Nursing Ethics(Sichuan University)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


01Introduction – Ethics plays the harmonious movement of life Chapter 1 unit test

1、 The essence of professional ethics is

A:Professional attitude
B:Professional ideal
C:Professional responsibility
D:Professional discipline
答案: Professional attitude

2、 The comprehensive embodiment of moral cognition, moral feeling, and moral will is

A:Moral beliefs
B:Moral behavior
C: Moral consciousness
D:Moral habits
答案: Moral beliefs

3、 Which of the following statements is incorrect about ethics and morality?

A:Morality focuses on reflecting people’s personal practice of seeking good.
B:Morality is often used to describe specific moral behavior, moral standards, and moral performance.
C:Morality is more used on such occasions as theoretical research and academic discussions.
D:Ethics is often used to express moral thoughts, theories, and principles.
答案: Morality focuses on reflecting people’s personal practice of seeking good.

4、 Which of the following works first explicitly put forward the concept of medical ethics?

A:Medical Ethics
B:Notes on Nursing
C:The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine
D:Susruta Samhita
答案: Medical Ethics

5、 Which of the following branches of ethics draws on the relevant methods of philosophy, history, and logic to study people’s code of conduct, explore the nature, contents, and assessment criteria of moral principles and standards, and prescribe how people should act?

A:Normative ethics
B: Meta-ethics
C:Descriptive ethics
D:Applied ethics
答案: Normative ethics

02 The basic theories of nursing ethics – The guiding light of ethical dilemma Chapter2 unit test

1、 Human behavior can be divided into three major “elements”, which do not include

A:Behavioral motive
B:The actor
C: The action
D:The consequences of the action
答案: Behavioral motive

2、 If we focus on the action, or the nature of the action to be precise, the ethical theory thus established is

A:The virtue theory
B: Deontology
D: The theory of the sanctity of life
答案: Deontology

3、 “Ms. Nightingale’s nursing team lowered the death rate in the battlefield hospital from 50% to 2%. Therefore, the care under her leadership was virtuous and good.” This statement is based on the reasoning pattern of ____.

A:The virtue theory
D:The theory of the sanctity of life
答案: Consequentialism

4、 Dr. Lum Shun Sui, winner of the Florence Nightingale Medal, said during the humanitarian aid of the war between India and Pakistan that: “Nursing should be done regardless of nationality, location or religion”. This statement is an interpretation of ____.

A:The virtue theory
C:The theory of the sanctity of life
答案: Deontology

5、 Which view of ethics does the establishment of hospice care reflect?

A:The view of the quality and value of life
B:The view of the sanctity of life
C:The holistic view of life
D:The view of the right to life
答案: The view of the quality and value of life

04The ethics of interpersonal relationships in nursing – Ethics enables harmonious coexistence of us

1、 The patient, female, 19 years old, was diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy due to acute abdominal pain and planned to undergo emergency surgery. The patient was accompanied by her classmate, but the patient hoped that the medical staff would not tell her classmate her actual condition. Which of the following rights did the patient hope to defend

A:Right to know
B:Right of privacy
C: Right of action
D:Right of supervision
答案: Right of privacy

2、 The patient went to hospital for treatment after suffering a cough and fever for 3 days. The initial diagnosis suggested that the patient was suspected of being infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza. The hospital advised the patient to be hospitalized for treatment. But the patient refused such advice on the grounds of a tight work schedule. Which of the following measures would be correct for the hospital to take against the patient

A:Follow up on the case on a regular basis.
B:Respect the patient’s autonomy.
C:Immediately isolate the patient for treatment.
D:Report the case to the health administration department for decision.
答案: Immediately isolate the patient for treatment.

3、 The patient, female, is a 19-year-old senior high school student. The doctor planned to perform hysteroscopic endometrial polypectomy for her. The responsible nurse explained her condition and the prognosis of the operation to the patient and her family before the operation. Which of the following obligations does this reflect?

