

Ⅵ 品味文化:英美美食之旅(Food Tour in Britain and America: A Taste of Culture) Unit 6 单元测试

1、 Which of the following food does not belong to British traditional food?

A:Roast beef , Yorkshire pudding
B:Curry, sushi
C:Bread and butter pudding, treacle tart
D:Fish and chips, Toad-in-the-Hole
答案: Curry, sushi

2、 Which of the following statements is not true?

A:Fast food is the invention of American people.
B:Drive-through windows allow people to order and eat food right in their cars.
C:McDonald’s was not the first fast food restaurant set up in America.
D:White Castle is a hamburger joint that opened in 1916.
答案: Fast food is the invention of American people.

3、 Which of the following statements about tea is false?

A:By the later eighteenth century, it was estimated that more tea was smuggled into Britain than was brought in legally.
B:In 1784 the Prime Minister, William Pitt, slashed the duty on tea, wiping out the illegal smuggling trade virtually overnight.
C:Adulteration disappeared immediately after the duty on tea was slashed.
D:Black tea gained more popularity than green tea, for sometimes poisonous chemicals would be added to make green ‘tea’ the right color.
答案: Adulteration disappeared immediately after the duty on tea was slashed.

4、 Which of the following statements about Boston Tea Party was true?

A:In late November and early December 1737, three ships loaded with 342 chests of tea reached Boston Harbor.
B:Bostonians, increasingly touchy about the issue of taxation without representation, refused to let the ships unload.
C:On the morning of December 16th, a group of 30 to 60 colonists disguised as Mohawks, broke open the chests, and dumped the tea in the harbor.
D:In less than one year, the revolutionary war was under way.
答案: Bostonians, increasingly touchy about the issue of taxation without representation, refused to let the ships unload.

5、 Which of the following statements about coffee was false?

A:With 2.5 coffee shops for every 1,000 citizens, Seattle has the greatest concentration of coffee houses in the country.
B:The world’s first Starbucks opened in New York in 1971.
C:To encourage the creativity in making better coffee, a yearly competition is held by the Specialty Coffee Association of America for the people who prepare coffee drinks.
D:It is hard to walk down a street in an American city without coming across a coffee shop.
答案: The world’s first Starbucks opened in New York in 1971.

6、 Which of the following statements is not true about British pub etiquette?

A:It is rude to start up a conversation with someone sitting at a table.
B:You can shout“service” or wave money about to attract the attention of the barmen.
C:You don’t have to tip bar staff in pubs.
D:If you go to a pub with a group of people, usually one or two representatives will go and get the drink, not the whole group.
答案: You can shout“service” or wave money about to attract the attention of the barmen.

7、 What can you enjoy at a British pub?

A:a variety of beer
B:some games
C:stand-up comedy performances
D:all the above
答案: all the above

8、 Which of the following statements is true about the cocktail party?

A:Cocktail refers to an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream.
B:The cocktail party is usually held early in the morning.
C:The cocktail party is a very formal social gathering.
D:No food is served at a cocktail party.
答案: Cocktail refers to an alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruit juice or cream.

9、 Full English breakfast is a very substantial meal enjoyed by both the nobility and the working class.

答案: 正确

10、 A traditional English breakfast usually consists of eggs, bacon, sausages, fried bread, baked beans, black pudding, tomatoes and mushrooms.

答案: 正确

11、 A full English breakfast is same in different regions in Britain.

答案: 错误

12、 The history of fast food in America runs parallel to the invention of the car.

答案: 正确

13、 Fast food franchises became quite popular thanks to their standardized menus, signage, and advertising

答案: 正确

14、 Seattle can be called America’s capital of caffeine.

答案: 正确

15、 Starbucks has grown into the second largest coffeehouse company in the world.

答案: 错误

II 浮光掠影:英伦风情(A Glance at the British Landscape) Unit 2 单元测试

1、 1. __ is the official name of Britain.

A:The United Kingdom
C: British Isles
D:Great Britain
答案: The United Kingdom

2、 2. The full name of Britain is the United Kingdom of ___ Britain and ____.

A:/ ; Northern Ireland
B:Great; Northern Ireland
C:/; Ireland
D:Great; Ireland
答案: Great; Northern Ireland

3、 3. There are _ parts in Great Britain and __ parts in Britain.

A:three; four
B:three; three
C:four; three
D:four; four
答案: three; four

4、 4. The longest river in Britain is _______.

A:River Severn
B:River Thames
C:River Mississippi
D:River Shannon
答案: River Severn





















