学术英语阅读(中原科技学院) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Unit 1. Food and Health Quiz 3

1、 What is Joseph Levitt’s opinion about the government’s attitude before the Rudolph case? ( Text 3A)

A:It already took foodborne illness very seriously.
B:It was concerned about the number of stomachaches in California.
C:It didn’t see foodborne illness as a serious public health problem.
D:It focused too much on disease outbreaks in fast-food restaurants.
答案: It didn’t see foodborne illness as a serious public health problem.

2、 Why is even a single disease-causing bacterium dangerous? ( Text 3A)

A:It can mix with other bacteria.
B:It can become billions in a day.
C:Just one can kill a six-year-old child.
D:It can move more rapidly alone.
答案: It can become billions in a day.

3、 According to the article, why are people eating more imported food? ( Text 3A)

A:We want to have certain foods year-round.
B:Imported foods are usually cheaper.
C:Imported foods are usually safer.
D:Consumers don’t realize their food is imported.
答案: We want to have certain foods year-round.

4、 What does Carmela Velazquez mean when she says, “The farmers we’ve trained will become models for all our growers”? ( Text 3A)

A:The farmers will go on TV to talk about what they learned from her.
B:More farmers will adopt the habits that were taught to the other farmers.
C:Both farmers and growers will now work together to assure food safety.
D:Farmers need to listen to the growers to learn and decide what works for them.
答案: More farmers will adopt the habits that were taught to the other farmers.

5、 In line 152, these pioneers refers to . ( Text 3A)

A:international food producers who can still turn a profit
B:people who improve sanitary conditions in Costa Rica and Sweden
C:scientists who create new bacteria-resistant foods
D:journalists who write stories about outbreaks of foodborne illness
答案: people who improve sanitary conditions in Costa Rica and Sweden

6、 The scientist published her findings. Consequently, she was able to help many people. (Is the underlined part Cause or Effect?)

答案: Cause

7、 Due to new health guidelines, all food will be removed from the staff fridge on weekends. (Is the underlined part Cause or Effect?)

答案: Cause

8、 Investigators believe improper hand washing led to the disease outbreak at the school. (Is the underlined part Cause or Effect?)

答案: Effect

9、 In late 2008 to early 2009, a food contamination scare occurred in the United States involving one of the country’s most beloved foods— the peanut. ( Choose the correct definition of Red Word)

A:necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must
B:happening or existing in all parts of a country
C:being an essential part of something
D:dirty or harmful because of dirt, chemicals, or radiation
答案: dirty or harmful because of dirt, chemicals, or radiation

10、 It was reported that nine people died and almost 700 people nationwide were affected by salmonella poisoning. ( Choose the correct definition of Red Word)

A:being an essential part of something
B:necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must
C:happening or existing in all parts of a country
D:hardworking in a careful and thorough way
答案: happening or existing in all parts of a country

11、 The cause of the salmonella outbreak was found to be peanut products. Peanuts are used in a wide variety of products and are an integral part of health bars, cookies, ice cream varieties, and even dog biscuits. ( Choose the correct definition of Red Word)

A:being an essential part of something
B:dirty or harmful because of dirt, chemicals, or radiation
C:hardworking in a careful and thorough way
D:necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must
答案: being an essential part of something

12、 Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have the authority to order a compulsory recall, stores across the country voluntarily removed peanuts and peanut products from their shelves. ( Choose the correct definition of Red Word)

A:being an essential part of something
B:necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must
C:hardworking in a careful and thorough way
D:happening or existing in all parts of a country
答案: necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must

13、 Using DNA technology, the FDA traced the exact type of salmonella back to a company called Peanut Corporation of America, that was likely not diligent enough in its testing and cleanliness. The company has since gone out of business. ( Choose the correct definition of Red Word)

A:necessary because a law or someone in authority says you must
B:being an essential part of something
C:hardworking in a careful and thorough way
D:dirty or harmful because of dirt, chemicals, or radiation







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