Doctor- Patient Communication Skills(Central South University)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


Chapter I Overview of Doctor-Patient Communication Section 1 Background Information and Definition

1、 When a patient tells a doctor his/her painfulness and other feelings, the doctor will surely understand the patient and be empathetic, or when a doctor explains his/her diagnostic and treatment opinions, and asks the patient to do what he/she says, the patient will surely understand and cooperate.

答案: 错误

2、 Communication refers to any process in the exchange of information, ideas or feelings. It is conducted because people need to express their personalities and emotions.

答案: 正确

3、 As a lubricant between doctor and patient, communication is fundamental to a good doctor-patient relationship and a harmonious healthcare environment.

答案: 正确

4、 In a narrow sense, “doctor” as in the doctor-patient communication means medical staff in the medical institutions, and in a broad sense, it refers to not only medical practitioners, but medical facilities and their administrative staff, as well as medical educators.

答案: 正确

5、 During a healthcare or wellness service, communication between a doctor and a patient is led by the patient.

答案: 错误

Chapter I Overview of Doctor-Patient Communication Section 2 The Role of Doctor-Patient Communicati

1、 Regarding that good doctor-patient communication improves doctor-patient relationship, the incorrect opinion below is

A:communication helps develop mutual understanding between doctor and patient
B:communication helps build emotional bond between doctor and patient
C:communication helps satisfy the need for mutual respect between doctor and patient
D:the description of the illness in communication is too detailed with too much jargon, making the patient and his/her family unable to understand
答案: the description of the illness in communication is too detailed with too much jargon, making the patient and his/her family unable to understand

2、 The main cause for medical disputes is

A:miscommunication between doctor and patient
B:miscommunication between doctor and patient
C:citizen ethics
D:the level of economic development
答案: miscommunication between doctor and patient

3、 Doctor-patient communication plays an important role in improving doctor-patient relationship and helping patients recover as soon as possible. It is important because of the following benefits:

A:communication helps in the diagnostic and treatment process
B:communication improves doctor-patient relationship
C: communication increases the patients’ knowledge of diseases and makes them more cooperative
D:communication helps prevent or address medical disputes
答案: communication helps in the diagnostic and treatment process;
communication improves doctor-patient relationship;
communication increases the patients’ knowledge of diseases and makes them more cooperative;
communication helps prevent or address medical disputes

4、 1.Medical practitioners are responsible for curing patients and their diseases instead of helping and comforting patients.

答案: 错误

Chapter I Overview of Doctor-Patient Communication Section 3 Principles of Doctor-Patient Communica

1、 Which of the following is not one of the principles of doctor-patient communication?

A:To put patients at the center
B:To remain honest and credible
C:To fully engage the patients
D:To be empathetic with the patient
答案: To be empathetic with the patient

2、 “The physical check-ups have cost me so much with the result that I’m perfectly healthy. It’s just not worth it.” What’s the proper approach in face of problems like this?

A:The patient shall be asked to do the check-ups according to his/her indications, and kept informed.
B:The doctor should make decisions according to the patient’s needs.
C:The doctor should tell the patient limitations of every physical exam.
D:It’s necessary to take account the patient’s financial conditions.
答案: The patient shall be asked to do the check-ups according to his/her indications, and kept informed.

3、 The patient’s physical condition and history of illness shall be kept confidential. This is an example of respecting the patient’s right of

A:Being informed and having their consent obtained
B:Individual privacy
C:Filing a complaint
答案: Individual privacy

4、 The principle of informing patients and obtaining their consent implies that

A:The patients shall be informed of the medical relationship
B:The patients have the right to decide by themselves the medical treatment
C:The patients shall fully comply with the medical treatment provided by medical staff
D:On the basis of being informed, the patients have the right to decide the medical treatment by themselves
答案: On the basis of being informed, the patients have the right to decide the medical treatment by themselves

5、 In the Hippocratic Oath, “I will… abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption… further from the seduction of… freemen and slaves” refers to the principle of

A:Treating patients equally
B:Informing patients and obtaining their consent
C:Putting patients at the center
D:Fully engaging the patients
答案: Treating patients equally

Chapter I Overview of Doctor-Patient Communication Section 4 Practical Elements of Doctor-Patient C

1、 Elements that medical staff should master to effectively communicate with patients include

A:Humanities quality and etiquette habits
B:Expression approaches and capability to get implications
C:Professional competence and plain language
D:All the above
答案: All the above

2、 “Doctors should not only have a pair of warm hands but a tender heart, as well as superior skills. Doctors should put themselves in the patients’ shoes to feel what they feel, but also respect the laws of life.” According to this, what are the following elements that medical staff should master to effectively communicate with patients?

A:Humanities quality
B: Professional competence
C: Expression approaches
D: Life experience
答案: Humanities quality;
Professional competence

3、 Medical staff should tell the patients who beat around the bush or obscure the problems straight out.

答案: 错误

4、 To patients and their families who behave in a self-centered, suspicious, rejecting or overcritical manner, medical staff should stay tolerant, open-minded and calm, and take the lead to establish a harmonious doctor-patient relationship that facilitates treatment

答案: 正确

5、 Professional quality refers to a doctor’s medical knowledge and competence in diagnosis and treatment, and is the key element in doctor-patient communication.

答案: 正确

Chapter 2 Medical History Inquiry Section 1 Definition and Content of Inquiry

1、 As the Song of 10 Inquiries says, “First chills and fever second sweat, third head and limbs fourth defecation; Fifth diet sixth chest and stomach, seventh hearing eighth thirst; Ninth old illness tenth causes.” What skill used in ancient medical activity do you think the song reflects?

D:Feel the pulse
答案: Question

2、 Which of the statements about inquiry below is true?

A:Inquiry is a diagnostic method that a doctor takes medical history of a patient by inquiring the patient of relevant people systematically, conducts analysis and make clinical judgment.
B:Inquiry is the road sign and clue for disease diagnosis as some diseases can be diagnosed through inquiry.
C:Inquiry is the key moment to establish a harmonious doctor-patient relations. Successful inquiry makes patients feel that a doctor is amicable, facilitates the doctor-patient cooperation and leads to better diagnosis and treatment.
D:All of the above
答案: All of the above

3、 Which of the following choices is not included content of inquiry?

A:General data
B:Physical checkup
C:Review of systems
D:Chief complaint and history of present illness
答案: Physical checkup

4、 With the advent of emerging examination technologies, some people think that understanding a patient’s conditions through inquiry and physical checkup isn’t as important.

答案: 错误

5、 Inquiry is a diagnostic method that a doctor takes medical history of a patient by inquiring the patient or relevant people systematically, conducts analysis and make clinical judgment.

答案: 正确








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