英语演讲(上海外国语大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版

Quiz 0 Orientation

序号 题目 答案
1 ‏APS唯一的一次汉语测验来啦~‏‏1. 学习的同时获得分数是个好主意!:)) 从本门慕课,你可以怎样获取分数呢?‏ 完成单元测验:共十次,包括这一次 Jump,共50分,参加讨论:比如在“课堂交流区”回复讨论帖、在“老师答疑区”发帖向老师提问~ 共30分,提交作业:APS有两次声音模仿作业哦, 共10分,参加期中考、期末考:APS有两次演讲小考试, 共10分
2 ‎讨论(回复讨论贴、发帖提问都可以)共15次以上可以获得全部讨论分,即30分。‎ 正确
3 ‌APS教学的每个单元通常包括四类内容,名称不同,各司其职。请阅读下面对四个名称的描述,并猜一猜,如果在教学视频中看到一个有趣的演讲片段,想看这个演讲的完整版,应该到课程哪里查看呢?‌ “Feeling like more?” :视频中引用的演讲片段的完整版的链接都在这里啦
4 ‎如何联系APS team呢?‍ 在APS慕课的“老师答疑区”提问,主讲老师和助教会经常查看讨论区并尽早回复的。,加入APS微信群,然后联系助教同学。APS微信群二维码请见1.0.4和讨论区“常见问题汇总”,二维码会每周更新。,参加直播课,与主讲老师、助教线上云聚!

Quiz 1 Meeting public speaking

序号 题目 答案
1 ‌This course believes public speaking is for everyone. By this we mean ____.‍ We all engage in verbal communications that can be approached aspublic speaking.
2 ‌Which of the following is the most communication-style?​ Discussing a research topic with teammates.
3 ‏Which of the following TED talks is more likely to be persuasive?​ “The Amazon belongs to humanity—let’s protect it together”
4 Please take a quick look at the beginning 1 minute of a video clip featuringChinese scientist Tu Yoyo’s (屠呦呦)Nobel lecture“Discovery of Artemisinin – A gift from traditional Chinese medicine to the world.” The video clip is also available under 1.3.3.‏The male voice at the very beginning of the video clip was from ProfessorJanAndersson, Adjunct Member oftheNobel CommitteeforPhysiologyorMedicine. His was a speech of _____.‏‏英语演讲(上海外国语大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版第1张‏‍‏ Introduction
5 ‎By calling public speaking skills “a man’s best suit and a woman’s most handy handbag,” we mean _____.‌ Public speaking increases your social attractiveness, especially on important occasions.
6 ‍Volunteering means working without pay. Public speaking has nothing to do with it.‎ 错误
7 ‍Reading comprehension question ahead! (We believe working on public speaking can help us improve our English because we get to read/hear well-written sentences. To prod you towards this goal, for almost every APS quiz, there is one question checking your understanding of a sentence/phrase from a speech. Enjoy~)‌‍In TED talk “Your body language may shape who you are,” by saying “I don’t have ego involved in this,” Amy Cuddy tries to persuade us that we need to let ourselves go when doing power posing.‌ 错误
8 ‌Which of the following sentences would be typically found in a speech of presentation?​ And the (Name of prize) goes to (Name of prize winner).
9 ‌Imagine a guest speaker is to give a lecture and you’re the one to make the speech of introduction. Which of the following goes first?‍ Welcoming the audience
10 ‍This course will be fun! :)‍ 正确

Quiz 2 No fear public speaking

序号 题目 答案
1 ‏In a modern society, people are no longer afraid of public speaking. If I’m afraid of it, I’m a weirdo and should be ashamed of myself.‌ 错误
2 ‍The “I” in the NIPP+ anti-stage fright recipe stands for ___:‍ invisible
3 ​The 5P principle tells us to ____:‍ prepare fully
4 ‎The ultimate cure for stage fright, according to this week’s lectures, is _____.​ focusing on what you say
5 ‍Which of the following statements is false regarding the “fight-or-flight response” in TED talk “The science of stage fright”?‎ It’s easy to overcome.
6 ‍What has made public speaking particularly fearsome for Megan Washington?‌ Stutter
7 ‍”It just means I now have a better understanding of what’s _____ stake, and how giving up is not an option.” (Saflem: Why I keep speaking up even when people mock my accent)‍ at
8 ​Which of the following constitutes the three elements for successful speechmaking?‎ Content,Delivery,Language
9 ‎Can our NIPP+ solution help you cope fear in other areas?‍ YES!!

Quiz 3 Speech content

序号 题目 答案
1 ​Imagine you’re discussing the misuse of powerful prescription drugs (处方药). This is what you say: “Think of Heath Ledger, and Michael Jackson. Both died from overuse of prescription drugs.” What supporting method are you using?‏ Brief examples
2 ‏“In your body language may shape who you are,” Amy Cuddy shared with her audience her personal story–how she lost and was later able to rebuild her confidence. What supporting method was that?​ Extended examples
3 ‌As discussed under 3.1 “Go tell it in the forum,” we do not just find some statistics and write them into our speech. We need also to consider how exactly to use statistics, so that they support, not hinder, understanding. For this purpose, we can:‍ Round off complicated statistics(把数字凑整), so that your audience have a clearer sense of how much it is.,Use statistics from reliable sources.,Use visual aids (视觉辅助工具)or body language to help audience understand those abstract numbers.,Explain the statistics, especially by making the statistics mean something for the audience.
4 ​In “How to spot a liar,” Pamela Meyer explained how we could spot a liar by examining his/her verbal performance and bodily performance. For this part, then, she was using ____:‏ Topical organization
5 ‍Let’s again think about the very famous Monroe’s Motivated Sequence pattern under 3.2 “Go tell it in the forum.” The core part–Need, Satisfaction–actually uses one of the four most common patterns we learned this week. Which one is it?‌ Problem-solution
6 ‍On one level of the speech we should use only one organization method.‌ 正确
7 ‎When we think about supporting materials and organizational methods, we’re thinking about the ____ of the speech.‏ Content
8 ‍Matter? Manner? For a speaker, matter, or the content, of the speech doesn’t really matter. The key to success is whether you look confident or not.‌ 错误
9 ‏Let’s finish Quiz 3 with a language question~ Here is a sentence from “How to spot a liar”: “Sometimes we’re willing participants in deception for the sake of social dignity, maybe to keep a secret that should be kept secret, secret.” There are three “secret”‘sin this sentence, and their parts of speech (词性)are respectively noun, adjective, adjective.‎ 正确









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