sinews and bones, strengthen sinews and bones;
improve the efficacy of Tuina;
improve clinical efficacy

11、 Relax your body. When we are exercising, all limbs should be relaxed naturally. We all need to relax mentally and physically, so that we can practice in the best condition. To relax does not mean slacking

答案: 正确

12、 Mind adjustment will give full play to the potential of the human body, directly stimulate the body effect.

答案: 正确

13、 When practicing traditional chinese exercise, the movement should be accurate, the posture should be comfortable and natural, the breath should be even, steady and slow. Practice and concentrate on, eliminate distractions, develop the habit of concentration, to prevent the consequences.

答案: 正确

14、 When practicing Shaolin Neigong, though the muscles of the whole body are exerting strength internally, the practitioner shall breathe naturally and hold the breath. Coordinate the movements of the upper limbs, or in other words, to be tight inside and loose outside. The practice shall be done with the principle of softness in hardness, and hardness in softness.

答案: 错误

15、 Choose a few moves or a full set of Yijinjing according to your personal situation, but you should do them gradually and persistently. The time and intensity of practice should be until you break out in a sweat

答案: 错误

16、 The twelve postures of Yijinjing require that the upper and lower limbs and body are fully flexed, extended, adducted, and turned, so that the skeleton and joints of the whole body can be exercised in all directions on the basis of fixed-position movements

答案: 错误

17、 The character “( )” in Yijinjing can be explained as “change” or “variation”
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)Yi;

18、 The character( )” in Yijinjing can be explained as “sinews” or “muscles”
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)Jin;

19、 The character ( )” in Yijinjing can be explained as “method”.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)jing;

20、 Before practicing traditional chinese exercise,we should do( )
答案: Warm

21、 After practicing traditional chinese exercise,we should do( )
答案: closing

Yijinjing (the Classic of Sinew Transformation) Part Yijinjing (the Classic of Sinew Transformation)

1、 Which one is not the exercise methods of the skanda’s posture of Presenting the Pestle No 1?

A:your palms are concave and act as if you are holding a ball in front of your chest
B:Lift your upper limbs slowly to the same height as your shoulders
C:Bend your elbows and stretch your wrist, naturally separate your fingers
D:slowly lift palms to the level of the shoulders on both sides.
答案: slowly lift palms to the level of the shoulders on both sides.

2、 Which one is not the exercise methods of Daozhuai Jiuniuwei?

A:Squat and form a horse-riding stance.
B:Straighten shoulders, hips and knees along with inhalation.
C:Lift the two fists to the front of the chest and change fists to palms like holding a ball.
D:Two arms stretch out to form a line.Stretch hands in dorsiflexion. Separate fingers naturally.
答案: Straighten shoulders, hips and knees along with inhalation.

3、 Which one is not t the exercise methods of Chuzhua Liangchi?

A:Rotate the arms and turn over the palms, the center of palms facing upwards. Raise the head and look towards the sky. Along with that, lift the heel off the ground.
B:Separate two palms slowly to the two sides of the body at the shoulder level. Keep the fingers separated with the palm centers facing downwards.
C:Turn the two palms to fists and clench them forcefully. Bend elbows slowly and draw the fists back to waist.
D:Bend hip and knees, lift the left heel and steady the right leg to make a left empty stance.
答案: Bend hip and knees, lift the left heel and steady the right leg to make a left empty stance.

4、 Which one is not the essential of Chuzhua Liangchi?

A:When reaching out the claw and showing the wing, keep the palms at shoulder level at the same width of the shoulder.
B:Push arms forward slowly. Separate ten fingers forcefully and hold on.
C:The angle between the foreleg and the ground in bow stastnce should be smaller than 45 degrees








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