Pathophysiology(Shandong University)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


chapter1 Fluid and electrolyte imbalances 2. Hypotonic and isotonic dehydration

1、 The most common cause of hypotonic dehydration is

A:Excessive loss of digestive juices
B:Body fluid loss through the skin
C:Ascites formation
D:Only water to replace the losses of water and sodium
E:Excessive loss of blood
答案: Only water to replace the losses of water and sodium

2、 Which of the following are true about hypotonic dehydration?

A:Thirst in early stage
B: Extracellular fluid loss obviously
C:Peripheral circulatory failure in early stage
D:Oliguria and increased urine specific gravity in early stage
E:Induced by inappropriate solution administration
答案: Extracellular fluid loss obviously;
Peripheral circulatory failure in early stage ;
Induced by inappropriate solution administration

chapter1 Fluid and electrolyte imbalances 1. Dehydration and hyperdehydration

1、 The main difference between interstitial fluid and plasma is

A:The protein concentration is higher in plasma
B: The Na+ concentration is higher in plasma
C:The protein concentration is higher in interstitial fluid
D:The Na+ concentration is higher in interstitial fluid
答案: The protein concentration is higher in plasma

2、 The characteristic of hypovolemic hyponatremia is

A:Serum Na+ concentration is increased, the volume of extracellular fluid is decreased
B:Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of extracellular fluid is increased
C:Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of extracellular fluid is decreased
D:Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of intracellular fluid is decreased
答案: Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of extracellular fluid is decreased

3、 Which disorder of water and sodium metabolism might result in central nervous system (CNS) symptoms in the early stage?

A:Hypotonic dehydration
B:Hypertonic dehydration
C:Isotonic dehydration
D:Acute water intoxication
答案: Acute water intoxication

4、 Hyperpyrexia (high fever), with profuse sweating might result in which one of the following pathological processes?

A:Hypovolemic hypernatremia
B:Hypovolemic hyponatremia
C:Hypervolemic hyponatremia
答案: Hypovolemic hypernatremia

5、 A man suffers from pneumonia, accompanied with hyperpyrexia(体温升高), thirst, and urinary concentration. His urinary sodium content is high, and the serum Na+ concentration is more than 150mmol/L. This is probably an example of

B: water intoxication
C:hypertonic dehydration
D:isotonic dehydration
E:hypotonic dehydration
答案: hypertonic dehydration

6、 Which one of the following disorders of water and sodium metabolism might result in cerebral hemorrhage?

A:Hypertonic dehydration
B:Isotonic dehydration
C:Hypotonic dehydration
D:Water intoxication
答案: Hypertonic dehydration

7、 Early clinical manifestations of hypertonic dehydration are

C:Swelling of cerebral cell
E:Increased urinary sodium content
答案: Thirst;
Increased urinary sodium content

chapter1 Fluid and electrolyte imbalances Fluid and electrolyte imbalances

1、 The main difference between interstitial fluid and plasma is

A:The protein concentration is higher in plasma
B:The Na+ concentration is higher in plasma
C: The protein concentration is higher in interstitial fluid
D:The Na+ concentration is higher in interstitial fluid
E:The organic acid concentration is higher in plasma
答案: The protein concentration is higher in plasma

2、 The characteristic of hypovolemic hyponatremia is ( )

A:Serum Na+ concentration is increased, the volume of extracellular fluid is decreased
B:Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of extracellular fluid is increased
C: Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of extracellular fluid is decreased
D: Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of intracellular fluid is decreased
E: Serum Na+ concentration is increased, the volume of intracellular fluid is decreased
答案: Serum Na+ concentration is decreased, the volume of extracellular fluid is decreased

3、 Which disorder of water and sodium metabolism might result in central nervous system (CNS) symptoms in the early stage?

A:Hypotonic dehydration
B:Hypertonic dehydration
C:Isotonic dehydration
D:Acute water intoxication
E: Chronic water intoxication
答案: Acute water intoxication

4、 Hyperpyrexia (high fever), with profuse sweating might result in which one of the following pathological processes?

A:Hypovolemic hypernatremia
B:Hypovolemic hyponatremia
C:Hypervolemic hyponatremia
D:Hypervolemic hypernatremia
E:Isovolemic hyponatremia
答案: Hypovolemic hypernatremia

5、 A man suffers from pneumonia, accompanied with hyperpyrexia(体温升高), thirst, and urinary concentration. His urinary sodium content is high, and the serum Na+ concentration is more than 150mmol/L. This is probably an example of

B:water intoxication
C:hypertonic dehydration
D:isotonic dehydration
E:hypotonic dehydration
答案: hypertonic dehydration

6、 Which one of the following disorders of water and sodium metabolism might result in cerebral hemorrhage?

A:Hypertonic dehydration
B:Isotonic dehydration
C:Hypotonic dehydration
D:Water intoxication
答案: Hypertonic dehydration

7、 The most common cause of hypotonic dehydration is

A:Excessive loss of digestive juices
B: Body fluid loss through the skin
C:Ascites formation
D:Only water to replace the losses of water and sodium
E:Excessive loss of blood
答案: Only water to replace the losses of water and sodium

8、 Which one of the following statements is true about edema?

A:There is accumulation of excessive water in the body
B: There is accumulation of excessive body fluid in the cell
C:There is accumulation of excessive body fluid in the blood vessel
D:There is accumulation of excessive body fluid in the tissue space
E:There is accumulation of excessive body fluid in the lymphatic vessel
答案: There is accumulation of excessive body fluid in the tissue space

9、 The predominant harmful effect in acute water intoxication is

A:Cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension
B:Pulmonary edema
C:Acute hypertension
D: Hemodilution and anaemia
E:Acute heart failure
答案: Cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension

10、 The mechanisms by which diarrhea leads to hypokalemia may involve

A:Increased insulin secretion
B:Decreased K+ absorption in the small intestine
C:Reduced aldosterone secretion
D: Increased hydrocortisone secretion
E:Increased glucocorticoid secretion
答案: Decreased K+ absorption in the small intestine

11、 The excitability of skeletal muscles may be reduced in hypokalemia. The reason is that

A: Resting potential becomes less negative, and the Na+ channel is inactive.
B:Resting potential becomes more negative,the difference between resting potential and threshold potential increases.
C:Resting potential elevates, the difference between resting potential and threshold potential increases.
D:Resting potential becomes less negative,the difference between resting potential and threshold potential decreases.
E:Resting potential elevates, and the effect of the membrane barrier becomes greater.
答案: Resting potential becomes more negative,the difference between resting potential and threshold potential increases.








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