大学英语综合教程(中级)(华中农业大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版

Unit 2 Unit 2 Quiz

1、 Which of the following is NOT the identity of William Shakespeare

答案: A novelist

2、 In 1953, Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize in__.

答案: Literature

3、 The parents’ generation lived in an era of constraints, restraints and__.

答案: respect

4、 How do young people today handle relationships with the opposite sex

答案: They enter relationships under the pressure of lust.

5、 Which of the following is NOT an example of simile

答案: The assignment was a breeze.

6、 Bertrand Russell is a (an) ______ philosopher, mathematician and writer.

答案: British

7、 Which of the following is NOT the author’s description of love

答案: a relationship which demands as much take as give.

8、 Which of the following is NOT mentioned when the author describes her countless crushes in school

答案: salesman at a supermarket

9、 Which of the following is NOT used to describe a mature love relationship

答案: pleasures of the flesh

10、 Which of the following is used to describe the younger generation

答案: openness and fading lines of proximity

11、 Some of the old _____ about the space age are coming true.

答案: fantasies

12、 She cut her hair short and tried to _____ herself as a man.

答案: disguise

13、 The student could not _____ what the teacher was trying to explain.

答案: grasp

14、 He ran so fast that he was out of _____.

答案: breath

15、 Tibet, the second largest province of China, is _____ in uranium and underground thermal power.

答案: abundant

16、 The young couple were quite excited by the _____ of having their first child.

答案: prospect

17、 So many children have bought the balloons that the store is now out of _____.

答案: stock

18、 Christmas is a Christian holy day celebrated on December 25th _____ the birth of Jesus Christ.

答案: in honor of

19、 Your _____ is the round of things that you usually do each day.

答案: routine

20、 To our delight, she quickly _____ herself to the new situation.

答案: adapted

21、 The manager gave the salesgirl an accusing look for her _____ attitude toward customers.

答案: hostile

22、 With the joint effort of everyone, the plan is _____ to succeed.

答案: bound

23、 The _____ arrival of the policemen saved the people in the house from being burnt.

答案: prompt

24、 The youngest child is thoroughly _____ because they always give him whatever he wants.

答案: spoiled

25、 Nancy was surprised that they have _____, because they seemed to be a happy couple.

答案: split up

26、 Love to some is like a _____. To some as strong as steel.
答案: cloud

27、 The course of true love never did run ______.
答案: smooth

28、 To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts _____.
答案: dead

29、 Given the busy nature of our lives, it is to be___ that we even find the time to indulge in matters of the heart.
答案: appreciated

30、 Where does the family start It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl—no superior_has yet been found.
答案: alternative

31、 It is not how much we do, but how much love we put in the doing. It is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the_.
答案: giving

Unit 3 Unit 3 Quiz


1、 The President failed to fulfill his ____ to his voters and failed in his second term

答案: commitment

2、 He ____ the map and tried to find out which way to go.

答案: unfolded

3、 Their relationship ____ since their graduation to two different cities.

答案: broke up

4、 Friends are forever comforts. _____ I go, their care follows.

答案: Wherever

5、 Could you give the ____ of this word in a brief way

答案: notion

6、 The _____ for the relationship between the young is believed to be pleasure.

答案: ground

7、 “When we approach the notion of friendship, our first problem is that…” (Para. 1),here “notion” means ______.

答案: meaning

8、 When speaking of “friendship based on utility”,Aristotle believed this kind of friendship was _____.

答案: impermanent

9、 After careful exam, the expert claimed that this painting was _____.

答案: genuine

10、 The government has very strict rules _____ the use of chemicals in food.

答案: regulating

11、 I’ll borrow ______ tent you are not using now.

答案: whichever

12、 As the saying _____, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

答案: goes

13、 Today’s culture is ______ “fast food culture”, in which people pursue the greatest satisfaction within the shortest time.

答案: described as

14、 O Henry is a famous novelist who is known for the ____ ending in his short stories.

答案: unexpected

15、 The two images in After Twenty Years impress the readers deeply due to O Henry’s great effort in describing people’s _____.

答案: appearance

16、 Which of the following is not O. Henry’s representative work

答案: The twelfth night

17、 He was ____ arrest when drugs were found in his bag at the customs.

答案: under

18、 Which of the following explains Jimmy, the policeman in After Twenty Years, would not arrest his friend in person

答案: He was not feeling good to arrest his once best friend in person.

19、 Ancient scholars classified friendship into three types, respectively they are friendship based on utility, on pleasure and on goodness.

答案: 错误

20、 Friendship based on goodness is rare because it requires time and intimacy.

答案: 正确

21、 Only those who prove themselves worthy of love and trust to each other can become good friends.

答案: 正确

22、 Cicero believed that only those who are not greedy, who are pure and who are brave can be good friends.

答案: 错误

23、 A friend is like a mirror from which you can know yourself better.

答案: 正确

24、 The moral excellence of friendship involves self-development in sympathy, concern and care.

