

The structure of IELTS writing 1.4 Quiz on the structure of IELTS writing

1、 The topic sentence in the following paragraph is ______. However, traffic congestion will not be solved by changing the type of private vehicle people can use. To do this, we need to improve the choice of public transport services available to travelers. For example, if sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced. Long-distance train and coach services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to driving your own car for long journeys.

A:We need to improve the choice of public transport services available to travelers.
B:Traffic congestion will not be solved by changing the type of private vehicle people can use.
C:Long-distance train and coach services should be made attractive and affordable alternatives to driving your own car for long journeys.
D:If sufficient sky trains and underground train systems were built and effectively maintained in our major cities, then traffic on the roads would be dramatically reduced.
答案: We need to improve the choice of public transport services available to travelers.

2、 Which is the most appropriate topic sentence for the following paragraph?
__________. Most road accidents are caused by careless and irresponsible driving. Drivers who exceed safe speed limits, for example, cause many accidents. In addition, drivers often overtake when it is not safe to do so, such as on sharp bends. Finally, many road deaths are due to people driving when under the influence of alcohol. These are just a few examples of how human error or recklessness can lead to tragedy on the roads.

A:What lead to road accidents?
B:There are various causes of road death.
C:There is a human factor involved in road safety.
D:The causes of road accidents vary from person to person.
答案: There is a human factor involved in road safety.

3、 Which is the most appropriate topic sentence for the following paragraph?
__________. An organization without trust will be full of fear and suspicion. If you work for a boss who doesn’t trust their employees to do things right, you’ll have a miserable time of it. They’ll be checking up on you all the time, correcting “mistakes” and constantly reminding you to do this or that. Colleagues who don’t trust one another will need to spend more time watching their backs than doing any useful work.

A:Trust is fundamental to life.
B:In the workplace, trust is essential.
C:People can’t help each other both at home and at work without trust.
D:Additional tasks are caused by lack of trust.
答案: In the workplace, trust is essential.

4、 Which is the most appropriate topic sentence for the following paragraph?
__________. Numerous studies have shown that women who attend single-sex schools tend to have stronger self-confidence, better study habits and more ambitious career goals than women who attend coeducational schools. Girls who graduate from single sex schools are three times more likely to become engineers than those who attend coeducational schools. The reason is that all girls schools encourage women to enter fields traditionally dominated by men such as science, technology and engineering. In coeducational schools, girls are often expected to succeed only in humanities or the arts.

A:What advantages do girls from single-sex schools have over those from coeducationalschools?
B:Single-sex schools are better than coeducational schools.
C:Single-sex education can have enormous benefits for female students.
D:Girls perform better in single-sex schools than boys.
答案: Single-sex education can have enormous benefits for female students.

5、 Which is the most appropriate topic sentence for the following paragraph?
__________. The primary one, undoubtedly, should be the absence of teamwork, which is the key to success of majority of projects. In current society, not only businesses but also individual workers have been increasingly integrated with one another, and therefore separated employees can hardly communicate and coordinate with their colleagues in person. Aside from that, supervision would be confronted with various obstacles, and it is both immoral and illegal to install a surveillance camera up the roof of employees’ home.

A:Working from home is isolating.
B:In current society, supervision and teamwork are essential for companies.
C:Working from home might lack direct supervision.
D:Remote work is not without its challenges.
答案: Remote work is not without its challenges.

6、 Read through the following passage and choose the topic sentence for paragraph 1, 2, 3.
Crisis is a strong word to describe a situation. Although I would not go so far as to say that childhood is in crisis, I would certainly agree that modern children are under more pressure from more directions than ever before. But what are these pressures and what problems do they cause? I believe, there are three main areas of concern.
1 ______________ . In other words, children are under pressure to be like each other and to be like the role models that they see in the media. ‘Pop’ and ‘rock’ culture has become so much a part of children’s lives that it is now the defining characteristic of the 10­18 year old age group. The reasons for this are purely economic. The pop music and fashion industries are worth a fortune, and they benefit from the most easily persuaded consumers: children. The result, however, is that children as young as ten feel like outcasts among their peers unless they buy the latest CDs and clothes. Indeed, not being able to conform with the group can lead to conflict with parents and even depression.
What I mean by this is that school children are being tested on their learning much more frequently. Furthermore, most children these days are expected to take exams for university entrance. Constant testing makes children anxious about school. Likewise, children who are not suited to academic study feel inadequate when they take exams and then fail. In fact, instead of helping children’s minds grow, the education system has become the cause of many mental health problems in the young today.
This is to say that, many modern children are being forced to behave like adults before they are ready. For instance, many children now have to look after themselves at home because their parents are staying ever longer hours at work. More worrying, though, is the effect of unsupervised television viewing and internet surfing. Children are expected to have the judgement to decide what is suitable for them. Needless to say, they do not have such judgement. As a result, young children are often exposed to material that can frighten, worry and confuse.
To sum up, although it is not my belief that childhood is in crisis, there have recently been worrying changes in the way children grow up. If these trends continue, there may indeed be a crisis.

