诺奖作家英文作品赏析(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版

第一周:符号 第一章单元测试

1、 What is the key to the concept of symbol?

答案: Association of concrete object and an abstract idea

2、 Which of the following does not affect the symbolic representations?

答案: Gender

3、 Which of the following object can represent purification?

答案: Fire

4、 Which of the following things is considered to be a place closer to God?

答案: The summit

5、 According to the lecture, what might forest in a literary work represent?

答案: Inner insecurity

6、 What does the well represent in the novel Norwegian Forest?

答案: Death

7、 What function does the description of the well play in Norwegian Forest?

答案: A metaphor of the inner world of Naoko

8、 What does Jacob’s ladder represent?

答案: Ascendance to heaven

9、 Which of the following is not associated with mountain?

答案: God’s grace

10、 In “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”, the mountain represents:

答案: Spiritual transcendence

11、 What can one learn from the quest for one’s father?

答案: Responsibility

12、 What does the word “free” mean in The Bluest Eye as a result of failed quest?

答案: Free from social responsibility and emotional attachment

13、 In the poem, Animals in that country, why is the activity of bullfighting alluded?

答案: It shows the reader the rich tradition in European continent associated with animals

14、 What in the poem makes the bullfight a ritualistic event?

答案: Blowing of trumpet and naming the bull

15、 How do you interpret the tradition of foxhunting in the Great Britain?

答案: It is a representation of gentry culture

16、 Why does Pecola identify herself with dandelions?

答案: It is ignored and distained

17、 Why do you think hair is considered the source of one’s strength?

答案: Because it seems to grow unceasingly

18、 Why do people of certain profession wear uniform?

答案: Because uniform erases one’s individuality and stresses uniformity

19、 Why has corset been popular among women even in modern days?

答案: Because woman’s hourglass shape is considered as having the utmost aesthetic value

20、 Why do people pay attention to their body?

答案: People want to conform to the beauty standard in the society

第二章:菊 第二章单元测试

1、 John Steinbeck is the Nobel Laureate of Literature in the year of ____?

答案: 1962

2、 Usually the Nobel Laureate will receive the following _____ as an honor

答案: Nobel Medal and Diploma

3、 What is the main group of people that Steinbeck wrote about?

答案: The lower middle class

4、 Why are some of the works of Steinbeck considered controversial?

答案: His works criticize the governmental policy and capitalism

5、 What is the title of the book that won him the Nobel Prize?

答案: The Grape of Wrath

6、 What idea does the short story “The Chrysanthemums”embody?

答案: Ecological thinking

7、 What social event is “The Chrysanthemums” associated with?

答案: Women gaining the right of suffrage

8、 What is the social setting of “The Chrysanthemum”?

答案: It happens in a male-dominated society

9、 What kind of feeling does the natural setting of the story invoke?

答案: Suffocation

10、 What kind of outfit do Elisa wear?

答案: She wears gardening costume to cover up her real identity as a woman

11、 What can you see from the way Elisa, the protagonist, is dressed?

答案: She is uneasy with her femininity

12、 Her transformation in the later part of the story comes from ____

答案: The appreciation she receives from the Tinker

13、 In what way, can her hair reflect her inner changes?

答案:  From covering up her hair to showcasing her hair, she reconciles with her identity as a woman

14、 Which of the following statement shows Henry, the husband’s practicality?

答案: He wish she would work out in the orchard and raise some big apples

15、 How does the fence indicate her psychological distance with the tinker?

答案: The tinker starts talking to her from outside the fence but later comes inside the fence

16、 What does the wagon represent for Elisa in the story?

答案: Mobility

17、 Why does the tinker say “it ain’t the kind of like for a woman”?

答案: Because he thinks that woman is not suitable for leading a wandering life

18、 Henry, the husband comments on the size of the chrysanthemum shows that _____

答案: He is a person who is down-to-earth

19、 Which of the following statement shows Elisa’s identification with the chrysanthemum?

答案: She becomes one with the plants when she tends to them

20、 Why is the husband able to make adjustment to the change Elisa has been through?

答案: The tractor shed reminds him of his bread-winner status in the family

第三章:米格尔街 第三章单元测试

1、 What is the nationality of Naipaul?

答案: The Great Britain

2、 What is the feature of the Miguel Street?

答案: It is a slum with indentured laborers

3、 How many stories does The Miguel Street consist of?

答案: 17

4、 Who is the narrator?

答案: A young boy

5、 What kind of world is created in The Miguel Street?

答案: A world rich in characters with distinct features

6、 Why are people on the Miguel Street scared of Big Foot?

答案: He is strong and brooding

7、 Why do people like claiming Big Foot as a friend of them?

答案: Because they want to have his protection

8、 How does the narrator start friendship with Big Foot?

答案: He keeps the secret of Big Foot

9、 How does the narrator start friendship with Big Foot?

答案: He keeps the secret of Big Foot

10、 Why is the short story named “Coward”?

答案: Because Big Foot has vulnerable inside

11、 How do you characterize the narrator in “Coward”?

答案: He is a sensitive and compassionate person

12、 What school did the British poet William Wordsworth belong?

答案: Lake Poets

13、 Why is the poet in the story called the Black Wordsworth?

答案: Because his skin color is dark

14、 Why does the narrator rephrase his mother’s refusal?

答案: To save the poet’s face

15、 What kind of feeling does the line “The past is deep” show?

答案: It shows his lamentation of his lost wife and his past life

16、 When the narrator is beaten by his mother, how does the poet comfort him?

答案: He brings him to the race-course and together they gaze into the starry night sky

17、 In the line “I could see it clearly on his face”, what does “it” refer to?

答案: “It” refers to death

18、 Why is the garbage collector highly respected in the Miguel Street?

答案: Because he is able to get useful things from the garbage

19、 How does the word “material” change the definition of “garbage”?

答案: It provides a new perspective in looking at garbage

20、 Why is the mother of the narrator almost cry from joy when seeing the sceneries?

答案: Because they remind her of her lost husband

21、 Why is the story named “The Blue Cart”?

答案: Because it is the vehicle that represents resourcefulness









诺奖作家英文作品赏析(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版第1张

诺奖作家英文作品赏析(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学MOOC答案2024版100分完整版第2张


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