

Week1:Effective Paragraphs Test-1 for Effective Paragraphs

1、 Which is the topic of “Last night, thick mist made flying impossible”?

A:light night
B:thick mist
答案: thick mist

2、 Which is the topic of “Campus love is just to find a partner to get rid of loneliness and boredom”?

A:campus love
B:a partner
答案: campus love

3、 Which is the topic of “Apple’s corporate should be responsible for distracted driving”?

B:Apple’s corporate
C:be responsible for
D:distracted driving
答案: Apple’s corporate

4、 Which is the topic of “Jack’s behaviors are very weird at the bachelor party”?

B:Jack’s behaviors
D: bachelor party
答案: Jack’s behaviors

5、 Which is the topic of “The housing market has melt down since the great recession in 2008”?

A:housing market
B:has melt down
C:the great recession
答案: housing market

6、 The following two paragraphs were written by students on the topic “Why Students Drop Out of College”. Read them and decide which one makes its point more clearly and effectively, and why.英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第1张英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第2张Samples from “Exploring Writing Paragraphs and Essays”

A: Paragraph A
B: Paragraph B
C:Both of them
D:None of them
答案: Paragraph A

7、 The following student paragraphs were written on the topic “A Quality of Some Person You Know”. Both are unified, but one communicates more clearly and effectively. Which one, and why?英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第3张英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第4张 Samples from “Exploring Writing Paragraphs and Essays”

A:Paragraph A
B:Paragraph B
C:Both of them
D:None of them
答案: Paragraph A

8、 The following two paragraphs were written on the topic “The Best or Worst Job You Ever Had”. Both are unified and both are supported. However, one communicates more clearly and effectively. Which one, and why?英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第5张英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第6张Samples from “Exploring Writing Paragraphs and Essays”

A:Paragraph A
B:Paragraph B
C:Both of them
D:None of them
答案: Paragraph B

9、 Circle the letter of the statement that best applies for this paragraph.英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第7张Samples from “Exploring Writing Paragraphs and Essays”

A:The paragraph is not unified.
B:The paragraph is not adequately supported.
C:The paragraph is not well organized.
D:The paragraph is well written in terms of unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills.
答案: The paragraph is not well organized.

10、 Fill in the blank with the appropriate transition given below. Use each transition once. Write down the letters only.英语写作(二)(湖南科技学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC第8张

A:a, e, b, d, c, g, f.
B:d, e, b, c, g, f, a.
C:a, b, f, d, g, c, e.
D:d, a, e, b, c, f, g.
答案: a, e, b, d, c, g, f.

11、 There are several ways to organize and connect supporting details:

A: through order
B: through transition
C: through other connecting words
D: All of them
答案: All of them

12、 Which of the following statement is correct about topic sentence?

A:Topic sentences control the scope of a parargraph, so do not make them too broad or too general in nature.
B:Topic sentence control the scope of a paragraph, so do not make them so narrow that you will not have anything much to discuss in the paragraph.
C:It is most important to write clear topic sentences that direct both you and your reader through the writing.
D:None of them.
答案: Topic sentences control the scope of a parargraph, so do not make them too broad or too general in nature.;
Topic sentence control the scope of a paragraph, so do not make them so narrow that you will not have anything much to discuss in the paragraph.;
It is most important to write clear topic sentences that direct both you and your reader through the writing.

13、 Which of the following is effective topic sentence?

A:This paragraph will deal with the college library.
B:I am going to write about my job as a gas station attendant.
C:I do push-ups and sit-ups each morning.
D:Computers are changing our society.
E:Exercising every morning has had psitive effects on my health.
F:Using computers to teach school Children is a mistake.
答案: Exercising every morning has had psitive effects on my health.;
Using computers to teach school Children is a mistake.

14、 A paragraph is a basic unit of organization in writing.

答案: 正确

15、 A paragraph can stand alone.

答案: 正确

16、 A paragraph can be as short as one sentence or long as ten sentences.

答案: 正确

17、 Usually the topic sentence is the first sentence in academic paragraphs because it lets the reader know immediately what the paragraph will be about.

答案: 正确

18、 Transitions are words, phrases or sentences that act as bridges between ideas. They make the writing style more fluid.

答案: 正确

19、 Generally speaking, a paragraph includes three parts. They are __ sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence.
答案: topic

Week2:Effective Essays Test-2 for Effective Essays

1、 In the following introductory paragraph, what kind of motivator does the author apply?“No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice and family,” Justice Anthony Kennedy rightly argued in his majority opinion in the Obergefell v. Hodges case. Even today, when marriage is less likely to guide our lives, relationships and families, it’s still the case that marriage is without peer when it comes to calling forth the best in our relational lives.

B:A brief story
C: The opposite opinion
D: An interesting statement
答案: Quotations

2、 In the following introductory paragraph, what kind of motivator does the author apply?Some children grow up wanting to play baseball all day, but I wanted to play Castlevania and Super Mario Brothers. Sadly, my parents believed I’d fry my brain for the love of videogames, so I was limited to an hour of screen time before dinner.

B:A brief story
C:The opposite opinion
D: An interesting statement
答案: A brief story

3、 In the following introductory paragraph, what kind of motivator does the author apply?Even though multiple generations have now grown up glued to the flickering light of the TV, we still can’t let go of the belief that the next generation of technology is going to doom our kids. We blame technology, rather than work, to understand why children engage with screens in the first place.

B:A brief story
C:The opposite opinion
D: An interesting statement
答案: The opposite opinion

4、 In the following introductory paragraph, what kind of motivator does the author apply?I stare disapprovingly at the crumpled twenty that’s been pushed across the table toward me. Obviously, the money is old; acquired many years ago. My gaze shifts up to the expectant face that lies a few meters away from me. An eyebrow rises on my forehead, and I make no move to grab the green cash.

B:A brief story
C:The opposite opinion
D: An interesting statement
答案: An interesting statement

5、 In the following introductory paragraph, what kind of motivator does the author apply?Should a person who is not terminally ill be allowed to commit suicide? If so, should physicians be permitted to assist in causing the person’s death? Should non-physicians?

B:A brief story
C:The opposite opinion
D: An interesting statement





