A:The obligation to inform and explain
B:The obligation to protect the patient’s right to seek medical treatment
C:The obligation to rescue patients in time
D:The obligation to protect the privacy of patients
答案: The obligation to inform and explain

4、 Which of the following documents promulgated by the Chinese government explicitly stipulates the practice rules, rights and obligations of nurses?

A:Hospital Staff Code and Medical Ethics Code of the People’s Republic of China
B:Code of Medical Ethics for Medical Staff and its Implementation Measures
C:Nurse Regulation
D:Measures for Nurse Management of the People’s Republic of China
答案: Measures for Nurse Management of the People’s Republic of China

5、 The patient Mr. Zhang was hospitalized. His colleagues came to visit him at hospital and asked the nurse about his condition. The nurse refused to disclose relevant information in order to protect the patient’s privacy. The ethical obligation followed by the nurse is

A:The obligation to undertake diagnosis and treatment
B:The obligation to explain
C:The obligation of confidentiality
D:The obligations to society
答案: The obligation of confidentiality

03 The normative system of nursing ethics – Ethics carries the charm of spiritual care Chapter3 unit

1、 In the event of a conflict with the duty of confidentiality, in which of the following circumstances are doctors and nurses not exempted from the duty of confidentiality:

A:Observing the duty of confidentiality to patients can be detrimental or harmful to society.
B: Observing the duty of confidentiality to patients can be detrimental or harmful to others.
C:Observing the duty of confidentiality to patients will make the doctors and nurses lose topics of conversation
D:Observing the duty of confidentiality to patients can be detrimental or harmful to the patients.
答案: Observing the duty of confidentiality to patients will make the doctors and nurses lose topics of conversation

2、 During the mayor election season in Taiwan Island in 2005, the competition of Taichung’s mayor election was fierce. Dr. Lin Chin-Hsing, member of the Legislative Yuan of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, together with the representatives of Taichung Medical Professionals Alliance, held a press conference in Taichung City Council on November 29, 2005, where he punished the medical record of Jason Hu, the then-mayor of Taichung City and criticized Mr. Hu’s health condition. He pointed out that Mr. Hu’s stroke risk was 30 times that of ordinary people and had exceeded 70% in two years. Which principle did Dr. Lin violate?

C: Informed consent
答案: Confidentiality

3、 Which of the following practices violates the principle of nonmaleficence?

A:Carry out induced abortion when the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother of the fetus.
B:Perform amputations when diabetic foot patients are at risk of contracting sepsis.
C:Consent to give up treatment when biological death is clinically proven.
D:Perform surgical treatment for patients with no indications.
答案: Perform surgical treatment for patients with no indications.

4、 A 55-year-old male patient went to a hospital for treatment of Kashin-Beck disease. The attending physician found his case a typical one and wanted to take X-rays of several parts as teaching materials. So, the physician took X-rays of both knees, both elbows, both hands, both feet, and the spine of the patient on the grounds of examining the disease. Which of the following statements is correct about this case?

A:It is understandable that the doctor did not tell the truth to the patient to avoid medical disputes.
B:What the doctor did is ethically feasible as it did not cause significant harm to the patient and could benefit the hospital.
C:To facilitate medical education and research, it is the patient’s obligation to allow photographs to be taken. So, what the physician did is correct.
D:The physician did not respect the patient’s right to informed consent.
答案: The physician did not respect the patient’s right to informed consent.

5、 Which of the following cases reflects the principle of justice?

A: Eliminate intentional harm to patients.
B:Doctors take into account all aspects of patients while making a diagnosis.
C:Treat related similar cases with the same guidelines and different cases with different guidelines.
D:For diagnostic and treatment measures with risk or harm, select the ones with more benefit than risk or more benefit than harm through evaluation.
答案: Treat related similar cases with the same guidelines and different cases with different guidelines.

05 Ethics in clinical nursing practice – Ethics makes the tree of life stand tall and evergreen Chap

1、 Pediatric nursing operations are highly specialized and difficult. The nurse’s failure may cause misunderstanding and dissatisfaction among the patient’s family members. Therefore, pediatric nurses are required to

A:Understand family members and dispel doubts with patience








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