Synthetic Biology(Shandong University)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Chapter 1 Overview of Synthetic Biology A test for chapter 1

1、 The research contents of Synthetic Biology include

A:Synthesis and modularization of biomacromolecules.
B:synthesis, simplification and reconstruction of biological genomes.
C:systhesis of anabolic network.
D:design and construction of genetic circuits.
E:cell population system and multicellular system.
答案: Synthesis and modularization of biomacromolecules.;
synthesis, simplification and reconstruction of biological genomes.;
systhesis of anabolic network.;
design and construction of genetic circuits.;
cell population system and multicellular system.

2、 The 3 main features of Synthetic Biology are

A:characteristics of engineering.
B:Extensive use of mathematical simulation tools.
C:Features of standard parts.
D:characteristics of contribution and sharing.
E:network analysis is one of its core contents.
答案: characteristics of engineering.;
Features of standard parts.;
characteristics of contribution and sharing.

3、 Compared with Genetic Engineering, the features of Synthetic Biology include

A:Characteristics of engineering.
B:Extensive use of mathematical simulation tools.
C:Features of standardized parts.
D:Characteristics of interdisciplinary subject.
E:Network analysis is one of its core contents.
答案: Extensive use of mathematical simulation tools.;
Features of standardized parts.;
Characteristics of interdisciplinary subject.;
Network analysis is one of its core contents.

4、 What are the applications of Synthetic Biology in the field of biomedicine?

A:development natural medicines.
B:design immune cells.
C:development of diagnostic kits.
D:development and production of vaccines.
E:individualized medicine.
答案: development natural medicines.;
design immune cells.;
development of diagnostic kits.;
development and production of vaccines.;
individualized medicine.

5、 What does biosafety include?

A:The harm caused to researchers by the leakage of synthetic organisms.
B:Damage to the public environment caused by leakage of synthetic organisms.
C:The use of Synthetic Biotechnology to synthesize deadly pathogens for use in terrorist attacks.
D:Biochemical warfare with synthetic biotechnology.
E:Synthesis of new or extinct species by means of synthetic biotechnology to increase biodiversity.
答案: The harm caused to researchers by the leakage of synthetic organisms.;
Damage to the public environment caused by leakage of synthetic organisms.;
The use of Synthetic Biotechnology to synthesize deadly pathogens for use in terrorist attacks.;
Biochemical warfare with synthetic biotechnology.

6、 Principles proposed by the President’s committee on bioethics for the development of Synthetic Biology include

A:Principle of public benefit
B:principle of responsibility management
C:principles of academic freedom and responsibility
D:principle of democratic evaluation
E:principles of fairness and justice
答案: Principle of public benefit;
principle of responsibility management;
principles of academic freedom and responsibility;
principle of democratic evaluation;
principles of fairness and justice

7、 According to function, genetic circuits can be divided into logical genetic circuits and functional genetic circuits.

答案: 正确

8、 Synthetic Biology can design and construct biological systems that do not exist in nature.

答案: 正确

9、 Synthetic Biology is a typical paradigm of the convergence research.

答案: 正确

10、 Convergence technology is a new method in the field of biomedicine.

答案: 正确

11、 Synthetic Biology has huge potential dangers, such as making biochemical weapons, like viruses, so human should not develop it.

答案: 错误

12、 Once the knowledge of Synthetic Biology is abused by people with ulterior motives, if it is not the will of the scientist, the scientist can take no responsibility.

答案: 错误

Chapter 2 Standard synthetic biological system A test for chapter 2

1、 What kind of genes are usually initiated for expression by constitutive promoter?

A:reporter gene
B:luxury gene
C:housekeeping gene
D:resistance gene
E:stress protein gene
答案: housekeeping gene

2、 The regulatory sequence binding to a repressor protein is called

E:SD sequence
答案: operator

3、 The wrong statement about the ribosomal binding site is:

A:The ribosomal binding site, abbreviated as RBS, is an RNA sequence that binds to ribosomes.
B:The ribosomal binding site in prokaryotes is also known as SD sequence.
C:The ribosomal binding site in prokaryotes is rich in purine structure and can bind to the 16srRNA 3 ‘-end rich in pyrimidines.
D:The strength of the binding of RBS to the ribosome depends on its own structure and the distance between it and AUG.
E:Ribosomal binding sites can initiate gene transcription.
答案: Ribosomal binding sites can initiate gene transcription.

4、 Regarding the description of system, which one is wrong?

A:System is a more complex cascade of multiple devices, or regulatory network.
B:Different devices can be physically connected in series, parallel, feedforward and feedback to form a System.
C:Transcriptional level regulation network is a common system.
D:Gene oscillator, pulse generator and feedback loop belong to the systems.
E:Several biological modules can form a system.
答案: Different devices can be physically connected in series, parallel, feedforward and feedback to form a System.

5、 About the descriptions of biological module, which one is wrong?

A:Biological module is a set of intracellular localized biological devices.
B:Biological module performs specific complex functions.
C:Like part, device, and system, the biological module is a hierarchy inside cells.
D:Biological module is a concept proposed to reduce the complexity of synthetic biological systems. It emphasizes “functional independence”.
E:Biological modules in cells are often pathways with specific functions, such as metabolic pathway or signal transduction pathway.
答案: Like part, device, and system, the biological module is a hierarchy inside cells.

6、 Which level is RIPS used for a standardized measurement?

A:transcriptional level
B:translational level
C:metabolic level
D:replication level
E:signal transmission level
答案: translational level

7、 Standardization of biological systems includes

A:Physical standardization of assembly parts
B:Standardization of quantitative analysis of biological functions
C:Registry of standard parts
D:Standardization of decoupling methods
E:Standardization of system operation
答案: Physical standardization of assembly parts;
Standardization of quantitative analysis of biological functions;
Registry of standard parts;
Standardization of system operation

8、 The concepts involved in the engineering research strategy of Synthetic Biology are

A: standardization








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