Grey Data Analysis(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)1462080454 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Chapter 1 The generation and development of grey system theory and the concept and basic principle o

1、 The research object of gray system theory is:

A:A. Clear extension, clear connotation
B:B. Unclear extension, clear connotation
C:C. Clear extension, unclear connotation
D:D. Unclear extension, unclear connotation
答案: A. Clear extension, clear connotation

2、 Which of the following is not a commonly used research method for uncertain systems?

A:A. Probability statistics
B:B. Fuzzy mathematics
C:C. Grey system
D:D. Operations Research
答案: D. Operations Research

3、 Grey system theory is the scientific method to solve

A:A. Complex problems of certainty
B:B. Semi-deterministic complex problem
C:C. Uncertain complex problem
D:D. Uncertain semi-complex problems
答案: C. Uncertain complex problem

4、 What are the basic characteristics of uncertain system?
答案: incomplete information and inaccurate information are the basic characteristics of uncertain systems.

5、 Briefly describe some cases of incomplete information.
答案: incomplete element information; incomplete structure information; incomplete boundary information; incomplete operation behavior information.

Chapter 4 Grey Incidence Analysis Models

1、 The basic idea of gray Incidence Analysis is

A:A. Determine whether the connection is close according to the similarity of the geometric shape of the sequence curve.
B:B. Study the relationship between variables by regression analysis.
C:C. The basic idea is the same as principal component analysis.
D:D. The above answers are all wrong.
答案: A. Determine whether the connection is close according to the similarity of the geometric shape of the sequence curve.

2、 If is an economic factor, is time factor, is the observation data of factor at time , then is:

A:A. Time series of economic behavior
B:B. Economic behavior index sequence
C:C. Economic behavior sector sequence
D:D. Horizontal sequence of economic behavior
答案: A. Time series of economic behavior

3、 Set X_i=(x_i (1),x_i (2),⋯,x_i (n)) as the behavior sequence of factor X_i, D_1 as the sequence operator, and X_i D_1=(x_i (1)d_1,x_i (2)d_1,⋯,x_i (n)d_1), where x_i (k)d_1=x_i (k)/x_i (1); x_i (1)≠0, k=1,2,⋯,n, then D_1 is

A:A. Initial valued operator
B:B. Averaging operator
C:C. Interval valued operator
D:D. Invert operator
答案: A. Initial valued operator

4、 The increment characteristic of sequence means that when the absolute increment of two growing sequences is the same, the relative growth rate of the sequence with small initial value is ( ) that of the sequence with large initial value.

A:A. greater than
B:B. equal to
C:C. not more than
D:D. less than
答案: A. greater than

5、 Which of the following is not the axioms of Grey Incidence Model:

A:A. Normalization
B:B. Integrality
C:C. Accidentally symmetry
D:D. Proximity
答案: D. Proximity

Chapter 3 Sequence Operators and Grey Data Mining

1、 Which of the following is not a axiom of Buffer Operator?

A:A.Fixed Point







Grey Data Analysis(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)1462080454 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第1张

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