

Unit 2. Personal Information and Privacy Personal Information and Privacy 1

1、 What are the possible risks of personal information in the network or software?

A:Once information goes on the Internet or into a database. It is almost impossible to remove them.
B:We often cannot directly protect information about ourselves. We depend on the businesses and organizations that manage it to protect it.
C:Potential risk of information abuse (滥用) and other uncertainties
D:Identification of a person has become much easier.
E:Due to software leaks (漏洞) , personal data may be stolen and lost.
答案: Once information goes on the Internet or into a database. It is almost impossible to remove them.;
We often cannot directly protect information about ourselves. We depend on the businesses and organizations that manage it to protect it.;
Potential risk of information abuse (滥用) and other uncertainties;
Identification of a person has become much easier.;
Due to software leaks (漏洞) , personal data may be stolen and lost.

2、 The right of privacy is an important right of an individual. But in some cases, there is immunity(免除) to privacy, that is, reasonable use of private information. What are these reasonable circumstances?

A:Related to national security
B:Related to public health and safety
C:Related to other people’s right to know and happiness
D:Investigation and disclosure of crimes and serious violations
E:Under personal informed consent
答案: Related to national security;
Related to public health and safety;
Investigation and disclosure of crimes and serious violations;
Under personal informed consent

3、 Which of the following situations are invisible information collection?

B:User’s browsing logs
C:User’s Cookies
D:Mobile APP automatically turns on GPS positioning function
答案: Spyware;
User’s browsing logs ;
User’s Cookies;
Mobile APP automatically turns on GPS positioning function

4、 Which of the following statements about the secondary use of personal information is correct?

A:Secondary use is the use of personal information for a purpose other than the one for which the person supplied it.
B:Transfer the personal information provided by the user at the time of registration to other companies. This is a kind of secondary use.
C:The common technologies involved in the secondary use of personal information include data mining and user characteristics analysis etc.
D:The second use of user’s personal information on the network platform is completely unnecessary for users to know.
答案: Secondary use is the use of personal information for a purpose other than the one for which the person supplied it.;
Transfer the personal information provided by the user at the time of registration to other companies. This is a kind of secondary use.;
The common technologies involved in the secondary use of personal information include data mining and user characteristics analysis etc.

5、 What are the ethical principles for personal information?

A:Collect only the data needed.
B:Users’ personal data can be retained for indefinite (无限的) duration.
C:Maintain accuracy of data.
D:Offer a way for people to choose or control personal information from using in mailing lists service, advertising service, and other secondary uses.
E:Provide stronger protection for sensitive data.
答案: Collect only the data needed.;
Maintain accuracy of data.;
Offer a way for people to choose or control personal information from using in mailing lists service, advertising service, and other secondary uses. ;
Provide stronger protection for sensitive data.

6、 Information that cannot directly or indirectly point to a certain person accurately does not belong to personal information and privacy, and belongs to the category of big data.

答案: 正确

7、 If a user shares personal information to a network platform, he or she is legally considered to have no strong expectation of privacy to protect this information.

答案: 正确

8、 In China, personal information and privacy are the same concepts in law.

答案: 错误

9、 The first ethical principle of privacy is
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)Informed Consent;
right to know

Unit 5. Crime and Security 犯罪与安全 Quiz 2

1、 Sometimes it is legal to reproduce a copyrighted work without permission, that calls ‘Fair Use Concept’. but ‘Fair Use Concept’ should consider some factors includes( ).

A:Purpose and character of use 使用目的、用途
B:Nature of work 作品的性质
C:Amount of work being copied 被复制的工作量和重要性
D:(4) Affect on market for work 对市场的影响
答案: Purpose and character of use 使用目的、用途;
Nature of work 作品的性质;
Amount of work being copied 被复制的工作量和重要性;
(4) Affect on market for work 对市场的影响

2、 Main Types of Intellectual Property includes ( ).

C:Trade Secret
D:Trade Mark
答案: Copyright ;
Patent ;
Trade Secret ;
Trade Mark

3、 The correct statements about the principle of Copyright Safe Harbor (避风港原则) are ( ).

A:A safe harbor is a legal provision to reduce or eliminate legal or regulatory liability in certain situations as long as certain conditions are met.
B:It includes two steps-’Notice’ and ‘Take down’.
C:It refers to that if an ISP (network service provider) only provides space services and does not make web content, when copyright infringement cases occur, if ISP is informed of infringement, it has the obligation to delete it, otherwise it will be deemed as infringement.
D:ISP (network service provider) must “not know and have no reasonable reason to know” the existence of piracy(盗版), in order to obtain the protection of “safe harbor principle”.
答案: A safe harbor is a legal provision to reduce or eliminate legal or regulatory liability in certain situations as long as certain conditions are met.;
It includes two steps-’Notice’ and ‘Take down’.;
It refers to that if an ISP (network service provider) only provides space services and does not make web content, when copyright infringement cases occur, if ISP is informed of infringement, it has the obligation to delete it, otherwise it will be deemed as infringement.;
ISP (network service provider) must “not know and have no reasonable reason to know” the existence of piracy(盗版), in order to obtain the protection of “safe harbor principle”.

4、 ( ) are crimes committed by using computers and networks.

A:Identity fraud
B:Stealing or destroying data





















