

Unit 1 Introduction to Adademic Writing Quiz for Unit 1

1、 Ideally, the application will save every single little change as soon as the user makes it, _____, after each keystroke.

B:in other words
C:in the same way
D:as well as
答案: in other words

2、 Papers must be handed in by the deadline, __ they will not be graded.

C:as a result
D:even though
答案: otherwise

3、 There are some slight variations in temperature, but ____ 26 to 27ºC should be expected.

C:as a result
D:as a rule
答案: as a rule

4、 There are three major advantages of the design, ____ cheapness, simplicity and availability.

A:for example
B:for instance
D:in other ways
答案: namely

5、 Academic writing is relatively formal. In general this means that in an essay you should avoid the following:

A:colloquial words and expressions (such as “stuff”, “a lot of”, “thing”, “sort of”)
B:abbreviated forms (such as “can’t”, “doesn’t”, “shouldn’t”)
C:two word verbs (such as “put off”, “bring up”)
D:asking questions (such as “So why is this?”)
答案: colloquial words and expressions (such as “stuff”, “a lot of”, “thing”, “sort of”);
abbreviated forms (such as “can’t”, “doesn’t”, “shouldn’t”);
two word verbs (such as “put off”, “bring up”);
asking questions (such as “So why is this?”)

6、 What are the main features of academic writing?

答案: Accuracy;

7、 It is explicit in its signposting of the organization of the ideas in the text. As a writer of academic English, it is your responsibility to make it clear to your reader how various parts of the text are related. These connections can be made explicit by the use of different signaling words.

答案: 正确

8、 Currently the IMRAD(Introduction, Methods, Results And Discussion) structure is dominant for publishing papers in many fields of science.

答案: 正确

Unit 2 The Title Quiz for Unit 2

1、 As a reader of research papers, titles are important since they give youa quick indication of the content of a paper. Titles are also useful for youwhen you write your own research paper. Decide which of the following arereasons that a title is useful as a writer of a research paper.

A:① A title is in a privileged place in the text, and it draws the reader’s most complete attention.Taking advantage of that fact, the writer can use the title’s privileged position to expressideas clearly and to articulate an argument.
B:② A title chosen early in the writing process can help writers stay on track during the writingprocess.
C:③ Creating a title at the end of the writing process can function as a check on the quality ofthe research paper.
D:④ If coming up with a title is difficult, it may indicate to the writer that the essay’s main ideaor point is unclear.
答案: ① A title is in a privileged place in the text, and it draws the reader’s most complete attention.Taking advantage of that fact, the writer can use the title’s privileged position to expressideas clearly and to articulate an argument.;
② A title chosen early in the writing process can help writers stay on track during the writingprocess.;
③ Creating a title at the end of the writing process can function as a check on the quality ofthe research paper.;
④ If coming up with a title is difficult, it may indicate to the writer that the essay’s main ideaor point is unclear.

2、 A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. 1. A. Single-Particle Mapping of Nonequilibrium Nanocrystal Transformations√ B. A Research on Mapping of Nonequilibrium Nanocrystal Transformations

答案: 错误

3、 2. A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. A. A Study on the Formation of Peak Rings in Large Impact Craters√B. The Formation of Peak Rings in Large Impact Craters

答案: 正确

4、 3. A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. √A. A Synthetic Pathway for the Fixation of Carbon Dioxide in Vitro B. Fixation of Carbon Dioxide in Vitro: Not Blowing in the Wind

答案: 正确

5、 A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. 4. A. An Experimental Observation of a Pair of Spin-Polarized Fermi Arc Surface States on the Surface of the Dirac Semimetal Na3Bi at Its Native Chemical Potential√ B. Observation of Fermi Arc Surface States in a Topological Metal

答案: 正确

6、 A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. 5. A. A Highly Active and Stable IrOx/SrIrO3 Catalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction√B. A Novel Active and Stable IrOx/SrIrO3 Catalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction

答案: 错误

7、 A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. √ A. An Observation of Quantum Shock Waves Created with Ultra-Compressed Slow Light Pulses in a Bose-Einstein Condensate B. Creating Quantum Shock Waves with Ultra-Compressed Slow Light Pulses in a Bose-Einstein Condensate

答案: 错误

8、 A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. 7, √ A. The Highly efficient waveguide grating couplers using silicon-on-insulator B. Silicon-on-insulator for high-output waveguide grating couplers

答案: 错误

9、 A strong scientific title is descriptive, brief, specific, and accurate. It also useskey words that readers will search for. The title with the “√” before it is considered to be the better one. Decide whether the following choice is the correct one. 8. A. Effects of added calcium on salinity tolerance of tomato√ B. Calcium addition improves salinity tolerance of tomato

