基础笔译2(福州外语外贸学院) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


作业Week 5 Translation in Progress (1) Deciding on the Word Meaning

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.Someone shoved the old incubator and run in there too, a rusted, metal affair that used to shine like teaspoons.
评分规则: The translation of the word “run” is correct. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference: 有人把旧孵化器和水槽也堆进了乳品间,水槽是金属的,曾经像茶匙一样闪闪发亮,现在却锈迹斑斑。

2、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.I was fond of telling my students about my last day at the hostel after I had sat my final exam.
评分规则: The translation of the word “hostel” is correct. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:我喜欢告诉学生我在宿舍度过的最后一天。

3、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the words in red.此次演讲以两岸青年交流为主题,契合了当下两岸教育文化交流的核心需求。
评分规则: The translation of the words “契合” and “两岸” is correct. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:This speech corresponds to the need for educational and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Mainland China.

4、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the words in red.习近平主席高度评价拉贝先生,认为他“对生命有大爱、对和平有追求”。
评分规则: The translation of the words “大爱” and “追求” is correct. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, spoke highly of Mr. Rabe, saying that he “demonstrated great compassion for life and love of peace”.

作业Week 5 Translation in Progress (1) Looking for Appropriate Expression

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.The boat moved steadily and when the first edge of the sun rose it was on the old man’s right shoulder.
评分规则: The word “edge” is translated appropriately. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:小船稳稳地前进。黎明时分,从海平面下升起的太阳刚刚露出一道边,阳光从老人右侧照过来。

2、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English:非火警时请勿挪用。
评分规则: The word “非” is translated appropriately. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:Fire Emergency Only

3、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the word in red.不仅如此,人们往往低估了自己接受新技术的积极性。
评分规则: The word “非” is translated appropriately. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:Furthermore, there is a tendency to underestimate our willingness to adopt new technology.

作业Week 7 Cultural Elements in Translation Translation Idioms

1、 实现这个目标易如反掌。
评分规则: Reaching those targets will be very easy.句子翻译在语法和内容上完全正确可得满分。句子翻译若意思正确,语法有些许错误可得3-4分。句子翻译若意思不完全正确,语法也有误可得1-2分。句子翻译若意思完全不正确,得0分。

2、 跟他们讲爱因斯坦的相对论,简直对牛弹琴。
评分规则: Talking to them about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is like preaching to deaf ears.句子翻译在语法和内容上完全正确可得满分。句子翻译若意思正确,语法有些许错误可得3-4分。句子翻译若意思不完全正确,语法也有误可得1-2分。句子翻译若意思完全不正确,得0分。

3、 几年的好收成使人民逐渐丰衣足食了。
评分规则: Several years of good harvests mean that people are better fed and clothed.句子翻译在语法和内容上完全正确可得满分。句子翻译若意思正确,语法有些许错误可得3-4分。句子翻译若意思不完全正确,语法也有误可得1-2分。句子翻译若意思完全不正确,得0分。

4、 看到火灾后的惨状,就是铁石心肠的人,也会伤心落泪。
评分规则: Even a person with a heart of stone will weep at the devastation caused by fire.句子翻译在语法和内容上完全正确可得满分。句子翻译若意思正确,语法有些许错误可得3-4分。句子翻译若意思不完全正确,语法也有误可得1-2分。句子翻译若意思完全不正确,得0分。

5、 他们在高考中都名落孙山了。
评分规则: They all failed the university entrance examination.句子翻译在语法和内容上完全正确可得满分。句子翻译若意思正确,语法有些许错误可得3-4分。句子翻译若意思不完全正确,语法也有误可得1-2分。句子翻译若意思完全不正确,得0分。

作业Week 9 Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning (1) Identify and Translate Specialized Vocabula

1、 Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary in the sentences.Each man was equipped with four layers of clothing, an ice axe, a whistle, an LED light, water and food. Chesterton also had a GPS receiver, camera and cellphone, as well as hockey tape and an extra shoelace.
评分规则: Specialized vocabulary is identified and translated correctly and appropriately.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:他们两个人都穿了四层衣服,带了冰镐、哨子、发光二极管灯、水和食物。切斯特顿还带了GPS接收器、照相机和手机,以及缠曲棍球杆用的布胶和一副备用鞋带。

2、 Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Pay attention to the specialized vocabulary.Posted on the dashboard were last minute to-dos, handwritten cue cards, and the user’s guide for the rocket. Next to Armstrong’s chair was the most important tool of all: the abort lever, resembling a big oven dial on a pole.







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