国家与区域经济概况(邢葳葳)(浙江工商大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


IV. Media—Broadcasting, Newspapers and Television英国媒体:广播,报纸和电视 (周欣迓) 第4章单元测验

1、 The BBC is mainly financed by ______.

A:payment from all people who possess TV sets
B:the income from advertisements
C:some large corporations
D:the British government
答案: payment from all people who possess TV sets

2、 Who had ever the only control of the airwaves in the UK EXCEPT?

A:General Post Office
B:the British Broadcasting Company
C:the British Broadcasting Corporation
D:the British government
答案: the British government

3、 Which of the following about the BBC is NOT true?

A:The BBC is run under a Royal Charter since its establishment.
B:Today the BBC provides more radio broadcasting than television output.
C:The BBC provides not only national broadcasting service but also world service.
D:The BBC is a private corporation.
答案: The BBC is a private corporation.

4、 Which of the following is a tabloid?

A:The Sun
B:Sunday Times
C:Morning Star
D:The Economist
答案: The Sun

5、 Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “Big Three” EXCEPT ______.

A:The Times
B:The Guardian
C:The Observer
D:The Daily Telegraph
答案: The Observer

6、 Which of the following is NOT true about the Times?

A:Murdoch began to become famous through the purchase of The Times.
B:When John Walter III controlled the paper, he built the reputation of The Times.
C:The Times is the most popular newspaper in the U.K.
D:It was the founder, John Walter, who changed the name to The Times.
答案: The Times is the most popular newspaper in the U.K.

7、 All the following are commercial television broadcasters EXCEPT ______.

A:BBC One and BBC Two
B:Channel 3
C:Channel 4
答案: BBC One and BBC Two

8、 __ is reflected by criticism toward television since its creation.

A:The conflict between audiences and advertisers
B:The conflict between low-viewing programmes and popular programmes
C:Competition in the advertising market
D:A pressure on broadcasters such as ITV
答案: A pressure on broadcasters such as ITV

9、 The “lowest common denominator”refers to ______.

A:a term in mathematics
B:the majority of people who easily accept low standards
C:common audience
D:common people
答案: the majority of people who easily accept low standards

10、 Newton N. Minow said, “if each of the audience sit down in front of their television set for a day, until the station signs off, I can assure you that what you will observe is ______.”

A:a cultural wasteland
B:a neglected land
C:a desert
D:a barren land
答案: a cultural wasteland

V. A Country of Countries—Geography and Tourist Attractions 国中之国:英伦地理知识和旅游景点(唐加宁) 第5章单元测验

1、 The full name of Britain is ______?

A:Great Britain
B:the United Kingdom
C:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
D:the United Kingdom of Great Britain
答案: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2、 United Kingdom is not a single country, but instead is a country of countries. It contains inside of it _ co-equal and sovereign nations.

答案: Four

3、 _____ is the most important river in Scotland.

A:The Clyde River (克莱德河)







国家与区域经济概况(邢葳葳)(浙江工商大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第1张

国家与区域经济概况(邢葳葳)(浙江工商大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第2张


国家与区域经济概况(邢葳葳)(浙江工商大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第3张

国家与区域经济概况(邢葳葳)(浙江工商大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第4张






国家与区域经济概况(邢葳葳)(浙江工商大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第5张
