F1 会计师与企业(无锡太湖学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Ch3 The macro-economic environment 小测验Ch3

1、 Which of the following is NOT an element of fiscal policy?

A:Government spending
B:Government borrowing
C: Taxation
D:Exchange rates
答案: Exchange rates

2、 Which of the following is associated with a negative Public Sector Net Cash Requirement?

A:The government is running a budget deficit.
B:The government’s expenditure exceeds its income.
C:The government is running a budget surplus.
D:Public Sector Debt Repayment (PSDR) is high.
答案: The government is running a budget surplus.

3、 ……………………………………… taxes are collected by the Revenue authority from a business, which attempts to pass on the tax to consumers in the price of goods.Which word correctly completes this statement?Picklist:

答案: Indirect

4、 If a government has a macro-economic policy objective of expanding the overall level of economic activity, which of the following measures would NOT be consistent with such an objective?A Increasing public expenditureB Lowering interest ratesC Increasing taxation

A:Increasing public expenditure
B:Lowering interest rates
C:Increasing taxation
D:Lowering interest rates
答案: Increasing taxation

5、 The currency in country X is the Krone while country Y uses the Euro. Country Y has recently experienced an increase in its exchange rate with Country X. Which of the following effects is likely to result in Country Y?

A:A stimulus to exports in Country Y
B:An increase in the costs of imports from Country X
C:Reducing demand for imports from Country X
D:A reduction in the rate of cost push inflation
答案: A reduction in the rate of cost push inflation

6、 The following, WITH ONE EXCEPTION, are ‘protectionist measures’ in international trade. Which is the exception?

A:Import quotas
B:Subsidies for exporters
C:Customs procedures
答案: Subsidies for exporters

7、 Monetary policy is a government economic policy relating to:1 Interest rates2 Taxation3 Public borrowing and spending4 Exchange ratesWhich of the above are correct?

A:1 and 4
B:2 and 3
C:2 and 4
D:3 and 4
答案: 1 and 4

8、 Which of the following organisations might benefit from a period of high price inflation?

A:An organisation which has a large number of long-term payables
B:An exporter of goods to a country with relatively low inflation
C:A large retailer with a high level of inventory on display and low rate of inventory turnover
D:A large retailer with a high level of inventory on display and low rate of inventory turnover
答案: An organisation which has a large number of long-term payables

9、 Which of the following are the goals of macroeconomic policy?1 Encouraging economic growth2 Low unemployment3 Achievement of a balance between exports and imports4 Achieving zero inflation

A:1 and 2
B:2 and 3
C:2,3 and 4
D:1, 2 and 3
答案: 1, 2 and 3

10、 Which of the following is an example of cyclical unemployment?

A:The entry of school leavers into the labour pool each year
B: Lay-offs among agricultural labourers in winter
C:Automation of ticketing services in tourism
D:Recession in the building industry
答案: Recession in the building industry

Ch4 Micro-economic factors 小测验Ch4

1、 In a free market economy, the price mechanism:

A:Aids government control
B:Allocates resources
C:Measures national wealth
D:Measures national wealth
答案: Allocates resources

2、 The supply curve of a firm operating in a competitive market is its

A:Marginal cost curve above the average variable cost curve
B:Marginal cost curve above the average total cost curve
C:Average total cost curve beyond the point where the marginal cost curve cuts it from below
D:Average variable cost curve below the average revenue curve
答案: Marginal cost curve above the average variable cost curve

3、 A legal minimum price is set which is below the equilibrium price. What will be the impact of this?

A:Excess of demand over supply
B:Excess of supply over demand
C:Excess of demand over supply
答案: Nothing

4、 Which one of the following would cause the supply curve for a good to shift to the right (outwards from the origin)?

A:A fall in the price of the good
B:An increase in the demand for the good
C:A fall in production costs of the good
D:The imposition of a minimum price
答案: A fall in production costs of the good

5、 When the price of a good is held above the equilibrium price, the result will be

A:Excess demand
B: A shortage of the good
C:A surplus of the good
D: A shortage of the good
答案: A surplus of the good

6、 Which one of the following would NOT lead directly to a shift in the demand curve for overseas holidays?

A: An advertising campaign by holiday tour operators
B:A fall in the disposable incomes of consumers
C:A rise in the price of domestic holidays
D:A rise in the price of overseas holidays
答案: A rise in the price of overseas holidays

7、 Which of the following is likely to lead to a fall in the price of good Q which is a normal good?

A:A rise in the price of good P, a substitute for good Q
B:A fall in the level of household incomes generally
C:A fall in the price of good T, a complement to good Q
D:A belief that the price of good Q is likely to double in the next 3 months
答案: A fall in the level of household incomes generally

8、 According to the theory of the firm, which of the following statements describes an oligopoly?

A:There are no barriers to entry into or exit from the market
B:There is only one producer in the market
C:There are four producers exerting considerable influence in the market
D:There are many producers but they each use product differentiation to distinguish themselves from each other
答案: There are four producers exerting considerable influence in the market

9、 Which of the following is not a substitute for carpets?

A:Ceramic floor tiles
B:Wooden floorboard
C:Carpet underlay
D:Ceramic floor tiles
答案: Carpet underlay

10、 Which of the following is not a complement to cars?

答案: Holidays

Ch5 Business organisation, structure and strategy 小测验Ch 5

1、 Which of the following statements about an organisation chart is NOT true?

A:An organisation chartprovides a summary of the structure of a business.
B:An organisation chartcan improve internal communications within a business.
C:An organisation chartcan improve employees’ understanding of their role in a business.
D:An organisation chartcan indicate functional authority but not line authority within a business.
答案: An organisation chartcan indicate functional authority but not line authority within a business.

2、 Which of the following is a correct definition of ‘span of control’?

A:The number of employees subordinate in the hierarchy to a given manager
B:The number of levels in the hierarchy ‘below’ a given manager’s
C:The number of employees directly responsible to a manager
D:The number of levels in the hierarchy ‘below’ a given manager’s
答案: The number of employees directly responsible to a manager

3、 Which of the following terms is NOT used by Mintzberg in his description of organisational structure?








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