

2. Plagiarism, paraphrase and summary Test 1 (Unit 1&2)

1、 Choose the most elaborated topic.

A:Workers in China
B:Migrant workers in China
C:The rights of migrant workers in China
D:Laws to protect the rights of migrant workers in China
答案: Laws to protect the rights of migrant workers in China

2、 Which of the following is false?

A:Plagiarism means to steal (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own.
B:Novice writers may sometimes commit plagiarism unintentionally.
C:It is forbidden to turn in one’s own previous work.
D:Mixing copied materials from multiple sources is acceptable.
答案: Mixing copied materials from multiple sources is acceptable.

3、 How to paraphrase? Put the following steps into correct order.1) Write the paraphrase in your own style.2) Cover the original text and rewrite it in your own words. Check that you have included the main points and essential information.3) Read the original source carefully. It is essential that you understand it fully 4). Identify the main point(s) and key words.

答案: 3421

4、 Choose the appropriate summaryThe amphibia, which is the animal class to which our frogs and toads belong, were the first animals to crawl from the sea and inhabit the earth.

A:The first animals to leave the sea and live on dry land were the amphibia.
B:Frogs and toads belong to the animal class amphibia.
答案: The first animals to leave the sea and live on dry land were the amphibia.

5、 Read the following two paraphrases and decide which paraphrase is better.专业英语(北京信息科技大学)1450774593中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第1张专业英语(北京信息科技大学)1450774593中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第2张来源https://www.academic-englishuk.com/paraphrasing

A:Student paraphrase A
B:Student paraphrase B
答案: Student paraphrase B

6、 Assessing a paraphrase for plagiarism: Read the texts below and then answer the questions that follow.Original textTraditionally, in oral and written discourses, the masculine pronoun ‘he’ was used as a pronoun to refer to a person whose gender was unknown or irrelevant to the context. Recently, this usage has come under criticism for supporting gender-based stereotypes and is increasingly considered inappropriate (reference). (adapted from Wikipedia)Paraphrase 1Paraphrase 2If the gender of a person was not known or was unimportant to the meaning of oral or written discourses, it was customary to use the masculine form of ‘he’ when a pronoun was required. In modern usage, however, there has been growing concern about this practice because it appears to privilege stereotypes based on gender (reference).In oral and written discourses, it has been traditional to use the masculine ‘he’ as a pronoun to refer to an individual whose gender was not known or irrelevant to the context. Increasingly, in recent times, this usage has been criticized for supporting gender-based stereotypes that are considered inappropriate (reference).来源https://aso-resources.une.edu.au/academic-writing-course/information-basics/paraphrasing-authors/Which one is a better paraphrase?

A:Paraphrase 1 is better.
B:Paraphrase 2 is better.
答案: Paraphrase 1 is better.

