

Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry 单元1测试

1、 The heart of any computer system is the( ).
答案: CPU

2、 ( )refers to the parts of the computer that you can see and touch.
答案: Hardware

3、 The most important program on any computer is( )
答案: os

4、 All virus scanners softwares can scan most known ( )
答案: Viruses

5、 The motherboard holds ( )and the processor expansion slots 。
答案: memory

Unit 5 Feature of IT Products Test of Unit Five

1、 Which of the following statement is not true according to the article?

A:At first glance, it might appear that all accounting software is pretty much the same, offering accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, billing and a variety of other standard components.
B:Accounting is a numbers-focused activity.
C:For many business, support for simple accounting transactions is enough.
D:Using out-of-date accounting software is like eating food that has passed its expiration date – a risky proposition that could result in severe nausea.
答案: For many business, support for simple accounting transactions is enough.

2、 Why any accounting program we evaluate must have robust reporting and analysis capabilities?

A:Information is power in today’s challenging business environment.
B:Graphics is a powerful tool that can be used to present trends and other concepts in a way that numbers alone can’t convey.
C:The data entered into your accounting software can be productively used by various business applications in HR, sales, shipping and other key business sectors.
D:We may want our accounting program to draw information in from other software products.
答案: Information is power in today’s challenging business environment.

3、 What we can get from reporting and analysis?

A:Insight into crucial financial activities, reporting and analysis functions help companies conform to government and industry regulations.
B:The full automation of employee expenses, payrolls and time sheets; company and departmental budgets; purchase requisitions and other complex financial activities.
C:Severe nausea.
D:A progressively larger number of users and a growing amount of financial data and transactions.
答案: Insight into crucial financial activities, reporting and analysis functions help companies conform to government and industry regulations.

4、 Which is not mentioned?

C:Data analysis
答案: Data analysis

5、 Which one is talking about Internet connectivity?

A:For many businesses, support for simple accounting transactions and basic financial management tasks just isn’t enough.
B:With the whole world moving to the Internet, it’s only logical that accounting software should follow the crowd.
C:The accounting program vendor should either offer add-on modules that allow customers to slap extra capabilities to its product, or a migration path to a full ERP environment.
D:If data is lost or tampered with you stand to lose time, money, business secrets (such as sales or profit data) and, if the damage is severe enough, your company.
答案: With the whole world moving to the Internet, it’s only logical that accounting software should follow the crowd.

6、 How the article describes iPad software features from the view of Application?

A:Although the iPad is not designed to replace a mobile phone, a user can use a wired headset or the build-in speaker and microphone and place telephone calls over Wi-Fi or 3G using a VoIP application.
B:The layout of the music library is similar to that of an iPod or current Symbian S60 phones.
C:On iTunes, the feature shows the different album covers in a scroll-through photo library.
D:The interface is centered around the home screen, a graphical list of available applications.
答案: Although the iPad is not designed to replace a mobile phone, a user can use a wired headset or the build-in speaker and microphone and place telephone calls over Wi-Fi or 3G using a VoIP application.

7、 How developers develop applications for iPad?

A:Developers create or modify apps to take advantage of the iPad’s features.
B:Developers sync with iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC.
C:Developers improve versions of applications developed for the iPhone or Mac.
D:Developers use iOS SDK for developing application for iPad.
答案: Developers use iOS SDK for developing application for iPad.

8、 Which one is not true about the interface of iPad?

A:The interface is centered around the home screen, a graphical list of available applications.
B:Almost all input is given through the touch screen, which understands complex gestures using multi-touch.
C:The iPad’s interaction techniques enable the user to move the content up or down just by a touch.
D:Scrolling through a long list or menu is achieved by sliding a finger over the display from bottom to top, or vice versa to go back.
答案: The iPad’s interaction techniques enable the user to move the content up or down just by a touch.

9、 How iPads syncs with computes?

A:The iPad allows users to purchase and download songs from the iTunes Store directly to their iPad.
B:The camera application lets users view the camera roll, the pictures that have been taken with the iPad’s camera.
C:The iPad can use 3G network to connect with computers.
D:The iPad syncs with iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC.
答案: The iPad syncs with iTunes on a Mac or Windows PC.

10、 How to zoom in and out of web pages and photos in iPad?

A:Sliding a finger over the display from the bottom to top, or vice versa to go back.
B:Swiping a finger across the screen.
D:Placing two fingers on the screen and spreading them farther apart or bringing them closer together, a gesture known as “pinching”.
答案: Placing two fingers on the screen and spreading them farther apart or bringing them closer together, a gesture known as “pinching”.

11、 Which accounting software is not mentioned by the video?

A:Business Plan Pro Premier.
B:Express Invoice Software.
答案: ZipBooks.

12、 Which is true about the Business Plan Pro Premier?

A:It includes 900 informational industry profiles.
B:It helps to create stress test models.
C:The data is not automatically double-checked.
D:It’s basic but easy-to-use and reliable.
答案: It helps to create stress test models.

13、 Which one is not one of the differences between NetBook and iPad?

A:iPad has a better display.
B:NetBook is faster.
C:iPad is much more thinner.
D:iPad can do better than laptops and phones in many works.
答案: NetBook is faster.

14、 What we can learn from the video?

A:iPad is an awesome way to enjoy web page.
B:iPad can’t rotate the screen no matter what users want.
C:iPad is designed to replace laptops and phones.
D:iPad can run software designed for PC.
答案: iPad is an awesome way to enjoy web page.

15、 What kind of tasks should the table do better than a laptop or smartphone. (More than one correct answer)

A:Playing Games.
B:Browsing Web.
C:Editing Article.
D:Watching Video.
答案: Playing Games.;
Browsing Web.;
Watching Video.

Unit 4 Working Process of IT Industry Test of Unit Four

1、 Which of the following statement is not true according to the article?

A:Software development includes not only the writing of code but also the preparation of goals and requirements.
B:The waterfall model is based on the concept that simplifies task scheduling to different development phase which has different goals.
C:Generally, the development of commercial software is related to the demand in the marketplace.
D:The biggest influence that open source has had is the software being distributed must be redistributed to anyone else without any restriction.
答案: The biggest influence that open source has had is the software being distributed must be redistributed to anyone else without any restriction.

2、 Why the waterfall model simplifies task scheduling?

A:The model involves the client or end user in the design.
B:The model collect the information from the test product to find out the critical problem in the process of the development.
C:The model has no iterative or overlapping steps.
D:The model involves teams working in parallel.
答案: The model has no iterative or overlapping steps.

3、 Which systems development life cycle models include two parts of other models?

A:Rapid application development
B:Joint application development
C:SDLC model
D:The spiral model
答案: The spiral model

4、 Which is not necessary for every development method?

A:The new system requirements
B:Testing all aspects of performance
C:Keeping up maintenance at all times
D:Marketing research
答案: Marketing research

5、 Which is not true according to the article?

A:Scrum makes clear the relative efficacy of your product management and development practices so that you can improve.
B:The Product Owner is the leader of the Scrum Team.
C:Scrum is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques.
D:The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and the work of the Development Team.
答案: The Product Owner is the leader of the Scrum Team.





















