商务英语笔译(福建农林大学金山学院) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


作业Week 3 Translation in Progress (2) Deciding on the Word Meaning

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.
评分规则: The translation of the word “right” is correct.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference: 在底片上,右和左,黑和白是相反的。

2、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.She tried to right her husband from the charge of bribery.
评分规则: The translation of the word “right” should be correct.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:她试图为被控受贿的丈夫辨白。

3、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the words in red.The most unrealistic thing about romantic fiction is that the heroine always marries Mr. Right.
评分规则: The translation of “Mr. Right” should be correct.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:浪漫小说最不现实的一点就是,女主人公总是嫁给如意郎君。

4、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Pay attention to the words in red.习近平主席高度评价拉贝先生,认为他“对生命有大爱、对和平有追求”。
评分规则: The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, spoke highly of Mr. Rabe, saying that he “demonstrated great compassion for life and love of peace”.

作业Week 3 Translation in Progress (2) Looking for Appropriate Expression

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.We had barely sat down before we heard guns firing outside.
评分规则: The word “before” is understood correctly. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:我们刚坐下,就听见外面的枪声。

2、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.The boy fell down from the ladder before he knew it.
评分规则: The word “before” is understood correctly. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:那个男孩还没反应过来,就从梯子上摔了下来。

3、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.I’ll do it now before I forget.
评分规则: The word “before” is understood correctly. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:我现在就做,免得忘了。

4、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Pay attention to the word in red.We will die before we give in.
评分规则: The word “before” is understood correctly. The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:我们宁死不屈。

作业Week 8 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (2) Dividing a Sentence

1、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Divide the sentence if necessary.It is customary for the Porters to send a postcard to say when they will be arriving.
评分规则: The technique of dividing a sentence is used appropriately in the translation.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:波特夫妇习惯寄一张明信片来,说明他们什么时候到。

2、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Divide the sentence if necessary.She eventually escaped her poverty and moved to New York City, where she became a successful gossip columnist.
评分规则: The technique of dividing a sentence is used appropriately in the translation.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:终于,她摆脱了贫困,搬到了纽约市。在那里,她成为一名成功的漫谈专栏作家。

3、 Please translate the following English sentence into Chinese. Divide the sentence if necessary.It once belonged to a Protestant landlord who sold up and moved away after a childless marriage.
评分规则: The technique of dividing a sentence is used appropriately in the translation.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:这里曾经属于一个新教徒。那个人婚后没有孩子,离婚后就变卖了所有家产,搬走了。

4、 Please translate the following Chinese sentence into English. Divide the sentence if necessary.明永乐帝1412年敕建琉璃塔,耗时17年。[提示:“琉璃塔”译为“The Glazed Pagoda of the Grand Baoen Temple”]
评分规则: The technique of dividing a sentence is used appropriately in the translation.The translation shows correct understanding of the source language text as a whole.The translation reads fluently.The translation has no grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes.The following translation is for your reference:The Glazed Pagoda of the Grand Baoen Temple was built by order of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty. The construction lasted 17 years.

作业Week 8 Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination (2) Combining Sentences

1、 Please translate the following English sentences into Chinese. Combine the sentences if necessary.This is a land of beauty beyond comprehension. It is also a land of immense solitude and danger.







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