7、 阅读题 Read the short research paper written by students and answer the following questions.Potassium Ion and Transglutaminase Linked Gelatin-carrageenan Mixture as a Fat Substitute Abstract: In food industry, fat substitute is an effective way to address the worldwide obesity problem in food industry. Different kinds of compounds have been developed and applied as fat substitute. Gelatin-carrageenan mixture with enzymatic and ionic crossing linkage is a potential fat substitute due to a possible fine texture. However, few research has been conducted on this mixture as a food substitute. In this study, we use hardness as a main parameter to evaluate the mixture. The results show that Gelatin-carrageenan mixture with transglutaminase and potassium crossing linkage is an ideal fat substitute due to adjustable texture. The hardness is significantly increased by both ionic and enzymatic crossing linkage. Keyword: Gelatin, Carrageenan, Fat substitute1. IntroductionInterpenetrating polymer network refers to large molecules with nonchemical-bond linkage. In recent years, much focus has been paid on the development of novel mixture with IPN structure, especially in the hydrogel filed (Myung et al., 2008). Research by Wen, Lu, & Li, (2014) has proved that gelatin-carrageenan mixture can form an IPN structure with the help of transglutaminase.High-fat food is associated with potential health risk. To solve this problem, fat substitute is introduced in food industry (Mendoza, Garcia, Casas, & Selgas, 2001). Fat substitute refers to certain chemicals that resemble fat in flavor and texture but provide zero or low calories, which has been a research focus in food science in recent years. Typical fat substitute include olestra, Sala trim, carbohydrate-based and protein-based chemicals (Casimir and Decker, 1995). However, few research of carbohydrate-protein mixture fat substitute has been conducted. In this study, we modified the gel-forming method of Wen, Lu, & Li, (2014), and detected the texture of the mixture under different conditions to evaluate the mixture as a fat substitute.2. Materials and methods2.1 MaterialsGelatin from porcine skin (Vetec™ reagent grade, Type A, powder, gel strength ~300 g Bloom) and κ-carrageenan (sulfated plant polysaccharide) were both acquired from Sigma-Aldrich®. Transglutaminase (TG) was bought from Jiangsu Yiming Biological Co., Ltd. Potassium chloride was bought from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.When it comes to the equipment, TA.XTplus Texture Analyzer from Stable Micro Systems was used for texture analysis. Another equipment we utilized was a magnetic stirrer with heating and ceramic heating plate, which was Magnetic Stirrers C-MAG HS 7 from IKA®.2.2 Preparation of gelatin-carrageenan mixturesOn account of the considerable differences in thermal property between gelatin and carrageenan, we firstly dissolved a certain amount of gelatin in a water bath at 55 degrees Celsius; in another water bath at 90 degrees Celsius, we dissolved a certain amount of carrageenan mixed with a certain amount of KCl solution. After both gelatin and carrageenan were completely dissolved, we put the carrageenan solution in a 55-60 degrees Celsius water bath to cool it down, while a certain amount of TG enzyme was added to the dissolved gelatin solution. Finally, the gelatin solution and the carrageenan solution were mixed and incubated at 55 degrees Celsius in the dark.2.3 Texture analysisTexture profile analysis (TPA) is wide accepted and applied in terms of texture analysis (Martinez, Salmerón, Guillén, & Casas, 2004). To analyze the texture of the previously prepared gelatin-carrageenan mixtures, we utilized its hardness as an index, which was defined as the maximum force applied on the gels that broke its surface. On the texture analyzer, a cylindrical probe (P/0.5) was used and the TPA test method was selected. The test conditions varied in different periods of the test, which can be clearly shown in Table 1.Table 1 Test conditions in different test periodsPeriodSpeed(mm/s)Depth(mm)Pre-test2.0-Testing0.52.0Post-test3.0- 3. Results and discussion3.1 Ratio of carrageenan and gelatin专业英语(北京信息科技大学)1450774593中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第3张Carrageenan: GelatinFig.1 Influence of the ratio of carrageenan and gelatin on the hardness of the mixtureIn the exploration of processing gelatin-carrageenan mixtures, we carried out a large number of different experiments on different ratios and finally selected the ratio of 5:4, 1:1 and 4:5 (carrageenan-gelatin). Numerous experiments also showed that the overall hardness of the gelatin-carrageenan mixtures decreased with the decrease of carrageenan content, which was mainly due to the higher hardness of carrageenan.Meanwhile, as shown in the Fig.1, in the same experiments, a higher portion of carrageenan was found to result in a higher local concentration in the mixture. Thus the gel formed so early that the homogeneity of the targeted mixture was poor. Besides, an excessive portion of gelatin decreased the hardness of products, widening the contradiction with the structure of real animal fat, so the products were not ideal substitute for fat.3.2 Transglutaminase专业英语(北京信息科技大学)1450774593中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第4张Amount of TG (mg)Fig.2 Influence of the amount of transglutaminaseThe results in Fig.2 showed the addition of TG enzyme could significantly raise the hardness of the mixture. That was mainly because TG enzyme could catalyze the formation of Isopeptide bond N-e-(c-glutamyl)–lysine between two gelatin molecules. Yet, a number of experiments showed that a threshold existed in the amount of TG enzyme, when the Saturation concentration was surpassed, no remarkable increase in hardness was found.3.3 Potassium Ions专业英语(北京信息科技大学)1450774593中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第5张Concentration of K+ (mmol/L)Fig.3 Influence of the amount of Potassium ions As is depicted in Fig.3, there was a sharp contrast between the blank and those with different concentrations, which illustrated that the addition of KCl solution could enhance the hardness of the mixture. The introduction of Monovalent cation could suppress the electrostatic repulsion by binding to the surface of the helix and also balance the negative charge of Semi ester sulphate group, thus allowing gelation of the mixture. However, once the concentration reached the concentration of 15mmol/L, hardness of the mixture remained almost unchanged, and the hardness decreased slightly after getting to 30mmol/L. In theory, the main reason for this phenomenon was that the concentration of KCl had reached the threshold, and the introduction of excessive ions loosened the structure by the exclusion of the same charge, which led to the decrease in hardness. To understand the reasons behind this phenomenon, further research is needed.4. ConclusionIn conclusion, both transglutaminases and potassium ions have a significant influence on the hardness of the gel mixture in the IPN system. The hardness of the mixture can also be adjusted by different ratio of gelatin and carrageenan, which comes in useful when fat substitute with different hardness are needed in the food industry.However, this study analyze the utility of the mixed gel as a fat substitute only in terms of hardness. To evaluate this mixture in length, further study including sensory evaluation, water holding ability and nutrition value. Besides, a controlled trial should be conducted when the substitute is applied in food product (Campagnol, Dos Santos, Wagner, Terra, & Rodrigues Pollonio, 2012).Reference Campagnol, P. C. B., Dos Santos, B. A., Wagner, R., Terra, N. N., Rodrigues Pollonio, M. A. (2012). Amorphous cellulose gel as a fat substitute in fermented sausages. Meat Science, 90(1), 36-42.Casimir C. Akoh, Dr. Eric A. Decker (1995) Lipid‐based fat substitutes, Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition, 35:5, 405-430, Martinez, O., Salmerón, J., Guillén, M. D., Casas, C. (2004). Texture profile analysis of meat products treated with commercial liquid smoke flavourings. Food Control, 15(6), 457-461.Mendoza, E., Garcia, M. L., Casas, C., Selgas, M. D. (2001). Inulin as fat substitute in low fat, dry fermented sausages. Meat Sci, 57(4), 387-393.Myung, D., Waters, D., Wiseman, M., Duhamel, P., Noolandi, J., Ta, C. N., et al. (2008). Progress in the development of interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 19(6), 647-657.Wen, C., Lu, L., Li, X. (2014). Enzymatic and ionic crosslinked gelatin/K-carrageenan IPN hydrogels as potential biomaterials. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 131(21).17. What is the topic of the paper?

