

WEEK 1-WEEK 2 Unit 1 Testing

1、 Which of the following item matters most to a public speaker?

B:Language proficiency.
C:Critical thinking skill.
D:Inherent talent.
答案: Critical thinking skill.

2、 What are the three general purposes for giving speeches?

A:To persuade, act , & adjust your speaking style.
B:To inform, make people laugh, & have fun.
C:To inform, persuade, & entertain.
D:To improve English listening, speaking and writing.
答案: To inform, persuade, & entertain.

3、 How can we define Logos, Ethos, Pathos?

A:Logical reason, human character, and emotion language.
B:Emotional language,motivated appeals, and sad stories.
C:Important information,strategies, and statistics.
D:Emotional or motivated appeals; speakers/author’s authority; the logic used to support a claim.
答案: Logical reason, human character, and emotion language.

4、 The messages, usually nonverbal, sent from a listener to a speaker are called

答案: Feedback.

5、 Which of the following statements about English Public Speaking is TRUE?

A:One’s language competence decides the performance in a public speech.
B:Public speaking gives speakers the chance to exchange ideas.
C:Flowery language is more important than content in a public speech.
D:Public speech is a platform to voice out thoughts.
答案: Public speech is a platform to voice out thoughts.

WEEK 1-WEEK 2 Unit 2 Testing

1、 Which of the following is not considered as a good way to manage PSA during the preparation stage?

A:Recite every single word of the speech script.
B:Outline your ideas, in mind or on a papar.
C:Know the first words or the first minutes of your speech by heart.
D:Rehearse in conditions similar to real speech conditions.
答案: Recite every single word of the speech script.

2、 Which of the following is not considered as dishonesty in public speaking?

A:Juggling statistics
B:Misrepresenting sources
C:Providing a proper citation
D:Painting tentative findings as a conclusion
答案: Providing a proper citation

3、 Academic researchers have hypothesized that the intense fear of public speaking may derive from human’s “fight-or-flight response” in primeval forests.

答案: 正确

4、 As a symptom of public speaking anxiety, “butterflies in stomach” means being hungry.

答案: 错误

5、 The public speaking anxiety is inherently a physiological response instead of a psychological feeling.

答案: 正确

WEEK 3-WEEK4 Unit 3 Testing

1、 If you are having trouble selecting a topic, there are a number of ____ procedures you can follow to get started.

答案: brainstorming

2、 All of the following specific purpose statements are effective EXCEPT ____.

A:to inform my audience about recent discoveries of dinosaur fossils.
B:to inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool.
C:to persuade my audience that harsher penalties are needed to prevent the practices of fraudulent land developers.
D:to inform my audience about the scientific uses of hot-air balloons.
答案: to inform my audience that yoga is extremely cool.

3、 Usually the speech topic is determined by the occasion, the audience, and the speaker’s qualifications.

答案: 正确

4、 Most people can speak best about subjects about which they are most curious.

答案: 错误
分析:with which they are most familiar.

5、 For informative speeches, you can think of subjects about which you hold strong opinions and beliefs.

答案: 错误
分析:persuasive speeches

WEEK 3-WEEK4 Unit 4 Testing

1、 Which of the following features the most common structure of a speech?

A:Topic, theme and main points.
B:Concept, illustration and example.
C:Introduction, body and conclusion.
D:Beginning, climax and ending.
答案: Introduction, body and conclusion.

2、 Which of the following is essential before you move into the body of your speech?

A:Amusing the audience.
B:Controlling your emotions.
C:Building suspense.
D:Previewing the main points.
答案: Previewing the main points.

3、 Which of the following patterns is most frequently used to organize the main points in a speech?

A:Topical pattern.
B:Chronological pattern.
C:Spatial pattern.
D:Problem-solution pattern.
答案: Topical pattern.

4、 Among other things, you can also make your speech interesting by using colorful and descriptive language.

答案: 正确

5、 Focusing on one or two events in your first speech allows you make a few well-develped points about a clearly defined subject.

答案: 正确

WEEK 14-WEEK15 Unit 11 Testing

1、 Which of the following does not belong to a kind of persuasive speeches?

A:Persuasive speeches on questions of fact
B:Persuasive speeches on questions of value
C:Persuasive speeches on questions of belief
D:Persuasive speeches on questions of policy
答案: Persuasive speeches on questions of belief

2、 In what way is the following argument constructed? Reality shows send a bad message and help to create a cult of instant celebrity. They are typically built about shameless self-promotion, based on humiliating others and harming relationships for the entertainment of each other and the viewers at home. These programs suggest that anyone can become famous just by getting on TV and “being themselves”, without working hard or having any particular talent. Kids who watch these shows will get the idea that they don’t need to study hard in school, or train hard for a regular job. So this house would clamp down the number of reality shows broadcast on satellite television channels.

A:Reasoning by causality.
B:Reasoning by authority.
C:Reasoning by principle.
D:Reasoning by analogy
答案: Reasoning by causality.

3、 Of the motion that “capital punishment should be banned”, which of following claims is reasoned by principle?

A:Capital punishment imposes a heavy cost on taxpayers, which far outweighs the costs of alternative punishments such as life in prison.
B:Erroneous conviction of capital punishment is irreversible, therefore it is impossible to compensate executed prisoners who is later proven innocent.
C:Capital punishment is a violation of human right to life that is innate to individuals rather than granted as a privilege by those holding social and political power.
D:Capital punishment fails to deter crimes, as heinous crimes often occur in the heat of the moment, with little consideration for their legal repercussions.
答案: Capital punishment is a violation of human right to life that is innate to individuals rather than granted as a privilege by those holding social and political power.

4、 In what way is the following argument constructed? There is nothing wrong with judging people primarily on their physical prowess. People do this all the time in competitive sport, where fitness and strength are major determinants of success. Every competition, of every kind, values certain qualities over others. We recognize that being able to lift heavy weights isn’t the prime definition of human worth, but we can still give prizes for weightlifting. Similarly, we can give a prize to a beautiful woman for her beauty without implying that beauty is all that matters about anyone.

A:Reasoning by analogy
B:Reasoning by causality
C:Reasoning by principle
D:Reasoning by authority
答案: Reasoning by analogy

5、 Which reasoning method is applied in the paragraph below?Even before the Internet was conceived, Plato talked about the evils of anonymity and its effect on human behavior. He said that the ring, which granted its wearer invisibility, would cause even the most just man to behave in an unjust manner and violate the law. This is the same harm that the unaccountability of Internet anonymity allows.

A:Reasoning by consequence.





















