国际贸易 (英)(吉林大学珠海学院)中国大学MOOC答案2024完整版WYC


01 World Trade: an Overview

1、 Trade includes_and_, contribute much to economic globalization, especially to world economic growth.

答案: export,import.

2、 In Nov. 2018, Chinese government started to have China International Import Expo,______.

A:which is harmful for trade liberalization.
B:which is the first expo on the world that aims to encourage import.
C:which will dramaticlly weaken the competition of domestic market.
D:which will deter to economic globalization.
答案: which is the first expo on the world that aims to encourage import.

3、 Nowadays members of WTO also pay more attention on service trade compared with before. Because_____.

A:service trade has become more important than merchandise trade.
B:the issues of service trade usually combined with investment,which is important for world economic growth.
C:service trade is more competitive than other kinds of trade.
D:advanced countries has stronger competency in commercial service trade.
答案: the issues of service trade usually combined with investment,which is important for world economic growth.

4、 Developing countries are becoming more important in world trade,__.

A:because the share of developing countries in world merchandise exports has increased obviously.
B:and developing economies exported less and less in past years.
C:merchandise trade between developing economies has decreased in the past decade.
D:because developing countries tend to cooperate with big economics.
答案: because the share of developing countries in world merchandise exports has increased obviously.

5、 Why the three European Giants, Germany, U.K. and France usually have closer trade relationship with USA?

A:Because of the economic size.
B:Because of the distance.
C:Because of political factors.
D:Because of the border effect.
答案: Because of the economic size.

6、 According to the gravity model, a characteristic that tends to affect the probability of trade existing between any two countries is______.

A:their cultural affinity.
B:the value of their traded goods.
C:their colonial-historical ties.
D:the distance between them.
答案: the distance between them.

7、 Which of following is NOT the factor affectting trade pattern?

A:cultural affinity
C:political factors
答案: physics

8、 When world merchandise trade developed robust,______.

A:the performance of world real GDP growth rate will beterrible.
B:the world real GDP growth rate is to be negative.
C:the performance of world real GDP growth rate generally is also good.
D:it will pull down the world real GDP growth rate.
答案: the performance of world real GDP growth rate generally is also good.

9、 For the consumers, trade especially import is very important,NOT because_____.

A:they can have more choice and buy products.
B:they can enjoy services of higher quality with lower price.
C:they can access to kinds of products from different counties in the supermarket.
D:they can have more money to buy various products.
答案: they can have more money to buy various products.

10、 Relying too much on trade,that’s to say, trade dependency or trade openness is too high,which is not very good for one country.Which of following is NOT ture?

A:Because it will make the country too fragile.
B:This is especially true for large countries.
C:But unfortunately, some countrie’s trade dependency still very high.
D:China’s trade dependency is very slow.
答案: China’s trade dependency is very slow.

11、 _____still the most important content of world trade.

A:Manufactured goods
B:Service trade
C:Intellectual property
D:Partial manufactures
答案: Manufactured goods

12、 The change range of the value of world merchandise trade usually larger than the volume one. Why?

A:Because the volume of world merchandise trade is shinking.
B:Becausethe value of world merchandise trade is jumping.
C:The key reason is that the price of commodity has big influence on the trend of world trade development.
D:Because the rising of commodity price.
答案: The key reason is that the price of commodity has big influence on the trend of world trade development.

13、 Usually, when world economy is hot, world trade volume will _, at the same time the commodity price also will ___, so the value of world trade will expand more.

A:expand,fell down








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