高职英语(南京工业职业技术大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版

Unit 1 Organization (Book 1) Unit 1 Organization (Book 1) (test)

1、 Tom was very glad when his daughter began to excel ______ dancing.

答案: at

2、 A lot of scientists are judged _____ their achievements in scientific research.

答案:  in terms of

3、 It’s suggested that they __ the programme tomorrow. 

答案: start   

4、 Jerry was the only one of the students who __ named Outstanding Student. 

答案: was  

5、 It’s high time that the whole world ___ together to fight with Covid-19.

答案: worked 

6、  Google is one of the biggest_____ in online searching engine field.

答案: employers 

7、 By the time they get back, I __ all the work.

答案: will have finished 

8、 There is something wrong with my bike. It will take me one hour to have it ______. 

答案: fixed 

9、 There were ___ for Sunday’s movie. 

答案: no tickets available

10、 With his hard work, Jerry ____ the basic knowledge of computer.

答案: has acquired 

11、 All the banks are very ___ about lending money to the real estate industry.

答案:  cautious

12、 The social and economic ___ of women is still low in that country.

答案:  status

13、 Cigarette smoking is a major health __ and may result in his death.

答案: hazard

14、 The amount of water in the river will ___ as the dry season continues.

答案: diminish

15、 Their company’s ____ is to listen to our customers and make them satisfied.

答案:  philosophy 

16、 Google is the world’s most popular website.

答案: 错误

17、 Google went public after it began to sell advertising on the website. 

答案: 正确

18、 Email has been one of Google’s features since the first day of the company.

答案: 错误

19、 Google is now a billion-dollar company and has been named to the Top 500 list of the world.  

答案: 错误

20、 Google’s employees work in places where typical office designs are used. 

答案: 错误

21、 Google has become the Internet leader in terms of technology.

答案: 错误

22、 Page and his partner Sergey Brin set up their company on September 7, 1998.

答案: 正确

23、 Many Google employees became instant millionaires.

答案: 正确

24、 Google has recently acquired YouTube.com which is the Internet’s largest videosharing website. 

答案: 正确

25、  Google owns YouTube, Blogger and other hot websites and has become the leader in terms of ad-based revenue on the web.

答案: 正确

26、  The search engine grew quite quickly and it began to sell _____ (advertise) on the website.
答案: advertisement

27、 TAG is one of the leading _____(manufacture) of skincare and haircare products.
答案: manufacturers

28、 This advertisement is a  _____ (type) example of our marketing strategy.
答案: typical

29、 After 10 years of hard work, she finally _____ (achievement) success in his business.
答案: achieved

30、 That kind of  search engine quickly grew in _____ (popular). After a few years of growth, Google went public.
答案: popularity

31、 If you click on that ____ (link), it takes you to our flight schedule.
答案: link

32、 The business was ____(acquire) from Jerry four years ago.
答案: acquired

33、 Summers in the north ____ (tendency) to  be cooler and drier than in the south.
答案: tend

34、 To become a successful ______ (entrepreneur), one should have a working knowledge about the business he plans to start.
答案: entrepreneur

35、 Once they have the ____ (relevance) information, they can make a decision.
答案: relevant

Unit 1 Workplace(Book 2) Unit 1 Workplace(Book 2)(Test)

1、 It was the great____for a wonderful christmas.

答案: setting

2、 If a teacher dress too casually, it will____his or her teaching efforts.

答案: hamper

3、 His____novel is concerned with youth unemployment.

答案: latest

4、 All the family members thought he did not deserve their____.

答案: compliments

5、 You can not rely____the weather report, especially in spring.

答案: on

6、 As we all know, this store has an excellent____for fair dealing.

答案: reputation

7、 ____what the present looks like, remember it is the thought that counts.

答案: No matter

8、 Dressing in the latest fashion trends may give you the fame of being efficient.

答案: 错误

9、 There are many more pros of depending on workplace fashion trends than there are cons.

答案: 错误

10、 If you work in a fast food restaurant as a manager, dressing in uniform may hamper your efforts to work and be productive.

答案: 错误

11、 Many people are always given compliments by wearing trendy workplace fashion pieces.

答案: 错误

12、 Other people’s opinions are crucial when we choose workplace clothing.

答案: 正确

13、 People should think about a workplace fashion trend carefully before relying on it.

