国际经济学(双语)(山东工商学院) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版

第一章 什么是《国际经济学》(双语) 第一章 测验

1、 sovereign nations: 

A:Are subject to laws passed by the United Nations.
B:Must be concerned with the interests of foreigners when developing economic policy
C:Often ignore the interests of foreigners.
D:Must coordinate their monetary policy with the World Bank.
答案: Often ignore the interests of foreigners.

2、  Politicians do not erect barriers to trade with other countries because they are also concerned with the well-being of foreigners.

答案: 错误

3、 Labor may be internationally mobile, but capital and land do not migrate from one country to another.

答案: 错误

4、 国家的贸易政策是国家利益的体现,而国家利益是一国内部利益集团公共选择的结果。

答案: 正确

5、 资源在世界范围内的配置由大国的力量决定,大国可以凌驾于小国之上。

答案: 错误

6、 一国的贸易政策是动态变化的,国家与国家间的经济关系也是动态变化的。

答案: 正确

7、 国际经济学研究的是                                                                                                             。
答案: 各个国家或地区之间经济联系的内在机制,即资源在世界范围内的有效配置,以及资源的利用以及国际传递机制。

8、 国际经济学分为微观部分和宏观部分,微观部分包括                                          ,宏观部分包括                                                        。
答案: 国际贸易理论和国际贸易政策;国际收支、外汇市场以及开放条件下的宏观经济政策。

第二章 《国际经济学》微观部分的分析工具 第二章 测验

1、 An increase in demand will lead to:

A:An increase in supply
B:A fall in quantity
C:An increase in price.
D:A decrease in producer surplus.
答案: An increase in price.

2、  All of the following can lead to an increase in the demand for ice cream, a normal good, EXCEPT:

A:A decrease in income.
B:An increase in the price of popsicles.
C:A new scientific study that finds eating ice cream does not cause weight gain.
D:A 10% increase in population.
答案: A decrease in income.

3、  Politicians do not erect barriers to trade with other countries because they are also concerned with the well-being of foreigners.

答案: 错误

4、 国际均衡价格处于两国封闭条件相对价格之间,超出这个范围,总有一个国家或者一种商品无法参与国际贸易。

答案: 正确

5、 消费者均衡实现取决于消费者的偏好组合与消费者的收入,消费均衡点相对价格不等于两种商品的边际替代率。

答案: 错误

6、 Labor may be internationally mobile, but capital and land do not migrate from one country to another.

答案: 错误

7、 生产可能性边界的形状取决于该国的技术水平、资源禀赋以及两种商品之间的边际转换率。

答案: 正确

8、 机会成本是用Y表示的生产X的边际成本,相对价格是用Y表示的出售X的边际收益。

答案: 正确

9、 机会成本与相对价格之间的关系,如果机会成本小于相对价格,该国会扩大X的生产;如果机会成本大于相对价格,X的生产规模会缩小;两者相等时,是生产均衡点。

答案: 正确

10、 消费者的需要与需求不同。

答案: 正确

第三章 微观部分——国际贸易理论的发展与演变 第三章 测验

1、 1. All of the following can lead to an increase in the demand for ice cream, a normal good, EXCEPT:

A:A. A decrease in income.
B:B. An increase in the price of popsicles.
C:C. A new scientific study that finds eating ice cream does not cause weight gain.
D:D. A 10% increase in population
答案: A. A decrease in income.

2、 The author of the Wealth of Nations was:

A:a.David Ricardo.
B:b.Paul Samuelson.
C:c.   Adam Smith.
D:d.Karl Marx.
答案: c.   Adam Smith.

3、 Table   1In theUnited KingdomIn the Rest of the WorldProductivity  Umbrellas per labor hour     1.000.50Units of corn per labor hour     0.200.70Refer to Table 1 ,The number of labor hours to make 1 umbrella in theUnited Kingdomis:

A:a. 0.5
B:b.  1
C:c.  1.43
D:d.   2
答案: b.  1

4、 Constant cost production possibility curves lead to _ specialization. Increasing cost production possibility curves lead to _

A:no; partial
B:complete; no
C:complete; partial
D:¡partial; complete
答案: complete; partial

5、 Which of the following are reasons why increasing marginal costs of production arise?I.  Different products use inputs to production in different proportions.II.  Different inputs are better utilized in the production of different products.III.  Different countries have different endowments of the different factors of production

B:II and III
C: I and II and III
D:I and II
答案: I and II

6、  If Country A is labor-abundant and capital-scarce, Country B is labor-scarce and capital-abundant, Good X is produced in a labor-intensive process, and Good Y is produced in a capital-intensive process, we would expect that:

A:Country A would export Good X.
B:Country B would import Good Y
C:       Country A would import Good X.
D:Country B would import both Good X and Good Y.
答案: Country A would export Good X.

7、 China has 20% of the world’s population but only 10% of the world’s farmable land. The Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade would predict which of the following forChinafollowing the opening of trade?

A: China will export land-intensive goods like wheat and import labor-intensive goods like clothing.
B: China will shift resources into the production of agricultural goods and away from manufactured goods.
C:China will shift resources out of the production of agricultural goods and into the production of labor-intensive goods.
D:China will export capital-intensive goods like automobiles and import labor-intensive goods like clothing.
答案: China will shift resources out of the production of agricultural goods and into the production of labor-intensive goods.

8、 According to the factor-price-equalization theorem, free trade equalizes:

A:Product prices as well as the prices of individual factors of production between two countries.
B:Product prices between two countries but not the prices of individual factors of production.
C:Product prices between two countries and factor prices within each country but not between countries.
D:Product prices and factor prices within each country but not between countries.
答案: Product prices as well as the prices of individual factors of production between two countries.

9、 The production of one unit of good X requires one unit of labor and one unit of capital. When 2 units of labor and 2 units of capital are employed in the production process, 3 units of good X are produced. This phenomenon is called: 

A:monopolistic competition
B:biased growth
C:economies of scale
D: product differentiation
答案: economies of scale

10、 Internal scale economies occur when:

A:Firm growth leads to more specialization by workers.
B:Industry growth gives rise to better input markets.
C:Industry growth leads to a greater diffusion of knowledge among firms.
D: Firm growth drives up prices of some of the firm’s inputs.
答案: Firm growth leads to more specialization by workers.

11、 The clustering of some industries, such as banking and finance in New York City and high-technology computer production in Silicon Valley, can be explained by:

A: External scale economies.
B:Monopolistic competition.
C: Intra-industry trade.
D:The demand for variety
答案:  External scale economies.

12、  In a monopolistically competitive market, as the number of varieties increases, the price _ because the demand for each variety becomes more _.

A:increases; elastic
B:decreases; elastic
C: increases; inelastic
D:decreases; inelastic
答案: decreases; elastic

13、  In Ricardo’s model, if labor productivity is constant, the production possibilities curve will look like a straight line.

答案: 正确

14、 If Country X has a higher level of labor productivity than the rest of the world in the production of a good, then Country X has a comparative advantage in the production of the good.

答案: 错误

15、 ¡The Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade differs from the Ricardian model by assuming that there are only two goods.

答案: 错误

16、 Over time, Intra-Industry Trade has become smaller and smaller as a percentage of overall trade.

答案: 错误

17、 Net trade for a product is the value of the difference between exports and imports for that product.

答案: 正确









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