答案: 错误

25、 Friendship based on utility often happens between the old because they need to develop each other.

答案: 错误

26、 According to the author, friendship based on pleasure is easy to_.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)break up;

27、 “Goodness” in the text can be understood as ______.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)moral excellence;

28、 Both Aristotle and Cicero believed that genuine friendship only happened between ______.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)the good;
good men

29、 From the perspective of writing, this article takes ______ as a major way to present different classic views on friendship.
答案: classification

30、 Virtuous friends are bound by___, which involves a high level of development and expression of the altruistic emotions of sympathy, concern and care.
答案: moral excellence

31、 According to Cicero, in true friendship, those who possess any superiority must regard themselves as ______ of those who are less fortunate.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)equal;

32、 They ____ after graduation as they moved to different cities.

答案: broke up

33、 “When we approach the notion of friendship, our first problem is that…” (Para. 1),here “notion” means ______.

答案: concept

34、 When speaking of “friendship based on utility”,Aristotle believed this kind of friendship was _____.

答案: impermanent

35、 O Henry is a famous novelist who is known for the ____ ending in his short stories.

答案: unexpected

36、 Ancient scholars classified friendship into three types, namely, friendship based on goodness, utility, and social status.

答案: 错误

37、 Friendship based on utility often happens between the old because they help each other to grow.

答案: 错误

38、 There are various types of writing, including expository writing, argumentative writing, and narrative writing. In Text A, the author uses the category of____ writing to present different views on friendship.
答案: expository

Unit 4 Unit 4 Quiz


1、 How did Hitler view German athletes during the 1936 Olympic Games held in Berlin

答案: He considered German athletes the master race.

2、 Which event was Owens expected to win easily

答案: broad jump

3、 Which of the following might NOT be used to describe Luz Long

答案: He was a sophomore at Ohio State University.

4、 Why did everyone expect Owens to win the Olympic Event

答案: Because he had trained hard for 6 years and set the world record.

5、 Where did the 1936 Summer Olympic Games held

答案: Berlin

6、 “Something must be eating you” means:

答案: You are upset.

7、 “Take pains” means:

答案: Try hard

8、 Which of the following is NOT the description of Pierre de Couberlin

答案: He is a champion in the 1936 Olympic Games.

9、 To what did Owens compare his friendship with Long

答案: He compared it to a diamond.

10、 Which of the following is NOT the Olympic Spirit revealed by Luz Long

答案: Being the Champion and bringing honor to the country is the key point.

11、 The professor paused to consult his notes, and then__ to ask us some more questions.

答案: proceeded

12、 In order to win in the school track and field meeting, he____ himself to practice running every day.

答案: disciplined

13、 Their team failed to_for the World Cup even though they had trained like crazy.

答案: qualify

14、 In the race he will__ against world-class runners, which is a real challenge to him.

答案: compete

15、 The tourists were___ by a guide when they were visiting the Great Wall.

答案: preceded

16、 The captain ___ the passengers about the strength.

答案: reassured

17、 In a few moments the vinegar will __ and so will your odors(气味).

答案: evaporate

18、 Attorneys(律师)for the indicted officers tried to delay the ______ .

答案: trial

19、 He got rather drunk and made a ___ of himself .

答案: fool

20、 Successful are those who are willing to take ___ to work hard.

答案: pains

21、 Ben Franklin was one of the ___ of the American Republic.

答案: founders

22、 He failed to_a new record, but it was a good attempt.

答案: set

23、 The dollar fell to within a hair’s breadth of its ___ low.

答案: all-time

24、 The party ___ to be very successful.

答案: turn out

25、 The ___of studying music can help children develop good work habits

答案: discipline

26、 Jesse Owens was a ______ athlete from America.
答案: black

27、 When the time came for the broad-jump trials, Jesse was surprised to see Luz, because___ had Luz under wraps.
答案: Hitler

28、 Jesse made several mistakes during the trials, because he was__ at the master race theory.
答案: angry

29、 Luz Long himself didn’t believe in the_____ business.
答案: Aryan-supremacy

30、 Luz Long was the perfect example of the Olympic___.
答案: spirit

31、 Jesse Owens and Luz Long became lifelong__ during the 1936 Olympic Games.
答案: friends

32、 Jesse Owen was an American______ athlete who got four gold medals in the 1936’s Olympic Games.
答案: track and field

33、 When the time came for the broad-jump trials, Jesse Owens was_to see a German named Luz Long hitting the pit at almost 26 feet on his practice leaps!
答案: startled

34、 Nowadays, the Olympic Gold medals have to be made out of at least 92.5% pure silver, and then____ in 6 grams of gold.
答案: plated

35、 我们是具有习惯的生物,我们的睡眠也不例外。We are creatures of habit, and our sleep is no___.
答案: exception

36、 The rhetorical device(修辞手法) used in the “24-carat friendship” is___.
答案: metaphor









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