

第一章 绪论 Test for chapter 1

1、 1、Thomas Malthus suggested that population growth ________.

A: A、and the land’s potential to produce food would grow at the same rate
B: B、would lead to strong and better societies
C: C、would grow at a slower rate than land’s potential to produce food
D: D、would eventually lead to starvation and death as it exceeded the land’s potential to produce food
答案: D、would eventually lead to starvation and death as it exceeded the land’s potential to produce food

2、 2、Which of the following statements is the most correct?

A:A、History shows that, when faced with scarcity, societies can correctly adapt to solve the problem, but do not always do so.
B: B、History gives no clues as to whether societies correctly adapt to solve problems of scarcity.
C: C、History shows that when faced with scarcity, societies always correctly adapt to solve the problem.
D: D、History shows that when faced with scarcity, societies never adapt to solve the problem.
答案: A、History shows that, when faced with scarcity, societies can correctly adapt to solve the problem, but do not always do so.

3、 3、The greenhouse effect ____.

A:A、is decreasing overtime and so is not an issue that scientists take seriously
B:B、is clearly a negative phenomenon because it heats up the earth’s temperature
C:C、can be a positive phenomenon because it keeps the earth’s temperature from being too low for life to exist, but can also be a negative phenomenon when too much greenhouse gas is stored in the atmosphere
D: D、is clearly a positive phenomenon because without the greenhouse gases, the earth’s temperature would be too cold for life
答案: C、can be a positive phenomenon because it keeps the earth’s temperature from being too low for life to exist, but can also be a negative phenomenon when too much greenhouse gas is stored in the atmosphere

4、 4、Water stress ____.

A:A、can be controlled in an environmentally- and politically-friendly way through the use of aqueducts
B:B、is only a concern in arid areas where there is a constant lack of water
C:C、will not be a concern by 2025 if the present level of water continues to be used throughout the world
D:D、is predicted to be a problem for an increasing percentage of the world’s population
答案: D、is predicted to be a problem for an increasing percentage of the world’s population

5、 5、To achieve the environmental sustainability, we should do all of the following EXCEPT ____.

A:A、increase the ability to negotiate international agreements on pollution
B:B、make continual advances in pollution control and clean energy
C:C、never change the current regulations and laws already in place that work to protect businesses
D: D、consider the welfare of future generations in current decision making
答案: C、never change the current regulations and laws already in place that work to protect businesses

6、 6、Each of the following is a problem associated with positive feedback loops EXCEPT _____.

A:A、human responses to commodity shortages
B: B、new capital investment generating greater output
C: C、human responses to food shortages
D: D、the relationship between the emission of methane and climate change
答案: B、new capital investment generating greater output

7、 7、Both ecological economics and environmental economics ______.

A: A、can contribute to developing solutions for the problem of scarcity of environmental resources
B:B、generate the same solutions to environmental problems
C:C、use essentially the same methods for answering environmental questions
D: D、are primarily concerned with maximizing human welfare through the use of environmental resources
答案: A、can contribute to developing solutions for the problem of scarcity of environmental resources

8、 8、Economics models ______.

A:A、are used as detailed representations that include all aspects of an environmental issue
B:B、can be useful for creating solutions to environmental problems if the assumptions are accurate
C:C、are likely to produce the same conclusions about environmental issues despite changes in the model’s assumptions
D:D、can be used to create accurate and concise representations of environmental problems
答案: B、can be useful for creating solutions to environmental problems if the assumptions are accurate

9、 9、Which of the following is the most correct?

A:A、The future of the environment will be determined mainly by whether the environment itself can adapt to human-induced changes.
B:B、Environmentalists and economists agree that environmental problems will continue to get worse.
C:C、Human responses to scarcity have a major effect on the future of environmental resources.
D:D、Environmentalists and economists agree that there will continue to be improvements in the state of the environment.
答案: C、Human responses to scarcity have a major effect on the future of environmental resources.

10、 10、The study of environmental economics requires attention to many facets of problems, including _______.

B:B、the role of policymaking procedures
C:C、All of these answers are correct.
D:D、human responses to the scarcity of environmental resources
答案: C、All of these answers are correct.

第二章 资源环境与可持续发展 Test 2 for chapter 2-4

1、 1、Which of the following correctly identifies one of the main characteristics of an efficient property rights structure?

A:A、Transferability means that property rights should be secure from involuntary seizure or encroachment by others.
B:B、Scarcity rent is the producer surplus that persists in a long-run competitive equilibrium.
C:C、Enforceability means that all property rights should be transferable from one owner to another in a voluntary exchange.
D:D、Exclusivity means that all benefits and costs accrued as a result of owning and using the resources should accrue to the owner, and only to the owner, either directly or indirectly by sale to others.
答案: D、Exclusivity means that all benefits and costs accrued as a result of owning and using the resources should accrue to the owner, and only to the owner, either directly or indirectly by sale to others.

2、 2、Why is scarcity rent important?

A:A、Without scarcity rent, no one would pay for scarce resources.
B: B、Scarcity rent means that no less efficient or lower quality resources will be brought into the market.
C: C、Scarcity rent allows a return to scarce inputs owned by the producer in the short run.
D:D、Scarcity rent allows a return to scarce inputs owned by the producer in the long run.
答案: D、Scarcity rent allows a return to scarce inputs owned by the producer in the long run.

3、 3、Which of the following is NOT a conclusion about market allocations of commodities causing pollution externalities?

A: A、Recycling and reuse of the polluting substances are discouraged since release into the environment is so inefficiently cheap.
B: B、Too much pollution is produced.





















