Introductory Economics(Dongbei University of Finance & Economics)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


01 What Economics Is All About Ch1-Quiz

1、 An important element of the market process is that ( )

A:although people trade voluntarily, one party “wins” and the other party “loses”.
B:the government determines the extent of market activity in order for all parties to benefit.
C:people are better off if they are self-sufficient than if they trade with others in the market.
D:people trade voluntarily and all parties expect to benefit.
答案: people trade voluntarily and all parties expect to benefit.

2、 Adam Smith argues in The Wealth of Nations that an economy will produce more goods and services if ( )

A:people act in the public interest than if they act selfishly.
B:people act selfishly, than if the government directs economic activity.
C:the government controls the use of the nation’s scarce resources.
D:people ignore their own interests and contribute to national wealth as a whole.
答案: people act selfishly, than if the government directs economic activity.

3、 Which of the following activities would occur in a market for factors of production? ( )

A:Reesa buys a new computer to help balance her personal checkbook.
B:Randy pays a speeding ticket.
C:Ian mows his grass.
D:General Motors hires additional workers to run a third-shift at a factory.
答案: General Motors hires additional workers to run a third-shift at a factory.

4、 Which of the following activities would occur in a market for goods and services? ( )

A:Harry mows his grass.
B:General Motors hires additional workers to run a third shift at a factory.
C:Jane bakes pies for Thanksgiving dinner.
D:Dolly buys a ticket to a ball game.
答案: Dolly buys a ticket to a ball game.

5、 An economic model is ( )

A:a mechanical machine that replicates the functioning of the economy.
B:a fully detailed, realistic description of the economy.
C:a simplified representation of some aspect of the economy.
D:a computer program that predicts the future of the economy.
答案: a simplified representation of some aspect of the economy.

6、 The circular-flow diagram illustrates that, in markets for the factors of production, ( )

A:households are sellers, and firms are buyers.
B:households are buyers, and firms are sellers.
C:households and firms are both buyers.
D:households and firms are both sellers.
答案: households are sellers, and firms are buyers.

7、 A point inside the production possibilities frontier is ( )

A:efficient, but not feasible.
B:feasible, but not efficient.
C:both efficient and feasible.
D:neither efficient nor feasible.
答案: feasible, but not efficient.

8、 An economy produces hot dogs and hamburgers. If a discovery of the remarkable health benefits of hot dogs were to change consumers’ preferences, it would ( )

A:expand the production possibilities frontier.
B:contract the production possibilities frontier.
C:move the economy along the production possibilities frontier.
D:move the economy inside the production possibilities frontier.
答案: move the economy along the production possibilities frontier.

9、 All of the following topics fall within the study of microeconomics EXCEPT ( )

A:the impact of cigarette taxes on the smoking behavior of teenagers.
B:the role of Microsoft’s market power in the pricing of software.
C:the effectiveness of antipoverty programs in reducing homelessness.
D:the influence of the government budget deficit on economic growth.
答案: the influence of the government budget deficit on economic growth.

10、 Which of the following is a positive, rather than a normative, statement? ( )

A:Law X will reduce national income.
B:Law X is a good piece of legislation.
C:Congress ought to pass law X.
D:The president should veto law X.
答案: Law X will reduce national income.

02 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand Ch2-Quiz

1、 In a perfectly competitive market, ( )

A:advertising is widely used to influence demand and price.
B:firms are price takers rather than price makers.
C:firms produce a small number of differentiated products.
D:a small number of firms produce an identical product.
答案: firms are price takers rather than price makers.

2、 An increase in _ will cause a movement along a given demand curve, which is called a change in _. ( )

A:supply, demand
B:supply, quantity demanded
C:demand, supply
D:demand, quantity supplied
答案: supply, quantity demanded

3、 Movie tickets and DVDs are substitutes. If the price of DVDs increases, what happens in the market for movie tickets? ( )

A:The supply curve shifts to the left.








Introductory Economics(Dongbei University of Finance & Economics)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第1张

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