

Unit 1 On the Phone Quiz for Unit 1

1、 A business call should be made ______.

A:A. during the holidays
B:B. during the working hours
C:C. during the rest time
D:D. during the dinner time
答案: B. during the working hours

2、 We should not say “__” when we answer the phone.

A:A. Who is speaking, please?
B:B. Where are you calling from?
C:C. Who are you?
D:D. Who’s that?
答案: C. Who are you?

3、 If the one you want is not available on the phone, you can take a message by leaving some basic information except __.

A:A. the name
B:B. the company you are from
C:C. the purpose of the call
D: D. the company you call
答案: D. the company you call

4、 If there is something wrong with the phone or telephone line when you make a call, you can use the following expressions except _____.

A:A. The phone is in order.
B:B. She has changed her telephone number
C:C. I’ve tried to get through several times but it’s always engaged.
D:D. Sorry, we were cut off.
答案: A. The phone is in order.

5、 If you ask for someone during a business call, you can use the following expressions except _.

A:A. Could I speak to someone in the Sales Department, please?
B:B. Is someboby in?
C:C. Hello, is Jack in the office?
D:D. Please connect me with the Export Department.
答案: B. Is someboby in?

6、 When introducing yourself, you should not say: “____.”

A:A. This is Ken.
B:B. Ken speaking.
C:C. Hello, this is Paul Smith from Sparkle International.
D:D. I am ….
答案: D. I am ….

7、 At the beginning of a business call, you should introduce yourself by _.

A:A. saying “Hello, this is xxx from xxx company speaking.”
B:B. saying “Hello, I am xxx from xxx company speaking. ”
C:C. waiting to be asked.
D:D. Just speaking out your name.
答案: A. saying “Hello, this is xxx from xxx company speaking.”

8、 During the business call, if you are not so sure about the information, you can say the following sentences except __

A:A. “I believe I am right.”
B:B. “I didn’t catch your name. Would you please spell it?”
C:C. “Could you spell that, please?”
D:D. “I’d like you to repeat that number, please.”
答案: A. “I believe I am right.”

9、 You can end a business call by using the following expressions except _.

A:A. Sorry, I must ring off now. I’ve got a call on the other line.
B:B. I look forward to meeting you/ hearing from you soon.
C:C. I think that’s all, bye then.
D:D. The phone is out of order.
答案: D. The phone is out of order.

10、 When making preparations for a business call, which of the following is not right?

A:A. Review written material first.
B:B. Make a list of all the possible questions and answers.
C:C. Be clear about what information you need.
D:D. Pick up the phone immediately in case that you forget.
答案: D. Pick up the phone immediately in case that you forget.

11、 A business call should not be longer than 1 minute.

答案: 错误

12、 During the business call we should stick to the subject and do not allow the conversation to drag out with meaningless chatter.

答案: 正确

13、 When you feel necessary to make a business call, pick up your phone immediately in case that you forget.

答案: 错误

14、 You should try to speak as loud as possible on the phone so as to make yourself heard clearly.

答案: 错误

15、 In business calls if the person you want is not available, try to leave a message as detailed as possible.

答案: 错误

Unit 2 At a Meeting Quiz for Unit 2

1、 The following is a checklist of major elements essential for meeting effectiveness except _.

A:A. purpose and participant
B:B. structure、agenda、location and time
C:C. responsibilities and confirmation
D: D. minutes and refreshments
答案: D. minutes and refreshments

2、 A minute is a summarized or condensed _____ of what has taken place in meeting.

A:A. writing
B:B. record
C:C. notebook
D:D. time
答案: B. record

3、 A well-planned agenda, posted ground rules, using a bin and ______ are the four most important keys to running the effective meetings.

A:A. a minute
B:B. a summary
C: C. an introduction
D: D. the meeting leader
答案: B. a summary

4、 The _____ is responsible for seeing that the planning gets done, not necessarily for doing it.

A:A. stuff
B:B. coworker
C:C. leader
D:D. participant
答案: C. leader

5、 There are some of the drawbacks of meetings except __.

A:A. More time is required than if one person makes the decisions.
B:B. There’s more talk (sometimes irrelevant and repetitive).
C:C. There’s more group pressure.
D:D. There’re more discussions.
答案: D. There’re more discussions.

6、 _____ may record review of the past activities, new decisions and polices, and provide the decision-making process.

A:A. A minute
B: B. An agenda
C:C. A recorder
D: D. A summary
答案: A. A minute

7、 _____ is a written record to be kept for future reference.

A:A. A summary
B:B. An agenda
C:C. A recorder
D:D. A minute
答案: D. A minute

8、 A meeting minute includes the following elements except __.

A:A. the name of the organization
B:B. the place, date and time of the meeting
C:C. the name of the person presiding
D:D. all the details
答案: D. all the details

9、 During the meeting, what should a chairperson first do?

A:A. He should first present the purpose of the meeting.
B:B. He should first focus on the main issues.
C:C. He should first make a summary at the end of the meeting.
D:D. He should first give every attendee a chance to contribute.





















