英语思辨与交流-英德01班(2021秋)(西安交通大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Unit 3 How to Take Notes Unit 3 Exercise

1、 What does TED stand for?

A:Topic, explanation, and details.
B:Technology, education, and design.
C:Think, elaborate, and define.
D:Theme, example, and debate.
答案: Topic, explanation, and details.

2、 When we take notes, it is important for us to _____ before we go into details.

A:get the big picture of the message
B:jot down the credentials of the author
C:identify the faults in the speaker’s logic
D:look for linguistic signposts between main points
答案: get the big picture of the message

3、 The strength of Cornell Note-taking system lies with its______.

答案: format

4、 When we take notes, we can use__ to show relationship among ideas.

A:photos of the instructor’s ppt slides with drawings
B:headings and bullet points in indented outlines
C:pens of different colors and symbols
D:questions and summaries
答案: headings and bullet points in indented outlines

5、 When we take notes while reading a research paper, we need to___ .

A:make sure that we understand everything
B:find answers to the questions in the abstract
C:focus on the conclusion of the findings
D:know the general construction of a paper
答案: know the general construction of a paper

Unit 1 How to Be an Effective Learner Unit 1 Exercise

1、 An active listener ________.

A:jumps to conclusions about the speaker’s meaning
B:engages with the speaker
C:tries to recall everything the speaker says
D:is apt to be affected by physical distractions
答案: engages with the speaker

2、 When you read critically, you are ________.

A:criticizing the writer
B:trying to memorize what is written
C:revising the writing
D:analyzing the evidence and the arguments
答案: analyzing the evidence and the arguments

3、 To be a critical reader, you must be ________ first.

A:clear about your own purpose in reading
B:clear about your personal interest
C:clear about the writer’s writing style
D:clear about the strategies of critical reading
答案: clear about your own purpose in reading

4、 Which of the following statements is correct?

A:Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.
B:Great public speakers do not feel nervous.
C:A speaker tries to memorize the speech when he/she is in practice.
D:Using complicated language helps you to be a successful speaker.
答案: Public speaking can be applied to many occasions in our life.

5、 What is the speaker mainly trying to do in a job interview?

A:The speaker is trying to enlighten the audience.
B:The speaker is trying to entertain the audience.
C:The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.
D:The speaker is trying to teach something to the audience.
答案: The speaker is trying to persuade and convince the audience.

Unit 5 How to Reason by Causality Unit 5 Exercise

1、 Which of the following is a possible cause of the event “the high speed train is underdeveloped in the US”?

A:Americans don’t like the high speed train.
B:Highway network is advanced.
C:The geography is unsuitable for the high speed train.
D:The high speed train damages environment.
答案: Highway network is advanced.

2、 Which of the following is a possible effect of online shopping?

A:Fewer people go to shopping malls.
B:Prices decline.
C:Youngsters have eyesight problems.
D:Women spend more than men.
答案: Fewer people go to shopping malls.

3、 When we evaluate the causal relationship between Spring Festival and consumption, which of the following places can test the simultaneous absence of the cause and effect?

A:Viet Nam
C:The United States
答案: The United States

4、 Obesity is correlated with ___.

C:residential place
答案: diet

5、 As one grows up, __ grows.

B:aesthetic ability
C:verbal ability
答案: verbal ability

Unit 9 How to Refute an Argument Unit 9 Exercise

1、 Which item is “A” in the ARS principles to evaluate the effectiveness of an argument ?

答案: Acceptability.

2、 When we refute definitions, we_____.

A:check that logical connections are clear and sound
B:watch for unfounded assumptions
C:seek ambiguity and uncertainty
D:look for bias, intentional or otherwise
答案: seek ambiguity and uncertainty

3、 When we refute the logic, we_____.

A:test causes for clear and direct connections
B:show that there are contradictory definitions
C:verify that meanings are clear to everyone
D:challenge expertise and assumptions of authority
答案: test causes for clear and direct connections

4、 When we refute grounds, we ______ .

A:check for single, clear meanings
B:dig into the data being used to support the main claim
C:refute the warrant that links the grounds to the claim
D:find the weakest link in the chain and focus on it until it breaks
答案: dig into the data being used to support the main claim

5、 When we refute support, we___.

A:seek cracks and chinks in the armor
B:make it more interesting and appealing
C:seek to uncover suppressed evidence
D:use solid data that cannot be challenged
答案: seek cracks and chinks in the armor

Unit 8 How to Argue Effectively Unit 8 Exercise

1、 What is the premise for an effective argument?

A:It should contain the word “because”.







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