答案: 正确

14、 They work hard,but their efforts are not very____. (product)
答案: productive

15、 A small ____(retail) should compare prices with a similar store.
答案: retailer

16、 ____(be) a winner, you need to give all you have and try your best. (注意句首字母大写)
答案: To be

17、 ____(taste) so good,the cake was soon sold out.  (注意句首字母大写)
答案: Tasting

18、 The kids listened carefully, with their eyes____ (fix) on the blackboard.
答案: fixed

19、 He uses computers to keep the traffic____(run)smoothly.
答案: running

20、 A doctor who gives away confidential information about patients is not ____. (profession)
答案: professional


Unit 2 Business Meeting (Book 2) Unit 2 Business Meeting (Book 2)(Test)

1、 It is important that a student        a foreign language.

答案: master 

2、 If her  lawyer  _ here last Saturday, she  ______   me from going.

答案: had been, would have prevented

3、  ——“She is a brave girl.” ——”Yes, I wish I              her courage.”

答案: had  

4、                     smoking, his father would not have got cancer in the lung.

答案: Had he given up

5、 He ordered that the drug                    by a special plane.

答案: be sent

6、 He is my brother, but he often acts as if  he                  my father.

答案: were 

7、 I’d rather she                      tomorrow afternoon.

答案: came

8、 They insisted that the meaningless argument __.

答案: come to an end

9、 Our life                quite different today without electricity.

答案:  would be

10、 It’s high time that we  _____ even harder at our lessons as the examination is coming nearer.

答案:  worked 

11、 —I called you at 3:00 yesterday afternoon, but no one answered.—Sorry, I _____ with my sisiter at that time.

答案: was swimming

12、 —Excuse me, where is Mr. Tom’s office?—Sorry, I don’t know. I_____ here for only a few days.

答案:  have worked

13、 —Where is Jerry?—He______to Shanghai for a meeting.

答案: has gone

14、 Don’t make so much noise. The boys _an English lesson.

答案: are having 

15、 Mr. White is going to marry a girl he _ in China last year.

答案: met

16、 Question 26-35,decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE accrrding to the two passages we learned in Unit 2.After the meeting comes to its second hour, everybody is still wasting their time.

答案: 正确

17、 Time is our most precious resource because we don’t value time properly.

答案: 错误

18、 With tangible goals specified and responsibilities assigned, the members at the meeting will know the objectives.

答案: 正确

19、 It is not one of the reasons for ineffective meetings that the leader fails to do the right things to ensure the efficiency of the meeting.

答案: 错误

20、 The main idea of the text Meetings are a matter of precious time is that everybody should contribute to hold the meeting. 

答案: 错误

21、 MTC’s board members were talking face to face in the meeting room. 

答案: 错误

22、 Mr. Fisher presented the Treasurer’s Report, which was then unanimously approved everybody is still wasting their time.

答案: 正确

23、 Executive Director Rob Anderson proposed that the Board support a new project. 

答案: 正确

24、 The Secretary, B. Thomas Lowes, was appointed to send the support letter to Dr. Rubin. 

答案: 错误

25、 The Board had a ten-minute break at 3:39 p.m.

答案: 错误

26、 Question 16-25,fill in the blank with the proper forms of the words given in the bracket.They __ (propose)making arrangements beforehand at the meeting yesterday.
答案: proposed

27、 If you __ (assign) this task to that inexperienced boy, the results will most likely be less than satisfactory.
答案: assign

28、 The hot chocalate is so full that it might _ (spill) over.
答案: spill

29、 All of  his friends are __ (vague) about where she  is at the moment.
答案: vague

30、 The first item on the __ (agenda) was how to cut down the loss  in sales.
答案: agenda

31、 She said  that a  few people were  injured  in  the  accident, but  without ____ (specify) how many. 
答案: specifying

32、 The thief has _____ (apparent) fled without taking anything.
答案: apparently

33、 Repetition is one of the most  __ ( effect) ways  for remembering these new words.
答案: effective

34、 The two companies signed an agreement  to   ___ (new) their partnership for another ten  years.
答案: renew

35、 The  instructions  should be made  so as  to  avoid any ___ (explicit) misunderstanding.
答案: explicit

Unit 2 office (Book 1) Unit 2 office (Book 1) (Test)

1、 Her English is excellent because she has been speaking since she _____ a girl of twelve.

答案: was

2、 Although the mission was meant to be kept a secret, it ____ .

答案: was revealed

3、 The manager opened the mail which ___ that morning.

答案: had been delivered

4、 It was between 1830-1840      modern newspaper was born.

