

01 The introduction Test 01

1、 The occurrence of hydrological phenomena is .

A:completely accidental
B:completely inevitable
C:completely random
D:both inevitable and random
答案: both inevitable and random

2、 Hydrological analysis and calculation is to predict the probability distribution of the hydrological variable .

A:during any period
B:during a foreseeable period
C:for a very long time in the future
D:at a certain moment
答案: for a very long time in the future

3、 Hydrological forecasting is to predict the scale and time course of a hydrological variable .

A:during any period
B:during a foreseeable period
C:since a long time ago
D:at a certain moment
答案: during a foreseeable period

4、 The occurrence and development of hydrological phenomena are accidental, therefore, their occurrence and changes .

A:is disorganized
B:has statistical pattern
C:is with complete certainty pattern
D:has no pattern
答案: has statistical pattern

5、 Water is a type of .

A:inexhaustible resource
B:renewable resource
C:non-renewable resource
D:unlimited resource
答案: renewable resource

6、 The reason for making water resources regenerative is of natural.

B:hydrological cycle
答案: hydrological cycle

7、 The check flood level and design flood level of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River are .

答案: 180.4m、175.0m

8、 In natural world, the hydrological cycle between land and sea is called .

A:Inland small cycle
B:Small loop
C:Large loop
D:Ocean water cycle
答案: Large loop

9、 The hydrological cycle in nature makes water resources .

答案: regenerative

10、 We can trace many causes for the occurrence and development of hydrological phenomena. Therefore, the change in hydrological phenomena .

A:has a completely deterministic pattern
B:has a completely statistical pattern
C:has causality pattern
D:has no pattern
答案: has causality pattern

02 Formation Process of Watershed Runoff Test 02

1、 The drainage area refers to which is above a certain cross section of the river.

A:the sum of the areas enclosed by the ground water watershed and the underground water watershed
B:the horizontal projected area enclosed by underground watershed
C:the area enclosed by the ground watershed
D:the horizontal projected area enclosed by the ground watershed
答案: the horizontal projected area enclosed by the ground watershed

2、 If there are two heavy rains occured in a certain river basin, expect the occurance location, one occured in the upstream and the other in downstream, other conditions are the same. Then, the peak flow at the exit section of river basin caused by the upstream one will be than the one caused by the downstream.

A:larger and later
B:smaller and earlier
C:larger and earlier
D:smaller and later
答案: smaller and later

3、 The condition for the formation of heavy rain is .

A:the area which has sufficient water vapor sources and high temperature
B:the area which has sufficient water vapor sources and low temperature
C:the area which has sufficient water vapor sources and strong upward movement of air
D:the area which has sufficient water vapor sources and no strong upward movement of air
答案: the area which has sufficient water vapor sources and strong upward movement of air

4、 The characteristics of convective rainfall are .

A:large rainfall intensity , large rain area and long rainfall duration
B:small rainfall intensity, small,rain area and short rainfall duration
C:large rainfall intensity, small rain area and short rainfall duration
D:small rainfall intensity, large rain area and long rainfall duration
答案: large rainfall intensity, small rain area and short rainfall duration

5、 For relatively dry soil which is under sufficient water supply conditions, the physical process of infiltration can be divided into three stages, which are in turn.

A:penetration stage-seepage stage-leakage stage
B:leakage stage-seepage stage- penetration stage
C:seepage stage-leakage stage-penetration stage
D:seepage stage-penetration stage-leakage stage
答案: seepage stage-leakage stage-penetration stage

6、 is the main factor determining the stable infiltration rate of soil.

A:Rainfall intensity
B:Soil water content at the beginning of rainfall
C:Rainfall duration
D:Soil characteristics
答案: Soil characteristics

7、 The total evaporation of the watershed includes .

A:water surface evaporation, land surface evaporation and plant evapotranspiration
B:water surface evaporation, soil evaporation and land surface evapotranspiration
C:land surface evaporation, plant evapotranspiration and soil evaporation
D:water surface evaporation, plant evapotranspiration and soil evaporation
答案: water surface evaporation, plant evapotranspiration and soil evaporation

8、 The amount of the daily water surface evaporation, observed by the E601 water surface evaporator, and of the daily water evaporation of large water body is (has) .

A:that former one is smaller than the latter
B:that former one is greater than the latter
D:a certain correlation
答案: a certain correlation

9、 The process of basin confluence mainly includes .

A:the overflow of the slope and slope confluence
B:concentration of river network and collection of river channels
C:slope confluence and concentration of river network
D:the overflow of the slope and slope concentration
答案: slope confluence and concentration of river network

10、 The amount of floods formed by the net rain depth of rainfall in river basin should be quantitatively .

A:equal to the runoff depth of the flood
B:larger than the runoff depth of the flood
C:less than the runoff depth of the flood
D:larger than or equal to the runoff depth of the flood
答案: equal to the runoff depth of the flood

03-1 Hydrological Information Collection and Processing Test 03

1、 According to the funciton of the hydrologic station, it have two types. There are .

A:water level station and rainfall station
B:basic station and rainfall station
C:basic station and dedicated station
D:water level station and flow station
答案: basic station and dedicated station

2、 When the water level does not change much in a day, should be applied to calculate the daily average water level.

A:Weighted average method
B:Geometric average method
C:Arithmetic average method
D:Area bounding method
答案: Arithmetic average method

3、 In the hydrological test, is the key to determine the flow through a cross section in river channel .





