答案: 正确

Unit 3 The Abstract Quiz for Unit 3

1、 Scientific abstracts can be classified into different types according to their purposes and structures. Read the following features of scientific abstracts and group them into proper types. You can add more features to the list.A. Briefly summarizes the background, methods, results and conclusions of the full-length paper.B. Informs the audience of all essential points of the paper.C. Usually very short, about 50─100 words.D. Contains one paragraph with no explicit subheadings.E. Most likely used for sciences, engineering or psychology reports.F. If it is a research paper, includes the background of the paper, sometimes the methods, but never the results or conclusions.G. Contains several paragraphs with explicit subheadings.H. Most likely used for humanities and social science papers or psychology essays.I. Concise, usually 10% of the length of the entire paper, often just one paragraph.J. Most likely used for medical science papers. K. …L. …Descriptive Abstracts include: (输入对应的大写字母,按字母顺序,且字母中间没有标点符号或空格,如:ABCE)
答案: CDFH

2、 Scientific abstracts can be classified into different types according to their purposes and structures. Read the following features of scientific abstracts and group them into proper types. You can add more features to the list.A. Briefly summarizes the background, methods, results and conclusions of the full-length paper.B. Informs the audience of all essential points of the paper.C. Usually very short, about 50─100 words.D. Contains one paragraph with no explicit subheadings.E. Most likely used for sciences, engineering or psychology reports.F. If it is a research paper, includes the background of the paper, sometimes the methods, but never the results or conclusions.G. Contains several paragraphs with explicit subheadings.H. Most likely used for humanities and social science papers or psychology essays.I. Concise, usually 10% of the length of the entire paper, often just one paragraph.J. Most likely used for medical science papers. K. …L. …Informative Abstracts include: (输入对应的大写字母,按字母顺序,且字母中间没有标点符号或空格,如:ABCE)

3、 Scientific abstracts can be classified into different types according to their purposes and structures. Read the following features of scientific abstracts and group them into proper types. You can add more features to the list.A. Briefly summarizes the background, methods, results and conclusions of the full-length paper.B. Informs the audience of all essential points of the paper.C. Usually very short, about 50─100 words.D. Contains one paragraph with no explicit subheadings.E. Most likely used for sciences, engineering or psychology reports.F. If it is a research paper, includes the background of the paper, sometimes the methods, but never the results or conclusions.G. Contains several paragraphs with explicit subheadings.H. Most likely used for humanities and social science papers or psychology essays.I. Concise, usually 10% of the length of the entire paper, often just one paragraph.J. Most likely used for medical science papers. K. …L. …Structured Abstracts include: (输入对应的大写字母,按字母顺序,且字母中间没有标点符号或空格,如:ABCE)
答案: BGJ

4、 Effective reading of a scientific abstract involves identifying its structure. Though different disciplines and journals may show slight differences in their requirements for the format of abstracts, the major components of a scientific abstract remain almost the same and are presented in the same sequence. Read the following disordered statements and reorder them into a well-organized abstract. Explain the reasons for your arrangement of the statements.A. Participants first learned stimuli by either restudying or engaging in retrieval practice. Twenty-four hours later, we induced stress in half of the participants and assessed subsequent memory performance.B. We aimed to determine whether a highly effective learning technique could strengthen memory against the negative effects of stress.C. More than a decade of research has supported a robust consensus: Acute stress impairs memory retrieval.D. Participants who learned by restudying demonstrated the typical stress-related memory impairment, whereas those who learned by retrieval practice were immune to the deleterious effects of stress.E. These results suggest that the effects of stress on memory retrieval may be contingent on the strength of the memory representations themselves.F. To bolster memory, we used retrieval practice, or the act of taking practice tests.(请按照你的排序,直接输入大写字母,字母之间没有空格或标点符号)

Unit 4 The introduction Quiz for Unit 4


1、 Read the following expression chosen from academic introductions, and identify what part of an introduction it refers to:However, little work has been undertaken on the behavior of O/W emulsions under extreme pressure conditions.

A: Problems with existing studies
B:Background of the study
C:Existing studies on the problem
D:Research contents
答案: Problems with existing studies

2、 Read the following expression chosen from academic introductions, and identify what part of an introduction it refers to:The increasing pollution of ground water resources by nitrites due to the anthropogenic activities from agriculture is receiving worldwide attention.

A:Background of the study
B:Significance of the study of that problem
C:Description of the skeleton of the research
D:Existing studies on the problem
答案: Background of the study

3、 Read the following expression chosen from academic introductions, and identify what part of an introduction it refers to:The current research aims to demonstrate that a moral incentive presented in terms of ideals rather than obligations stimulates more favorable attitudes among advantaged group members toward social equality issues, including affirmative action.

A:Description of the skeleton of the research
B:Significance of the study of that problem
C:Background of the study
D:Research objectives
答案: Research objectives

4、 Read the following expression chosen from academic introductions, and identify what part of an introduction it refers to:The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section II gives a general description of NOMA with SIC. Then Section III details the proposed iterative method for spectrum optimization. Simulation results are given in Section IV, and Section V concludes the paper.

A:Problems with existing studies
B:Description of the skeleton of the research
C:Existing studies on the problem
D:Research contents
答案: Description of the skeleton of the research

5、 Read the following expression chosen from academic introductions, and identify what part of an introduction it refers to:Therefore, it is of great importance to accurately monitor nitrite for public health, and food industries.

A:Problems with existing studies
B:Description of the skeleton of the research
C:Research contents
D:Significance of the study of that problem





















