

Unit 4 The Joy of Work 工作的愉悦 Self-Assessment 测测吧

1、 Directions: Read the following text about friendship and loyalty. For questions 10-14, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the texts. 阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出1个最佳选项。 Friendship and LoyaltyWhen the terrorist attack on September 11th caused people to flee the building, Avremel Zelmanowitz risked his own chance of escape by staying behind with his friend and colleague, Ed Beyea, who was confined to a wheelchair due to a paralysis known as quadriplegia (截瘫). Both men lost their lives, but the story of Avremel’s love and devotion to his friend conveys a life-giving message to all.Avremel never married, and he shared a house with his brother and his family. He was a loving uncle to his brother’s children, and he was devoted to caring for his aging parents. He was a “family man” in every sense of the word. At the same time, he had his own life, his Torah classes, his varied interests, and a job and friends to which he was characteristically devoted. When the tragedy occurred, Avremel was age 55, and his friend, Ed Beyea, was age 42. Ed became disabled after a diving accident at age 22, but he managed to work 14 years at Blue Cross Blue Shield since his injury. Both he and Avremel were program analysts who worked on the 27th floor of the World Trade Center. Avremel had joined the office two years after Ed was hired, and the two became very close friends. They both loved books and music ― often trading books and tapes, and they both served as the special uncle of their respective families. Like Avremel, Ed had no children of his own, but he was a father figure to his two nephews after their father died. Both friends had a great sense of humor, although Ed was strong and outgoing, while Avremel was the more quiet of the pair. On the morning of September 11th, Ed wanted to wait until he could be securely carried down by several rescue workers, as it was dangerous for someone with his disability to be moved. Avremel wouldn’t allow his friend to wait alone when everyone else was fleeing the building, and he stayed with him. In the days that followed, the media learned about Avremel’s selfless act, and the story began to spread. President Bush, in his national prayer address to the American people, referred to Avremel’s act as one of the many “eloquent (有说服力的) acts of sacrifice” that were demonstrated by Americans during this crisis.10. What happened to Avremel and Ed during the 11/9 terrorist attacks?

A:Avremel rescued Ed at the cost of his own life.
B:Both Avremel and Ed gave up their chance of escape.
C:Both Avremel and Ed were finally rescued.
D:Avremel stayed with Ed and both lost their lives.
答案: Avremel stayed with Ed and both lost their lives.

2、 Avremel and Ed were similar in that ______.

A:both of them were in their 50s
B:both of them loved books and music
C:both of them were disabled
D:both lived with their brothers’ families
答案: both of them loved books and music

3、 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A:Avremel took care of Ed’s life after work.
B:Avremel liked diving when he was young.
C: Ed became disabled after a driving accident.
D:Ed was not able to get down stairs himself.
答案: Ed was not able to get down stairs himself.

4、 Why did Avremel choose to stay when others were fleeing?

A:Because he expected the rescuers to help him.
B:Because he tried to carry Ed downstairs.
C:Because he didn’t want to leave Ed behind.
D:Because he found it safer to stay inside.
答案: Because he didn’t want to leave Ed behind.

5、 The word “address” in the last paragraph means ______.

答案: speech

6、 Directions: Read the following article about work. Are sentences 1-9 “True” or “False”? 下面的短文后列出了9个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。Work Is a Service Young people may ask themselves questions like this when they apply for employment: “What are my working hours? What are my extra benefits besides wages? What holidays will I have off? Will I have enough time to hang out with my friends or pursue my hobbies?” With questions like these, however, when we focus on our leisure hours instead of our working hours, we may be prevented from seeing a much greater opportunity. Good work attitudes, habits, and skills are learned through successful work experiences. Let me illustrate. On the ranch (牧场) where I grew up, the cows had to be milked before dawn every day. When I was just 10 years old, I would enter our barnyard where there were about 10 to 12 cows waiting for me to let them into the milking barn. My mother and father used to say out loud to the cows, “Good morning. It’s good to see you!” I have to confess that as a young boy I didn’t feel quite the same way toward the cows. After each cow was milked, I poured the milk from the pail into a 10-gallon can. Each can weighed about 80 pounds when full. It made me stretch my young muscles as I carried them to the road for the dairy to pick up. My father and mother quite frequently helped me with milking the cows. I remember my father and mother continued to milk until they were in their late 80s. But Father didn’t milk the cows because he had to; he milked them because they needed to be milked. There is a difference. To him, these animals were not just cows—they were Big Blackie and Bossie and Sally and Betsy. He wanted them to be content. He always said that contented cows give good milk. To my father, milking cows—as unsophisticated as it may seem—was not an extra burden; it was an opportunity. Milking was not a job for him; it was a service. This philosophy is something that helped me as I grew up. It helped me to find out that all honest work is honorable. Within a few years I realized that routinely performing these chores actually began to give me a sense of confidence and empowerment. I took pride in my work. We control our own attitudes towards work. Self-confidence and empowerment can serve us well—in the classroom or on Wall Street. Instead of thinking of our daily work as an extra burden, we should think of it as an opportunity. That’s just the way my father taught me to feel about the cows. Those teachings have remained with me all my life, and I continue to visit the ranch and its memories as often as possible. 1. Young people may be more concerned about leisure time when applying for jobs.

答案: 正确

7、 Good work attitudes, habits, and skills are learned at school.

答案: 错误

8、 Unlike his parents, the young boy seemed not to be glad to see the cows every morning.

答案: 正确

9、 After each cow was milked, the author would carry the milk to the market.

答案: 错误

10、 The author always milked the cows alone in the barnyard.

答案: 错误

11、 To his father, milking cows was a complicated job.

答案: 错误

12、 The author’s father milked the cows because they needed to be milked.

答案: 正确

13、 The author came to like the job of milking and took pride in it.





















