

第五章Constructing Your Outline 第五章单元测试

1、 Academic Writing—-A Handbook for International Students (Fourth Edition) and Writing Research Papers (Fifteenth Edition)中提到,我们可以用两种形式来罗列大纲,它们是:

A:The outline might be informal
B:The outline might be a list
C:The outline might be a mind map
D:The outline might follow up
答案: The outline might be a list;
The outline might be a mind map

2、 Academic Writing—-A Handbook for International Students (Fourth Edition) and Writing Research Papers (Fifteenth Edition)中提到,大纲有两种类型,分别是:

A:Informal outline
B:List outline
C:Running outline
D:Formal outline
答案: Running outline;
Formal outline

3、 在formal outline 中,显示等级的常规做法是:

E:Content-rich headings
答案: Symbols;
Content-rich headings

4、 正式大纲的三种形式是:

A:Sentence outline
B:Topic outline
C:Combination outline
D: Phrase outline
答案: Sentence outline;
Topic outline;
Combination outline

5、 我们有可能对working outline进行以下哪些修改?

A:You will choose a new topic.
B:You will add some topics and delete others.
C:You will reevaluate topics.
D:You will rearrange the order of topics and subtopics to facilitate transitions and improve coherence.
答案: You will add some topics and delete others.;
You will reevaluate topics.;
You will rearrange the order of topics and subtopics to facilitate transitions and improve coherence.

6、 Working outline不是暂定的,一旦制定下来,就不能再修改了。

答案: 错误

7、 The more detail you include in your outline, the easier the writing process will be.

答案: 正确

8、 The procedure involved in outlining is basic in both written and oral communication: formulation of an overall idea (a thesis), division of material into main points, and sensible organization of supporting material for each main point.

答案: 正确

9、 A formal outline is a diagram of a paper’s design, a bird’s-eye view of its structure.

答案: 正确

10、 If one Roman numeral is subdivided into capital letters and the next one is subdivided as far as lowercase letters, the outline probably is correct.

答案: 错误

第六章Writing a Literature Review 第六章单元测试

1、 文献综述的作用是:

A:It is a list of sources that you have studied.
B:It can be used to show that there is a gap in the research that your work attempts to fill.
C:It can be used to clarify the varying positions held by other researchers.
D:It can be used to show how changes in thought have appeared at different times.
答案: It is a list of sources that you have studied.;
It can be used to show that there is a gap in the research that your work attempts to fill.;
It can be used to clarify the varying positions held by other researchers.;
It can be used to show how changes in thought have appeared at different times.

2、 文献综述的写作包括以下哪几步?

A:Problem formulation
B:Literature search
E:Literature review construction
答案: Problem formulation;
Literature search;
Literature review construction

3、 下面哪些是段落写作的特点?

A:A paragraph is a group of sentences that deal with a single topic.
B:The length of paragraphs varies significantly according to text type, but should normally be no less than four or five sentences.
C:Usually (but not always), the first sentence introduces the topic. Other sentences may give definitions, examples, extra information, reasons, restatements and summaries.
D:The parts of the paragraph are linked together by the phrases and conjunctions.
答案: A paragraph is a group of sentences that deal with a single topic.;
The length of paragraphs varies significantly according to text type, but should normally be no less than four or five sentences.;
Usually (but not always), the first sentence introduces the topic. Other sentences may give definitions, examples, extra information, reasons, restatements and summaries.;
The parts of the paragraph are linked together by the phrases and conjunctions.

4、 The conclusion should give a summary of:

A:the main agreements and disagreements in the literature.
B:any gap or area for further research
C:your overall perspective on the topic.
D:the outline of the paper.
E:your further research.
答案: the main agreements and disagreements in the literature.;
any gap or area for further research;
your overall perspective on the topic.;
your further research.

5、 下面哪些内容是导言部分所必要的?

A:Definition of key terms, if needed
B:Relevant background information
C:Review of work by other writers on the topic
D:Any limitations you imposed
E:Purpose or aim of the paper
F:Your research methods
G:An outline of your paper
答案: Relevant background information;
Review of work by other writers on the topic;
Purpose or aim of the paper;
Your research methods;
An outline of your paper

6、 《学术英语(理工)》第二版中提到批判性阅读的最关键的特点是:

A:Examine the evidence or arguments presented.
B: Check out the limitations of the studies designed.
C:Examine the interpretations made.
D:Decide to what extent you are prepared to accept the author’s arguments, opinions or conclusions.
答案: Examine the evidence or arguments presented.;
Check out the limitations of the studies designed.;
Examine the interpretations made.;
Decide to what extent you are prepared to accept the author’s arguments, opinions or conclusions.

7、 文献综述完成后,需要在以下哪几个方面进行检查?

A:Is the purpose clearly defined?
B:Are the varying viewpoints/methodologies/models/theories fully discussed?
C:Are gaps in literature and research identified?
D:Are the bibliographical details of the sources provided?
答案: Is the purpose clearly defined?;
Are the varying viewpoints/methodologies/models/theories fully discussed?;
Are gaps in literature and research identified?;
Are the bibliographical details of the sources provided?

8、 在文献综述的写作中,下面哪种情况适合用现在完成时?

A:The research referred to is recent, or is more indicative of the present state of knowledge.
B:There is no specific date or time you can refer to in the beginning of the literature review.
C: It is used when summarizing an area of research in the literature review.
D:It is used when referring to someone’s views, positions or arguments, especially when comparing positions in a debate.
答案: The research referred to is recent, or is more indicative of the present state of knowledge.;
There is no specific date or time you can refer to in the beginning of the literature review.;
It is used when summarizing an area of research in the literature review.;
It is used when referring to someone’s views, positions or arguments, especially when comparing positions in a debate.

9、 There are two types of literature review: One is a self-contained literature review, and the other is only a part of a research paper.

答案: 正确





















