英美文学史及作品选读1(仰恩大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


作业Week 1 Introduction Assignment for Week 1

1、 Define the following literary terms.1. Romance2. Ballad3. Legend4. Epic
评分规则: 语言简练,表述准确

作业Week 2 Renaissance Quiz for week 2

1、 What is the thematic significance of the waves and the tide in Spencer’s Sonnet 75?‍
评分规则: 答案准确

2、 Is Spenser’s “Sonnet 75” more like an Italian sonnet or an English sonnet?
评分规则: 答案准确

3、 Discuss Shakespeare’s use of the “Summer’s day.” why does he choose this image?
评分规则: 答案准确,表述清晰,理由充分

4、 What does “this” refer to in the last line in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?
评分规则: 答案准确,无语法错误

5、 How does Shakespeare use the final couplet for effect in Sonnet 18?
评分规则: 表述准确,无语法错误

作业Week 3 Shakespeare’s Drama Assignment for Week 3

1、 Make an introduction of one of Shakespeare’s plays in no less than 100 words.
评分规则: 要求作业必须原创,拒绝抄袭。如有发现,成绩为0.

作业Week 4 Milton and Neoclassical Poetry Quiz for Week 4

1、 Define the following literary terms.RenaissanceMetaphysical poetryessaysonnetsoliloquyconceit
评分规则: 表述准确,无语法错误。

2、 To be, or not to be: that is the question,Whether it’s nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep;No more…a. From which play are these lines taken from?b. Who is the playwright?c. Who is the speaker?d. What does this speech show?
评分规则: 表述合理,答案准确。

作业Week 5 Novels in the 18th Century Make-up Assignments

1、 补交作业请按以下格式注明为哪一周。第?周作业内容……
评分规则: 按要求作答即可。

作业Week 5 Novels in the 18th Century Quiz for Week 5

1、 Define the following literary terms.allegoryEnlightement MovementNeoclassicismSentimentalismnovel
评分规则: 表述准确,无语法错误。

作业Week 6 Early Romantic Poetry Quiz for Week 6

1、 What are the features of Burns’ Poetry?
评分规则: 表述准确,无语法错误。

作业Week 7 Later Romantic Poetry Quiz for week 7

1、 Comment on the personality of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet in Pride and Prejudice.
评分规则: 表述清晰;无语法、拼写错误

作业Week 8 Male Writers in the 19th Century Assignment for week 8

1、 Of the Bronte sisters’ works, Charlotte’s Jane Eyre was considered as the best during most of the nineteenth century, but many subsequent critics argued that Emily’s Wuthering Heights is superior for its originality and achievement. Which of the two novels do you think is better? Why?
评分规则: 言之有理,表述准确。

作业Week 9 Female Novelists in the 19th Century Quiz for week 9

1、 Define the following literary terms.dramatic monologuedeterminismrealismnaturalism
评分规则: 拼写正确,表述准确、清晰。

Week 10 Modern English Literature Quiz for week 10

1、 Which of the following is NOT true about W. B. Yeats?







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英美文学史及作品选读1(仰恩大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第2张


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