A:Obesity problem in food industry
B:Worldwide obesity problem nowadays
C:Potassium ion and transglutaminas
D:Gelatin-carrageenan mixture as a fat substitute
答案: Gelatin-carrageenan mixture as a fat substitute

8、 How is the main body of the research paper organized?

A:IntroductionàMaterials and methodsàResults and discussionàConclusion
C:Abstractà Materials and methods à Results and discussionàConclusion
D:IntroductionàMaterials and methodsàResults and discussionà References
答案: IntroductionàMaterials and methodsàResults and discussionàConclusion

9、 What is the purpose of the research?

A:Try to address the worldwide obesity problem in food industry.
B:Try to refers to large molecules with nonchemical-bond linkage.
C:Try to use typical fat substitute include olestra, Sala trim, carbohydrate-based and protein-based chemicals.
D:Try to detected the texture of the mixture under different conditions to evaluate the mixture as a fat substitute.
答案: Try to detected the texture of the mixture under different conditions to evaluate the mixture as a fat substitute.

10、 What is the procedure of preparing the mixture?1)Put the carrageenan solution in a 55-60 degrees Celsius water bath.2)Incubate at 55 degrees Celsius in the dark.3)Dissolved a certain amount of gelatin and carrageenan with KCl solution in water bath.4)Add a certain amount of TG enzyme to the dissolved gelatin solution while cooling.5)Mix the gelatin solution and the carrageenan solution.

答案: 31452

11、 Which of the following is NOT the finding of the research?

