当代美国社会与文化(国家开放大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Chapter II Constitution and the Government System Chapter II Quiz

1、 The First Article of the US Constitution gives the law-making power to

A:Congress (the legislative branch)
B:President (the executive branch)
C:Supreme Court (the Judicial branch)
D:The States
答案: Congress (the legislative branch)

2、 Congress can make the following laws except

A:to create lower federal courts
B:to regulate marriage and divorce
C:to approve a budget for the federal government
D:to regulate foreign and interstate commerce
答案: to regulate marriage and divorce

3、 The Second Article of the US Constitution gives the law-enforcing power to

C:Supreme Court
D:The States
答案: President

4、 According to the Second Article, the minimum requirements for being a President include the following except

A:Being male
B:Being at least 35 years old
C:Being a natural-born citizen of the US
D:Being a resident in the US for at least 14 years
答案: Being male

5、 Does the President have power to veto a bill passed by Congress?

A:Yes, he does. But Congress can still pass the law if 2/3of its members present vote for passing it.
B:No, he does not.
C:Yes, he does. He can veto it by waiting for 10 days without signing it.
D:No, he cannot veto it. But he can ask Congress to revise it.
答案: Yes, he does. But Congress can still pass the law if 2/3of its members present vote for passing it.

6、 The Third Article of the Constitution gives the law-interpreting power to

C:Supreme Court
D:The States
答案: Supreme Court

7、 Judicial independence is guaranteed by

A:Life tenure of judges unaffected by the President’s decision
B:Salary unaffected by Congressional decisions
C:Neither of the above
D:Both of the above
答案: Both of the above

8、 Which statement about the checks and balances among the three branches is NOT true?

A:The Court can review the laws passed by Congress and executive orders issued by President.
B:The Court is restrained by Congress who has the power to create and eliminate lower federal courts.
C:The President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, has the right to appoint the justices of the Supreme Court.
D:The Congress cannot pass laws vetoed by the President.
答案: The Congress cannot pass laws vetoed by the President.

9、 When the new Constitution was written in September 1787, it must be ratified by at least

A:5 states
B:7 states
C:9 states
D:13 states
答案: 9 states

10、 The Anti-Federalists were against the new Constitution because they were afraid that

A:the new government would be too strong
B:the president might evolve into a new monarch
C:individual rights and liberties were not given explicit and sufficient protection.
D:All of the above
答案: All of the above

Chapter VIII Social Welfare Chapter VIII Quiz

1、 Homelessness came to national attention in the as populations expanded in urban centers.

答案: 1870s

2、 Like all groups in society, the homeless are diverse and varied in many ways, except .

答案: gender

3、 Commonly, homeless people may not live .

A:in the hotel
B:on the street
C:in shelters
D:in temporary accommodation
答案: in the hotel

4、 The federal statistics show that more than many people become homeless, mainly because of .

A:mental illness
D:the high price of the house
答案: the high price of the house

5、 What can America learn from Finland on the issue of homelessness?

B:providing fund
C:offering house
D:creating more work opportunities
答案: offering house

6、 In 2016, the poverty threshold—also known as the poverty line—for an individual was $ .

答案: 12228

7、 The term “homeless” can be used to define different situations, which includes .

A:street people who sleep in subways, bus stations, parks, cars, or the streets and have roamed the streets for months or even years
B:people who are utilizing shelters operated by local authorities or private charities
C:people who sleep in hotels
D:both A and B
答案: both A and B

8、 In 1935 President signed the Social Security Act, the cornerstone of the modern American welfare state.

A:Franklin Delano Roosevelt
B:Abraham Lincoln
C:Harry S. Truman
D:Richard Nixon
答案: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

9、 Major social welfare programs can be classified as: .

A:social insurance
B:public assistance
C:opportunities to work
D:Both A and B
答案: Both A and B

10、 The Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, has three goals except .

A:make affordable health insurance accessible to more people
B:expand the Medicaid program to cover all adults with income below 138% of the poverty level
C:try to improve the medical condition as possible as they can
D:support innovative medical care delivery methods aimed at lowering the costs of health care
答案: try to improve the medical condition as possible as they can

Chapter III The Amendments Chapter III Quiz

1、 The Bill of Rights includes the ______ of the US Constitution.

A:first five amendments
B:first ten amendments
C:all twenty amendments
D:all twenty-seven amendments
答案: first ten amendments

2、 The First Amendments prevents the government from abridging the following freedoms except

A:freedom of speech
B:freedom to assemble
C:freedom to petition the government
D:freedom to a jury trial
答案: freedom to a jury trial

3、 The Fifth Amendment requires _____ for anyone who shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property.







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