A:Another area of concern is the pressure to succeed.
B:There is also what I would call the pressure to grow up or mature too early.
C:The first is the pressure to conform.
D:Childhood is under threat in modern society.
答案: The first is the pressure to conform.

7、 Read through the following passage and choose the topic sentence for paragraph 1, 2, 3.
Crisis is a strong word to describe a situation. Although I would not go so far as to say that childhood is in crisis, I would certainly agree that modern children are under more pressure from more directions than ever before. But what are these pressures and what problems do they cause? I believe, there are three main areas of concern.
In other words, children are under pressure to be like each other and to be like the role models that they see in the media. ‘Pop’ and ‘rock’ culture has become so much a part of children’s lives that it is now the defining characteristic of the 10­18 year old age group. The reasons for this are purely economic. The pop music and fashion industries are worth a fortune, and they benefit from the most easily persuaded consumers: children. The result, however, is that children as young as ten feel like outcasts among their peers unless they buy the latest CDs and clothes. Indeed, not being able to conform with the group can lead to conflict with parents and even depression.
2 ______________ . What I mean by this is that school children are being tested on their learning much more frequently. Furthermore, most children these days are expected to take exams for university entrance. Constant testing makes children anxious about school. Likewise, children who are not suited to academic study feel inadequate when they take exams and then fail. In fact, instead of helping children’s minds grow, the education system has become the cause of many mental health problems in the young today.
This is to say that, many modern children are being forced to behave like adults before they are ready. For instance, many children now have to look after themselves at home because their parents are staying ever longer hours at work. More worrying, though, is the effect of unsupervised television viewing and internet surfing. Children are expected to have the judgement to decide what is suitable for them. Needless to say, they do not have such judgement. As a result, young children are often exposed to material that can frighten, worry and confuse.
To sum up, although it is not my belief that childhood is in crisis, there have recently been worrying changes in the way children grow up. If these trends continue, there may indeed be a crisis.

A:Another area of concern is the pressure to succeed.
B:There is also what I would call the pressure to grow up or mature too early.
C:The first is the pressure to conform.
D:Childhood is under threat in modern society.
答案: Another area of concern is the pressure to succeed.

8、 Read through the following passage and choose the topic sentence for paragraph 1, 2, 3.
Crisis is a strong word to describe a situation. Although I would not go so far as to say that childhood is in crisis, I would certainly agree that modern children are under more pressure from more directions than ever before. But what are these pressures and what problems do they cause? I believe, there are three main areas of concern.
In other words, children are under pressure to be like each other and to be like the role models that they see in the media. ‘Pop’ and ‘rock’ culture has become so much a part of children’s lives that it is now the defining characteristic of the 10­18 year old age group. The reasons for this are purely economic. The pop music and fashion industries are worth a fortune, and they benefit from the most easily persuaded consumers: children. The result, however, is that children as young as ten feel like outcasts among their peers unless they buy the latest CDs and clothes. Indeed, not being able to conform with the group can lead to conflict with parents and even depression.
What I mean by this is that school children are being tested on their learning much more frequently. Furthermore, most children these days are expected to take exams for university entrance. Constant testing makes children anxious about school. Likewise, children who are not suited to academic study feel inadequate when they take exams and then fail. In fact, instead of helping children’s minds grow, the education system has become the cause of many mental health problems in the young today.
3 ______________ . This is to say that, many modern children are being forced to behave like adults before they are ready. For instance, many children now have to look after themselves at home because their parents are staying ever longer hours at work. More worrying, though, is the effect of unsupervised television viewing and internet surfing. Children are expected to have the judgement to decide what is suitable for them. Needless to say, they do not have such judgement. As a result, young children are often exposed to material that can frighten, worry and confuse.
To sum up, although it is not my belief that childhood is in crisis, there have recently been worrying changes in the way children grow up. If these trends continue, there may indeed be a crisis.

A:Another area of concern is the pressure to succeed.
B:There is also what I would call the pressure to grow up or mature too early.
C:The first is the pressure to conform.
D:Childhood is under threat in modern society.
答案: There is also what I would call the pressure to grow up or mature too early.

