英语思辨与交流-英语02班(2021秋)(西安交通大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Unit 6 How to Communicate with Examples Unit 6 Exercise

1、 What distinguishes an extended example from other types of examples?

A:It is brief.
B:It is personal.
C:It is given in passing.
D:It provides more details.
答案: It provides more details.

2、 What distinguishes a hypothetical example from other types of examples?

A:It is a specific instance.
B:It describes an imaginary situation.
C:It is emotionally appealing.
D:It is a story or anecdote.
答案: It describes an imaginary situation.

3、 Which is true of reasoning by example?

A:To apply a general principle to a specific instance.
B:To come to a conclusion from a number of specific cases.
C:To draw a comparison between two specific cases.
D:To reveal the cause-effect relationship between two cases.
答案: To come to a conclusion from a number of specific cases.

4、 What are the guidelines of reasoning by example?a.Examples must be sufficient.b.Examples must be relevant.c.Examples must be representative.d.Example must be interesting.

A:a, b and c
B:a, c and d
C:b, c and d
D:a, b and d
答案: a, b and c

5、 Which of the following is recommended to enhance the effect of reasoning by example?

A:Use as many examples as you can.
B:Combine examples with statistics or testimony.
C:Don’t state the conclusion explicitly
D:Don’t give many details in your example.
答案: Combine examples with statistics or testimony.

Unit 8 How to Argue Effectively Unit 8 Exercise

1、 What is the premise for an effective argument?

A:It should contain the word “because”.
B:It should be accepted by most people.
C:It should include a claim and at least a reason.
D:It should provide as many reasons as possible.
答案: It should include a claim and at least a reason.

2、 If we have tried our best but still can’t find any valid evidence to support a claim, we should _.

A:create a vivid story related to the point
B:reconsider the justification of the claim
C:try to persuade others with emotional speech
D:repeat the main idea in a very affirmative way
答案: reconsider the justification of the claim

3、 Which of the following can be used to make an argument more acceptable?

A:A confident tone.
B:A flash of inspiration.
C:Passionate thinking and intuition.
D:Common sense or social consensus.
答案: Common sense or social consensus.

4、 If we find both the consumption of ice-cream and the drowning accidents increase in summer, we can draw the conclusion that __.

A:they have correlation
B:they have causal relation
C:they are the reasons for the same result
D:they can’t be the results of the same reason
答案: they have correlation

5、 If we want to improve the sufficiency of an argument, we can argue __.

A:from general to principle
B:from theoretical to empirical
C:from aspects of revenue, income and taxation
D:from aspects of common sense, consensus and morality
答案: from theoretical to empirical

Unit 1 How to Be an Effective Learner Unit 1 Exercise

1、 An active listener ________.

A:jumps to conclusions about the speaker’s meaning
B:engages with the speaker
C:tries to recall everything the speaker says
D:is apt to be affected by physical distractions
答案: engages with the speaker

2、 When you read critically, you are ________.

A:criticizing the writer
B:trying to memorize what is written
C:revising the writing
D:analyzing the evidence and the arguments
答案: analyzing the evidence and the arguments

3、 To be a critical reader, you must be ________ first.

A:clear about your own purpose in reading
B:clear about your personal interest
C:clear about the writer’s writing style
D:clear about the strategies of critical reading
答案: clear about your own purpose in reading

4、 Which of the following statements is correct?

A:Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.
B:Great public speakers do not feel nervous.
C:A speaker tries to memorize the speech when he/she is in practice.
D:Using complicated language helps you to be a successful speaker.
答案: Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.

5、 What is the speaker mainly trying to do in a job interview?

A:The speaker is trying to enlighten the audience.
B:The speaker is trying to entertain the audience.
C:The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.
D:The speaker is trying to teach something to the audience.
答案: The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.

Unit 11 How to Summarize Effectively Unit 11 Exercise

1、 A summary is a___.

A:repetition of the original content
B:new idea different from the original content
C:condensed version of other’s idea in your words
D:paraphrasing of the whole content
答案: condensed version of other’s idea in your words

2、 Which of the following statement is true?

A:A good summary should be much shorter than the original text.
B:The supporting materials are very necessary in the summary.
C:A good summary should be 100% faithful and objective.
D:Critical thinking ability needs to be applied in making a good summary.
答案: Critical thinking ability needs to be applied in making a good summary.

3、 According to the lecture, under what circumstance would you like to make a summary?

A:When you want to argue against the author’s idea.
B:When you want to read the text in a short time.
C:When you want to repeat the text.
D:When you want to quote from the original text.
答案: When you want to argue against the author’s idea.

4、 Which of the following statement is the best description of making a summary?

A:When you are making a summary, you need to reduce the number of main points.
B:When you are making a summary, you need to eliminate all the examples.
C:When you are making a summary, you need to avoid abstract words.
D:When you are making a summary, you need to omit wordy sentences and phrases.
答案: When you are making a summary, you need to omit wordy sentences and phrases.

5、 What should a whip speaker mainly do in the debate?

A:A whip speaker should say some new arguments.
B:A whip speaker should compare the two sides of the debate honestly.
C:A whip speaker should attach fair importance to each team.
D:A whip speaker should refute the pervious debater in the first place.
答案: A whip speaker should compare the two sides of the debate honestly.

Unit 10 How to Identify Fallacies Unit 10 Exercise

1、 What aspects of evidence should we consider when we identify a fallacy in an argument?

A:Relevance, agreement, and acceptability.
B:Relevance, acceptability, and sufficiency.
C:Agreement, relevance, and sufficiency.
D:Acceptability, agreement, and sufficiency.
答案: Relevance, acceptability, and sufficiency.

2、 If there is no evidence in the argument, then it is a fallacy of _____.

A:problematic premises
B:irrelevant reasons
C:hasty generalization
D:untrue conclusion
答案: problematic premises

3、 Which argument is a post hoc fallacy?

A:This is the best way to take notes, because my teacher told me that.
B:It is a good movie because all my friends like it.







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