答案: that

5、 Not only      be interesting to us, but also its English will help us in writing

答案: will the novel

6、 Tom failed to catch the train,       .

答案: neither did they

7、 I think it’s high time you ______ some measure to the problem.

答案: took

8、 Mathematics      the language of science.

答案: is

9、 They each      a beautiful handkerchief.

答案: have

10、 It is no good  ____ to come now. She is busy.

答案: asking him

11、 I feel_____(regret) when I learnt that your application for the post of secretary had been unsuccessful.
答案: regretful

12、 Weight-lifting is an _____(exhaust) sport.
答案: exhausting

13、 Having failed the examination, Jenny feels very _____(depress).
答案: depressed

14、 Mr. Green complained about the _____(defect) air-conditioner he had bought from the company.
答案: defective

15、 It is hard to tell the two sisters apart because they look very much _____(like).
答案: alike

16、 Although she is _____(fair) intelligent, she is rather lazy.
答案: fairly

17、 It _____(rain) for two weeks and the streets were flooded.
答案: had been raining

18、 The kids stood on the pavement, _____(watch) the buses coming and going.
答案: watching

19、 _____(give) proper protection, land may not be ruined.
答案: Given

20、 We are looking forward to _____(see) you again
答案: seeing

21、 You should treat your employees as _____. (individual)
答案: individuals

22、 The manager planned his work ____ (schedule) for the  following month.
答案: schedule

23、 His behavior(reflect) ___ his lazy attitude to work.
答案: reflects

24、  Several cars are available within this price __.(range)
答案: range

25、 Your mini skirt is not ____ (appropriate)for such a formal  occasion.
答案: appropriate

26、 Do you know how to ____(operation) the heating system? 
答案: operate

27、 This kind of exercise is most (challenge)___ , and therefore is a good test of the students’ ability.
答案: challenging

28、 He tried to (anticipation)____ the questions they were likely to ask him at the interview. 
答案: anticipate

29、  I really don’t know how to (deal) ____ these naughty children.
答案: deal with

30、 The (prospect) ____of finishing the work soon are very good.
答案: prospects


Unit 3 Business Meals(Book 1) Unit 3 Business Meals (Book 1)(Test)

1、 ___in the doorway,the house appeared to be much smaller than it had seemed to us as children many years ago.

答案: When we stood

2、 Tommy said that he___back within ten minutes.

答案: would be

3、 They’re satisfied with the replies they’ve received from the public___far.

答案: So

4、 He proposed that we___a party for the success of the basketball match.

答案: hold

5、 The computer,___is a 20th century invention,has created startling technological changes in the way we organize and produce information.

答案: which

6、 Not until many years later______.

答案: did the whole truth become known

7、 He talked__he had never met me before, which made me quite embarrassed.

答案: as though

8、 Mr.Smith’s refusal was worded in such a _____ way that we could not be offended.

答案: graceful

9、 The rules about business meals we learned in today’s class may _ in future.

答案: come in handy

10、 The pen _____ quite smoothly.

答案: writes

11、 when a bar of iron attracts other pieces of iron,it ____a magnet,and thus the attraction is called mangnetism.

答案: acts as

12、 ______, wood will soon burn.

答案: when heated 

13、 The bird was seen _____ off the tree.

答案: to fly

14、 Great changes ______ in Nanjing in the past few years.

答案: have taken place

15、 This house _ my mother.

答案: belongs to

16、 All the members of this band perform the songs with______ and flair.

答案: style

17、 If a baby bird stays ______ for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult.

答案: alive

18、 We arrived at the station__ late, or we ____ the train.

答案: much too; would have caught

19、 Once environmental damage ______, it takes long time for the ecosystem to recover.

答案: is done

20、 Michelle’s father, as well as her mother, ______ in New York for a few more days.

答案: suggests she stay

21、 Mr. Black’s refusal was worded in such a ______ way that we could not be offended.

答案: graceful

22、 The children can take _____ story book they like.

答案: whichever

23、 —Dear! I can’t find my notebook.— Is there ______ in it? Let me help you.

答案: anything important

24、 In Ggrandma’s shopping bag, there ______ some orange juice, two packets or salt and some tomatoes.

答案: is

25、 We_ to visit Tom if the weather ____ fine tomorrow.

答案: will go; is

26、 There ______ a school here.

答案: used to be

27、 I am used to ______ rice now.