9、 Read the paragraph and mark the statements A(True)or B(False).Summer Slide-backis a term that applies to school children who do not keep their minds active during summer vacation. It is not unusual for children who do not read during the summer to have a reading level six months lower than what it was at the beginning of the summer. There are a number of things parents can do to ensure that “Summer Slide-back” does not occur. First, parents should limit the amount of television children watch. Second, they need to set up a daily reading time for their children and try to make reading an activity that is fun and educational. Third, parents should show an interest in what their children are reading by asking questions about what they have read or by taking turns reading out loud. Fourth,a parent should be a role model by reading novels, newspapers, and magazines and leave them around the house so children can see them. Fifth, parents should remember that writing and reading go hand in hand and leave notes for the child that require a written response or buy a notebook for the child to keep a journal to record his/her activities and thoughts.1. As a topic of this paragraph, “Summer Slide-back” is just right.

答案: 错误

10、 题干同上题2. As a topic of this paragraph, avoiding “Summer Slide-back” is too specific.

答案: 错误

Cohesion 1.4 Quiz

1、 Classroom based courses provide opportunities for learners to meet each other and socialise. [……………..], distance learners can often feel isolated.

A:As a result
B:In contrast
D:On the other hand
答案: In contrast

2、 Students spend a great deal of time and money on higher education, so there is a good argument for choosing subjects with a high level of graduate employment.[………………..],not everyone has an aptitude for science,engineering or medicine.

C:Besides this
D:What is more
答案: However

3、 Distance learning demands that learners are highly motivated and organised. [……………..], many learners find they need a lot of guidance and cannot study independently.

B:In contrast
D:What is more
答案: However

4、 A key advantage of distance learning is that learners work at their own pace. [……………..], they can choose the parts of the course that suit their learning needs.

C:In addition
答案: Furthermore;
In addition;

5、 Connect the ideas in the following paragraph with words from the box. causing, despite, for instance, more importantly, moreover, whileThe claims made by those in favour of nuclear power do not stand up to close examination. It is often said, [1]…………, that nuclear power does not damage the environment. [2] it is true that greenhouse gases are not produced, mining for uranium causes real damage to the environment. [3], many reactors use rivers for cooling. This raises temperatures in the river water, [4] harm to life in and around those rivers. It is also argued that the technology of modern reactors makes accidents almost impossible. [5] these claims, accidents have happened most famously at Chernobyl. No amount of technology can prevent human error, carelessness or laziness. All of these can cause deadly accidents. [6], nuclear power plants could become the target of terrorist attacks.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack, and the consequences are unthinkable.
答案: for instance

6、 Connect the ideas in the following paragraph with words from the box. causing, despite, for instance, more importantly, moreover, whileThe claims made by those in favour of nuclear power do not stand up to close examination. It is often said, [1], that nuclear power does not damage the environment. [2]………… it is true that greenhouse gases are not produced, mining for uranium causes real damage to the environment. [3], many reactors use rivers for cooling. This raises temperatures in the river water, [4] harm to life in and around those rivers. It is also argued that the technology of modern reactors makes accidents almost impossible. [5] these claims, accidents have happened most famously at Chernobyl. No amount of technology can prevent human error, carelessness or laziness. All of these can cause deadly accidents. [6], nuclear power plants could become the target of terrorist attacks.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack, and the consequences are unthinkable.
答案: While

7、 Connect the ideas in the following paragraph with words from the box. causing, despite, for instance, more importantly, moreover, whileThe claims made by those in favour of nuclear power do not stand up to close examination. It is often said, [1], that nuclear power does not damage the environment. [2] it is true that greenhouse gases are not produced, mining for uranium causes real damage to the environment. [3]…………, many reactors use rivers for cooling. This raises temperatures in the river water, [4] harm to life in and around those rivers. It is also argued that the technology of modern reactors makes accidents almost impossible. [5] these claims, accidents have happened most famously at Chernobyl. No amount of technology can prevent human error, carelessness or laziness. All of these can cause deadly accidents. [6], nuclear power plants could become the target of terrorist attacks.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack, and the consequences are unthinkable.
答案: Moreover

8、 Connect the ideas in the following paragraph with words from the box. causing, despite, for instance, more importantly, moreover, whileThe claims made by those in favour of nuclear power do not stand up to close examination. It is often said, [1], that nuclear power does not damage the environment. [2] it is true that greenhouse gases are not produced, mining for uranium causes real damage to the environment. [3], many reactors use rivers for cooling. This raises temperatures in the river water, [4]……… harm to life in and around those rivers. It is also argued that the technology of modern reactors makes accidents almost impossible. [5] these claims, accidents have happened most famously at Chernobyl. No amount of technology can prevent human error, carelessness or laziness. All of these can cause deadly accidents. [6], nuclear power plants could become the target of terrorist attacks.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack, and the consequences are unthinkable.Technology could do very little to prevent such an attack, and the consequences are unthinkable.
答案: causing





















