

Unit 1 College Life 1.1 Greeting

1、 How can people greet each other? ( )

A:Say “hello”
B: Verbally or nonverbally
C: Hugging
D: Giving five
答案: Verbally or nonverbally

2、 When we greet somebody , we should pay attention to the addressing form, which of the following is the correct way to address a lady whom you are not sure whether she is married or not? ( )

A: Mr. Smith
B: Miss Smith
C: Ms. Smith
D: Mrs. Smith
答案: Ms. Smith

3、 Which of the following is correct to greet a stranger met for the first time? ( )

A: What’s up?
B: How is everything going with you?
C: How do you do? Nice to meet you.
D: Long time no see
答案: How do you do? Nice to meet you.

4、 How can people greet each other informally? ( )

A:Hi, Peter.
B: Good morning, teacher.
C:How is life treating you?
D:How are you doing recently?
答案: Hi, Peter.

5、 How should one greet his friend when they meet again? ( )

A: Here is my business card.
B: Glad to meet you.
C:A sunny day, isn’t it?
D:How are you doing recently?
答案: How are you doing recently?

6、 How do Chinese people greet each other? ( )

A:Where are you heading now?
B: Have you eaten?
C: Hot days recently, aren’t they?
D: What is your father?
答案: Have you eaten?

7、 How should you respond positively when you are greeted? ( )

A:Not so good
B: Just so so.
C:It’s too bad.
D:Couldn’t be better!
答案: Couldn’t be better!

8、 1. Which of the following is the common topic for westerners, especially, people in UK to greet a stranger and arouse conversation? ( )

B: weather condition
C: work
答案: weather condition

9、 1. How do people greet each other when they meet in Thiland? ( )

A: Putting hands together and bowing slightly
B: Giving five
C:Touching noses
D:Hugging each other
答案: Putting hands together and bowing slightly

10、 How do people greet each other when they meet in Japan and Korea? ( )

A: shaking hands
B:Kissing cheeks
C:Bowing to each other
D: Hugging each other
答案: Bowing to each other

11、 How do Arabs greet each other when they meet in the Middle East? ( )

A:Touching noses
B:Kissing cheeks
D:Shaking hands
答案: Touching noses

12、 How do Americans greet each other when they meet in the USA? ( )

A:Hugging each other
B: Putting hands together
C: Shaking hands
D:Touching noses
答案: Shaking hands

13、 1. In Dutch, how do people greet each other? ( )

B:Giving five
D:Kissing each other on one cheek and then the other
答案: Kissing each other on one cheek and then the other

14、 In South America, how do people greet each other? ( )

A:Touching noses
B:Hugging each other
C:Shaking hands
D:Kissing each other on cheeks
答案: Hugging each other

15、 1. In France, it’s customary for people ( ) when they meet in the office every morning.

A:to shake hands
B: shaking hands
C:shaken hands
D: shook hands
答案: to shake hands

16、 Which of the following non-verbal greeting way is not so common in China? ( )

A:Bowing seriously to each other
B:Shaking hands
C:Giving five
答案: Bowing seriously to each other

17、 In most cases, how do people greet each other? ( )

A: Verbally
C:Verbally combining with body language
D:Shaking hands
答案: Verbally combining with body language

18、 When should we use the expression “Nice meeting you”? ( )

A:when two persons meet for the first time
B:When two persons finish their meeting and are ready to leave
C:When two persons meet again
D:During the meeting
答案: When two persons finish their meeting and are ready to leave

19、 Why do people in different countries greet each other in different ways? ( )

A:Because of language difference
B: Because of region difference
C: Because of human origin difference
D:Because of cultural differences
答案: Because of cultural differences

20、 Which of the following words can be used to describe our attitude towards cultural differences? ( )

A:Respect and appreciate
B:Look down upon and hate
C:Respect but reject
D:Understand but reject
答案: Respect and appreciate

Unit 1 College Life 1.2 Making a self introduction

1、 Under which circumstance should we make a self-introduction? ( )

A: Have a class meeting
B:Have English classes
C:Enter a new class
D:Go shopping
答案: Enter a new class

2、 Which of the following is a useful way to sell yourself and leave a good image on others when interviewed? ( )

A:Making an appropriate self-introduction
B:Bowing seriously
D:Shaking hands
答案: Making an appropriate self-introduction

3、 Which of the following words can be used to describe our attitudes towards self-introduction on different occasions? ( )

B:Calm and confident





















