

13 Present an idea 提出论点 第13单元测试

1、 Facts are statements that hold constant and verifiable truth at a certain time point.

答案: 正确

2、 Opinions are statements that reflect our ideas or attitudes about the subject being talked about.

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3、 Arguments are statements of reasoning leading up to a conclusion.

答案: 正确

4、 “Bananas are good for your health.” This is an argument.

答案: 错误

5、 “Today is Friday.” This is an opinion.

答案: 错误

6、 For an inductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.

答案: 错误

7、 For a deductive argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion is more or less likely to be true.

答案: 错误

8、 A deductive argument features certainty, and an inductive argument features probability.

答案: 正确

9、 “Xiao Ming is Chinese, and most Chinese eat fish. Therefore, Xiao Ming eats fish.” This is a deductive argument.

答案: 错误

10、 “Jack and Mary always hang out on Sundays. Today is Sunday. Jack and Mary are hanging out.” This is a deductive argument.

答案: 正确

15 Highlight an argument 突出论证 第15单元测试

1、 Which of the following is an argumentative thesis?

A:Tigers live in forests.
B:There are more tigers held in zoos than there are in the wild.
C:Tigers should not be kept in zoos because captivity affects their psychological and physical well-being.
D:Should tigers be kept in zoos?
答案: Tigers should not be kept in zoos because captivity affects their psychological and physical well-being.

2、 Which of the following is the strongest argumentative thesis?

A:Genetically modified foods have become a major concern of the society and have caused great controversy.
B:While there may be economic benefits of growing genetically modified crops, there are negative health consequences for the people who consume them and for the farmers who produce them.
C:This essay will discuss the health and safety issues as related to genetically modified foods.
D:GM foods need to be tested on a case-by-case basis before introduction.
答案: While there may be economic benefits of growing genetically modified crops, there are negative health consequences for the people who consume them and for the farmers who produce them.

3、 Select the best revised thesis statement based upon the original one.In this paper, I will explore the topic of gaming in education.

A:Gaming in education is interesting.
B:This essay will explore the values of gaming in education and call for its wide application.
C:As a new generation of students enters college, it is time for eductors to use gaming to appeal to students and make learning more engaging.
答案: As a new generation of students enters college, it is time for eductors to use gaming to appeal to students and make learning more engaging.

4、 Read the paragraph below. Find the topic sentence:a) Learning a second language can provide a deeper understanding a foreign culture. b) Social habits that may not make sense to most outsiders might start to make more sense after a few vocabulary lessons. c) For example, I always wondered why my Dutch cousins rarely said “you’re welcome” after I said “thank you”. d) My cousin can speak English but sometimes makes mistakes. e)At first I thought he was being rude, but when I learned more about his language I realized that they don’t use “you’re welcome” the same way we do: in response to “thank you”. f) They actually say something that translates to “if you please” when they offer you something. g) This is one of the first things I learned about Dutch culture when I started to learn their language and it gave me a different perspective on the roles of the host and guest, since in Dutch the onus to be polite is on the host, and not the guest as it seems to be in English.

A:Learning a second language can provide a deeper understanding a foreign culture.
B:Social habits that may not make sense to most outsiders might start to make more sense after a few vocabulary lessons.
C:For example, I always wondered why my Dutch cousins rarely said “you’re welcome” after I said “thank you”.
D:My cousin can speak English but sometimes makes mistakes.
E:At first I thought he was being rude, but when I learned more about his language I realized that they don’t use “you’re welcome” the same way we do: in response to “thank you”.
F:They actually say something that translates to “if you please” when they offer you something.
G:This is one of the first things I learned about Dutch culture when I started to learn their language and it gave me a different perspective on the roles of the host and guest, since in Dutch the onus to be polite is on the host, and not the guest as it seems to be in English.
答案: Learning a second language can provide a deeper understanding a foreign culture.

5、 Read the paragraph below. Find the irrelevant sentence.a) Learning a second language can provide a deeper understanding a foreign culture. b) Social habits that may not make sense to most outsiders might start to make more sense after a few vocabulary lessons. c) For example, I always wondered why my Dutch cousins rarely said “you’re welcome” after I said “thank you”. d) My cousin can speak English but sometimes makes mistakes. e)At first I thought he was being rude, but when I learned more about his language I realized that they don’t use “you’re welcome” the same way we do: in response to “thank you”. f) They actually say something that translates to “if you please” when they offer you something. g) This is one of the first things I learned about Dutch culture when I started to learn their language and it gave me a different perspective on the roles of the host and guest, since in Dutch the onus to be polite is on the host, and not the guest as it seems to be in English.

A:Learning a second language can provide a deeper understanding a foreign culture.
B:Social habits that may not make sense to most outsiders might start to make more sense after a few vocabulary lessons.
C:For example, I always wondered why my Dutch cousins rarely said “you’re welcome” after I said “thank you”.
D:My cousin can speak English but sometimes makes mistakes.
E:At first I thought he was being rude, but when I learned more about his language I realized that they don’t use “you’re welcome” the same way we do: in response to “thank you”.
F:They actually say something that translates to “if you please” when they offer you something.
G:This is one of the first things I learned about Dutch culture when I started to learn their language and it gave me a different perspective on the roles of the host and guest, since in Dutch the onus to be polite is on the host, and not the guest as it seems to be in English.
答案: Social habits that may not make sense to most outsiders might start to make more sense after a few vocabulary lessons.

6、 Choose the best topic sentence for the following paragraph.______. For example, a person can have breakfast in New York, board an airplane, and have dinner in Paris. A businesswoman in London can instantly place an order with a factory in Hong Kong by sending a fax. Furthermore, a schoolboy in Tokyo can turn on a TV and watch a baseball game being played in Los Angeles.

A:Technology has made people’s life more convenient.
B:Advances in technology have made the world smaller.
C:Technology has enriched people’s life.
答案: Advances in technology have made the world smaller.

7、 Choose the appropriate conjunct to complete the sentence.John has a talent as a dancer; __ he is a successful singer.

A:owing to
B:now that
D:in addition to
答案: moreover

8、 Choose the appropriate conjunct to complete the sentence.A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and ___ increase its market power.

B:as a consequence
D:in order to
答案: thereby

9、 Choose the appropriate conjunct to complete the sentence.Some of the studies show positive results, ___ others do not.

B:on the other hand
C:on the contrary
答案: whereas

10、 Tick (√)the correct inforamtion about topic sentences. A topic sentence is:

A:at or near the start of the paragraph.
B:at the end of the paragraph.
C:the main idea of the paragraph.
D:the main idea of the whole essay.
E:made up of fatual details.
F:made up of a topic and the writer’s assertion.
答案: at or near the start of the paragraph.;
the main idea of the paragraph.;
made up of a topic and the writer’s assertion.

14 Organize a point of view 组织论点 第14单元测试

1、 The basic three-part structure of argumentative writing includes introduction, body and conclusion.

答案: 正确

2、 The introduction includes a hook and a thesis statement.

答案: 正确

3、 The body paragraphs usually have three parts: topic sentence, support and wrap-up.

答案: 正确

4、 The conclusion has two parts: response to the thesis and so-what.

答案: 正确

5、 Wrap-up is mandatory in a body paragraph.






