A:Gelatin-carrageenan mixture with transglutaminase and potassium crossing linkage is an ideal fat substitute.
B:Few research has been conducted on Gelatin-carrageenan mixture as a food substitute.
C:The addition of KCl solution could enhance the hardness of the mixture.
D:The addition of TG enzyme could significantly raise the hardness of the mixture.
答案: Few research has been conducted on Gelatin-carrageenan mixture as a food substitute.

12、 Where can you find the analysis or explanation of the findings?

A:In introduction
B:In materials and methods
C:In results and discussion
D:In conclusion
答案: In results and discussion

13、 A good summary__.

A:covers all detailed information.
B:identifies the writer of the original text.
C:synthesizes the writer’s key ideas.
D:presents the information neutrally.
答案: identifies the writer of the original text.;
synthesizes the writer’s key ideas.;
presents the information neutrally.

14、 What strategies are used in the paraphrase?Original: In the past thirty years, the country has changed greatly.Paraphrase: The country has seen a significant change in the past 30 years.

A:Use a synonym
B:Change the part of speech
C:Change the structure the order of the sentence
D:Turn from active voice to passive voice
答案: Use a synonym;
Change the part of speech;
Change the structure the order of the sentence

15、 Which of the following statements about the paraphrase are correct?Original: We do not yet understand all the ways in which brain chemicals are related to emotions and thoughts, but the salient point is that our state of mind has an immediate and direct effect on our state of body. (Source: Siegel, B. (1986). Love, Medicine and Miracles (p. 69). New York: Harper and Row.)Paraphrase: Siegel (1986) writes that we still do not know all the ways in which brain chemistry is related to emotions and thoughts, but the important point is that our mental state has an immediate and direct effect on our physical state.来源https://integrity.mit.edu/handbook/academic-writing/avoiding-plagiarism-paraphrasing

A:The writer has kept the same exact sentence structure.
B:The writer had only substituted synonyms in certain places; in others the wording is exactly the same as that of the original.
C:The writer mentions the original source in the introductory phrase, therefore it is NOT plagiarism.
D:Even though the writer mentions the original source in the introductory phrase, the result is plagiarism.
答案: The writer has kept the same exact sentence structure.;
The writer had only substituted synonyms in certain places; in others the wording is exactly the same as that of the original.;
Even though the writer mentions the original source in the introductory phrase, the result is plagiarism.

16、 Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.

答案: 正确

17、 Submitting someone else’s work as your own is considered the most serious plagiarism and definitely forbidden.

答案: 正确

18、 If you have already used your own words to express an idea from the source material, it is not considered plagiarism even though you don’t give citations.

答案: 错误

19、 When you summarize, you must be careful not to copy the exact wording of the original source, so is it with paraphrase.

答案: 正确

20、 Endnote can automatically update citations and bibliography.

答案: 正确

21、 Original: The developed world should contribute greatly so that human beings can survive in the future. Paraphrase: The developed world should make great contributions for human survival in the future.Here, “contribute” has been changed to “make contributions”. Human is an adjective now, and “survive” has been changed to “survival”. We use the strategy– Change the ____.
答案: part of speech

22、 _of a paragraph means one paragraph will deal only with one main topic, and the beginning of a new paragraph signals that the writer is moving on to a new topic.
答案: Unity

4. Connection Test 2 (Unit 3&4)

1、 What’s the problem with the following paragraph? Adventure travel is the hot trend in the tourism industry. Ordinary people are no longer content to spend their two weeks away from the office resting on a sunny beach in Florida. More and more often they are choosing to spend their vacations rafting down wild rivers, hiking through steamy rain forests, climbing the world’s highest mountains, or crossing slippery glaciers. Actually, people of all ages are choosing educational study tours for their vacations.

A:Against paragraph completeness
B:Against paragraph unity
C:Against the old and new information principle
D:Without any transition
答案: Against paragraph unity

2、 Which of the pronouns are suitable to fill in the following sentence.Yet students find giving feedback, particularly to peers, highly uncomfortable and a process in _ _ are least skilled. For those two reasons, we provide two structured opportunities for feedback, at the midpoint and end of the SWC program.

A:that we
B:which they
C:which we
D:that they
答案: which they

3、 Which of the following verb is frequently used in methods?





















