Obstetrics and Gynecology(China Medical University)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Chapter 3 Physiology of female reproductive system Weekly test of anatomy and physiology of the fem

1、 Where does the uterine artery originate:

A:the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery
B:external iliac artery
C:abdominal aorta
D:renal artery
答案: the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery

2、 The role of estrogen is:

A:suppresses the amplitude of rhythmic contractions
B:the cervix is closed the secretion of cervical mucus is reduced and the traits become thick
C:endometrial glands and interstitial hyperplasia and repair
D:reduces uterine muscle excitability and reduces sensitivity to oxytocin
答案: endometrial glands and interstitial hyperplasia and repair

3、 The endometrial proliferation period is the menstrual cycle:

答案: D5-14

4、 Necessary conditions for fertilized egg implantation are:

A:pregnant women secrete a sufficient amount of progesterone
B:transparent band disappears
C:blastocyst and endometrium develop synchronously and function coordinately
D:blastocyst trophoblast differentiates into syncytiotrophoblast
答案: pregnant women secrete a sufficient amount of progesterone;
transparent band disappears;
blastocyst and endometrium develop synchronously and function coordinately;
blastocyst trophoblast differentiates into syncytiotrophoblast

5、 Placenta functions include:

A:defense function
B:immune function
C:substance exchange function
D:synthesis function
答案: defense function;
immune function;
substance exchange function;
synthesis function

Chapter 6 Fetal surveillance and healthcare Weekly test of pregnancy diagnosis, physiology, and feta

1、 Which of the following can accurately diagnose early pregnancy:

A:ultrasound shows pregnancy sac echo in the uterus
B:Frequent urination
C:Uterine enlargement and cervical congestion shows purple-blue
D:Urine Pregnancy Test(+)
答案: ultrasound shows pregnancy sac echo in the uterus

2、 The normal range of fetal heart rate during full-term pregnancy is:

A:110 to 160 times/min
B:100 to 130 times/min
C:120 to 160 times/min
D:130 to 170 times/min
答案: 110 to 160 times/min

3、 Relationship between the longitudinal axis of the fetal and the longitudinal axis of the mother is called:

A:fetal presentation
B:fetal presentation
C:fetal attitude
D:fetal lie
答案: fetal lie

4、 Fertilization egg implantation requires:

A:Simultaneous development and functional coordination of the blastocyst and endometrium
B:Zonal pellucida disappears
C:Blastocyst and trophocyte differentiate into syncytiotrophoblast
D:Pregnant women endocrine sufficient amount of progesterone
答案: Simultaneous development and functional coordination of the blastocyst and endometrium;
Zonal pellucida disappears;
Blastocyst and trophocyte differentiate into syncytiotrophoblast;
Pregnant women endocrine sufficient amount of progesterone

5、 The function of the placenta includes:

A:Substance Exchange Function
B:Synthetic function
C:Defense function
D:Immune function
答案: Substance Exchange Function;
Synthetic function;
Defense function;
Immune function

Chapter 9 Ectopic pregnancy

1、 The following statement about the pregnancy at the cesarean scar site is wrong

A:Embryo implantation in the scar of cesarean section incision in the lower uterus belongs to ectopic pregnancy
B: The main method of diagnosis is B-ultrasound
C:Early exogenous type can cause uterine rupture or hemorrhage, endogenous type has no risk
D:For early pregnancy, if there is no abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding is not much, and the pregnancy mass is not ruptured, drug treatment can be selected
答案: Early exogenous type can cause uterine rupture or hemorrhage, endogenous type has no risk

2、 The main points of identification of tubal pregnancy and appendicitis are

B:Serum HCG
D:Right lower abdominal pain
答案: Serum HCG

3、 The following statements about ectopic pregnancy are wrong

A:The most common cause of tubal pregnancy is inflammation of the fallopian tubes
B:Tubal pregnancy abortion is the most common result of fallopian tube ampulla pregnancy
C:A tubal pregnancy is most common in the ampulla
D:Ectopic pregnancy means that the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus
答案: Ectopic pregnancy means that the fertilized egg is implanted outside the uterus

4、 Fetal head engagement refers to

A:Biparietal diameter enters the pelvic entrance plane
B:Biparietal diameter reaches the plane of ischial spine
C:Occipital bone enters the pelvic entrance plane
D:Parietal bone enters the pelvic entrance plane
答案: Biparietal diameter enters the pelvic entrance plane

5、 The main productive force in childbirth is

A:Uterine contractility
B:Diaphragm contractility
C:Levator ani muscle contractility
D:Abdominal muscle contractility
答案: Uterine contractility

Chapter 11 Late pregnancy hemorrhage Weekly test of hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy a

1、 Basic pathological changes of hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy:

A:Severe water and sodium retention
B:Systemic arteriole spasm
D:High concentration of blood
答案: Systemic arteriole spasm

2、 The most common causes of premature birth are:

A:Severe preeclampsia
B:Infection of the lower genital tract
C:The incompetence of cervical internal opening
D:premature rupture of fetal membranes
答案: premature rupture of fetal membranes

3、 The vaginal bleeding during placenta previa is characterized by

A: Painful vaginal bleeding
B:Vaginal bleeding volume is not proportional to the degree of anemia
C:Vaginal bleeding stops during contractions
D:Painless vaginal bleeding
答案: Painless vaginal bleeding

4、 The clinical manifestation of degree III placental abruption is correct:

A:Normal fetal heart when auscultation
B:The degree of shock is not proportional to vaginal bleeding volume
C:Palpation of fetal position is clear
D:Soft abdomen
答案: The degree of shock is not proportional to vaginal bleeding volume

5、 Risk factors for preeclampsia do not include:

A:History of preeclampsia
B:Age of pregnant women ≥40
C:Diabetes mellitus
D:Placenta praevia








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