答案: eating

28、 Be careful! The train ______ soon.

答案: is arriving

29、 On April 2, Tiangong 1 __ back into the Earth’s atmosphere (大气层) and ____ into the South Pacific Ocean.

答案: went; fell

30、 Arnold searched high and low in order to find a _ collection of ancient Greek art.

答案: representative

Unit 3 Business Travel (Book 2) Unit 3 Business Travel (Book 2)(Test)

1、 The old lady felt more__ with a burglar alarm.

答案: secure‍

2、 The members of the group are given a detailed tour __ by the tour guide.

答案: itinerary

3、 The manager denied __ anything about it beforehand.

答案: knowing

4、 The chairman was quite familiar with the __ for conducting a meeting.

答案: procedure

5、 After the teacher’s explanation, the meaning of this passage seems quite __.

答案: clear

6、 Detective novels used to hold a special __ for me.

答案: attraction

7、 It was __ that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly.

答案: amazing

8、 If one side failed to honor the contract, the other side should be entitled __ cancel it.

答案: to

9、 The president had to __ some routine work and to deal with a crisis.

答案: put aside

10、 How can we seek __ a  really good person for the job?

答案: out

11、 Reading comprehension Choose the best answers according to the following passage. (11-15)        The competition among producers of personal computers is essentially a race to get the best and most innovative products to the marketplace. Apple Computer, Inc. has introduced two new, faster personal computers, the Macintosh II and Macintosh SE, before the introduction of a new PC by HP, one of Apple’s major competitors.        Apple’s new computer, the improved Macintosh, is able to run programs that previously were impossible to run on an Apple PC, including IBM-compatible(兼容的) program. This compatibility feature makes Apple computers capable of running IBM programs and thus more popular in the office, where Apple hopes to increase sales.       The new computers represent a big improvement over past models, but they also cost much more. Company officials do not think the higher price will slow down buyers who want a more powerful computer. Apple wants to stay in the high-price end of the personal computer market to finance research even faster, more sophisticated computers.       Even though Apple and HP are major competitors, both companies realize that their competitor’s computers have certain features that their own models do not. The Apple line has always been popular for its beautiful color graphics, whereas the HP machines have always been favored in offices. In the future, there will probably be more compatibility between the two companies’ products, which no doubt will that both Apple and HP change marketing strategies.11. According to paragraph 1, Apple computer, Inc. has introduced two new, faster personal computers because _.

答案: it wants to stay ahead of HP in the computer market

12、 Apple hopes to increase Macintosh sales mainly by _.

答案: making its new models capable of running IBM software

13、 Apple sells its new computers at high price mainly because _____.

答案: they are more powerful than other models

14、 Both Apple and HP try to be more competitive by ____.

答案: inventing features that make their products different

15、 The best title for the passage would be _____.

答案: Apple’s Efforts to Stay Ahead of HP

16、 Reading comprehension Choose the best answers according to the following passage.(16-20)        In 1939 two brothers, Mac and Dick McDonald, started a drive-in restaurant in San Bernardino, California. They carefully chose a busy corner for their location. They had run their own businesses for years, first a theater, then a barbecue(烤肉)restaurant, then another drive-in. But in their new operation, they offered a new, shortened menu: French fries, hamburgers, and sodas. To this small selection they added one new concept: quick service, no waiters or waitresses, and no tips.    Their hamburgers sold for fifteen cents. Cheese was another four cents. Their French fries and hamburgers had a remarkable uniformity, for the brothers had developed a strict routine for the preparation of their food, and they insisted on their cooks’ sticking to their routine. Their new drive-in became incredibly popular, particularly for lunch. People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime. The self-service restaurant was so popular that the brothers had allowed ten copies of their restaurant to be opened. They were content with this modest success until they met Ray Kroc.       Kroc was a salesman who met the McDonald brothers in 1954, when he was selling milkshake-mixing machines. He quickly saw the unique appeal of the brothers’ fast-food restaurants and bought the right to franchise(特许经营)other copies of their restaurants. The agreement struck included the right to duplicate the menu. The equipment, even their red and white buildings with the golden arches(拱门).      Today McDonald’s is really a household name. Its names for its sandwiches have come to mean hamburger in the decades since the day Ray Kroc watched people rush up to order fifteen-cent hamburgers. In 1976, McDonald’s had over $ 1 billion in total sales. Its first twenty-two years is one of the most incredible success stories in modern American business history.16. This passage mainly talks about __.

答案: the business careers of Mac and Dick McDonald

17、 Mac and Dick managed all of the following businesses except _.

答案: a cinema

18、 We may infer from this passage that ______.

答案: Ray Kroc was a good businessman

19、 The passage suggests that _____.

答案: creativity is an important element of business success

20、 As used in the second sentence of the second paragraph, the word “unique” means ______.

答案: peculiar

21、 Most businesses would rather pay for two nights in a hotel and meals ______ fly you home and back out again.

答案: than

22、 The teacher decided to take ______ the requests made by the students.

答案: in

23、 She looks very happy. She ______ have passed the exam.

答案: must

24、 The teacher ______ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn’t have wasted time on him, I suppose.

答案: must

25、 If it were not for the fact that she ______ sing, I would invite her to the party.

答案: can’t

26、 If I ______ so busy last week, I would have gone to visit him in the hospital.

答案: hadn’t been

27、 ______ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the cinema so often.

答案: Had it not been

28、 We ______ a pleasant journey but for the rain.

答案: would have had

29、 Doctors in this hospital recommended that the patient ______ soem exercises.

答案: do

30、 Some people insisted that the person ______ to the police station.

答案: be taken

31、 The Apollo program was not so much a scientific achievement as a technical ______ (accomplish).
答案: accomplishment

32、 After a while, one of the ______ (local) showed me the way to the post office.
答案: locals

33、 After the congress meeting, more power is to be given to the ______ (region) government.
答案: regional

34、 His day is evenly divided between work and ______ (relax).
答案: relaxation

35、 Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it ______ (happen) yesterday.
答案: happened


Unit 4 Money (Book 2) Unit 4 Money(Book 2)(Test)

1、 As her private sectetary he has __ to all her letters.

答案: access

2、 Although the hall was built many years ago, we still use it for ______ purpose.

答案: multiple

3、 He presented a new ______ of the origins of the universe.

答案: concept

4、 The candidate __ 60% of the vote and won the election.

答案: captured

5、 __ his embarrassment, he had to call his wife and have her to bring him some money.

答案: To

6、 This store often __ only 10 yuan a dozen for large eggs.

答案: charges

7、 Our factories in Hongkong have helped our company __ root in South East Asina.

答案: take

8、 __ an effort to attract cutomers’ attention, many sotre began to decorate their windows.

答案: In

9、 College is quite different from high school, as some courses are __.(option)
答案: optional

10、 If you are not satisfied with your __(purchase), we will give you a full refund.
答案: purchase

11、 The magazine is trying to get more __(subscribe) in the coming year.
答案: subscribers

12、 Personal computers are of __(universe) interest; everyone is learning how to use them.
答案: universal

13、 Translation: 银行不仅提供转账服务,还提供贷款服务。Banks provide _ a transfer service, but also a loan service.
答案: not only

14、 Translation: 账户余额不仅没有减少,反而增加了。The account balance increased _____ decreased.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)rather than;
instead of;
other than

15、 Translation: 有些投资不但不能获利,甚至更坏的情况,会亏本。Some investments cannot bring returns; ____ worse, the original capital might be lost.
答案: even

16、 Translation: 银行家尚且无力,更何况普通消费者。(not to mention 更别提)Even a banker cannot afford it, not to _ average consumers.
答案: mention

17、 Translation: 我手里拿着信用卡,在回家的路上发现自己无意中来到了银行门口。I was ___ home, my credit card in my hand, when I found myself in front of the bank.
答案: on my way

18、 Translation: 偶尔也有这种情况:由于仓促或粗心造成了一些错误,结果当天停业结算时,一个出纳短了现金,而另一个却多了现金。__, through haste or carelessness, mistakes were made, so that at the end of the business day one teller(出纳) would be short on cash, the other over.
答案: Occasionally

19、 Translation: 计划需要新的投资人投入大量现金才能维持下去,因此,一旦无法再引入新的投资人,计划便会失败。The plans _ a lot of money from new investors to continue, therefore, the plans will fail when it becomes difficult to attract new investors.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)require;

20、 Translation: 标准的跨行港币转账业务每笔收费为200港币,但如果您使用我行网上银行系统,费用将降至50港币。The standard rate for inter-bank transfer in Hong Kong dollars is HK$200, but if you use our Internet banking, the cost __ to only HK$50.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)drops;

Unit 4 Product (Book 1) Unit 4 Product (Book 1) (Test)

1、 It’s never  __ hot in summer there.

答案: exceedingly

2、 The famous company has just announced its ______ of another small company.

答案: purchase

3、 A __ skin is easily damaged by too much sunshine.

答案: sensitive

4、 The chariman has _ the meeting __ until Octorber.

答案: put off

5、 The amount of money __ to buy books has greatly increased.

答案: available

6、 Like most love stories, their __ also experienced many ups and downs.

答案: romance

7、 What you wrote is not related ______ the topic given.

答案: to

8、 The old __ treated badly in some countries.

答案: are

9、 This is one of the best products that __ sold this year.

答案: have been

10、 Five thousand dollars __ quite a large sum for him.

答案: is

11、 Either you or I __ going to the manager’s office after work.

答案: am

12、 Tom as well as his two friends __ invited to the party.

答案: was

13、 各种外形和尺寸的自行车都有。Bikes come in all shapes and ______.

答案: sizes

14、 这些新型汽车速度快,效率高,行动灵活。These new cars are fast, ____ and flexible.

答案: efficient

15、 他似乎已忘记了自己对她的承诺。He seemed to have forgotten his ______ to her.

答案: commitment

16、 这段视频给简要介绍了我们的产品。This piece of video provides a brief ____ to our products.

答案: introduction

17、 父母担心音乐对孩子的行为所产生的影响。Parents worry about the __ of music on their children’s behaviors.

答案: effect

18、 这本书讨论了那个时期的社会、经济和政治问题。This book deals with the social, __ and political issues of the period.

答案: economic

19、 他认为自己是一个商人,一个经济学家。He regards himself as a merchant, an ____.

答案: economist

20、 我们的宗旨是已合理的价格提供更好的质量。We aim to provide better __ at reasonable prices.

答案: quality

21、 Tell whether the following sentences (No. 13-18) are true or false according to English grammatical rules.It seems to me that neither of the business partners are entirely right on any issue.

答案: 错误

22、 Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

答案: 错误

23、 Some of the signs of failure are already clearly visible.

答案: 正确

24、 Their diet consist largely of vegetables.

答案: 错误

25、 Either of the tools are used to repair this machine.

答案: 错误

26、 The old is treated badly in some countries.

答案: 错误

27、 各种外形和尺寸的自行车都有。Bikes come in all shapes and ______.
答案: sizes


Unit 5 Brand (Book 2) Unit 5 Brand (Test)(Book 2)

1、 He is a(n) ___ person.

答案: reliable

2、 Mrs. Smith said that she did not want to ____ any further responsibilities.

答案: take on

3、 We were ____ for half an hour in the traffic, so we didn’t catch the train.

答案: held up

4、 What is the __of learning a foreign language?

答案: benefit

5、 It is a very popular restaurant, and it would be wise to __ seats well in advance.

答案: book

6、 Fruits are______in this area and cost a lot.

答案: rare

7、 This madicine had no ___ on me.

答案: effect

8、 Scanning means reading something fast just to ____ the general idea.

答案: grasp

9、 The Great Wall was built  as a ____ against the enemy.

答案: defense

10、 Haagen-Dazs has only four flavors.

答案: 错误

11、 Haagen-Dazs started with only four flavors: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and coffee.

答案: 错误

12、 The name of Haagen-Dazs is has no meaning. It is made up by two words.

答案: 正确

13、 Haagen-Dazs is very successful because the brand has stood for fine ice cream for  a century. 

答案: 错误

14、 The company of Haagen-Dazs opened its first retail store in Brooklyn, New York in 1976.

答案: 正确

15、  _____(lucky),I passed the CET-4 exam successfully.
答案: luckily

16、 The government ______ (commit) the protection of environment.
答案: is committed to

17、 The translation does not quite correspond to the _ (origin).
答案: original

18、 Would you like ____(climb) the mountain together with me this weekend?
答案: to climb

19、 He is a man of ___ (except) talent.
答案: exceptional

20、 To my ___(satisfy), I got a good mark in this quiz.
答案: satisfaction


Unit 5 Trade (Book 1) Unit 5 Trade (Book 1)(Test)

1、 May I take this _____to express my thanks to you all?

答案: opportunity

2、 The service is on offer to all family members _____ age.

答案: regardless of

3、 They have no ____ but to change the date of the meeting.

答案: alternative

4、 They specialized __ making computer and import TV from Japan.

答案: in

5、 he wrote to ____ invited him.

答案: whoever









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